Part 19
Part 19:
Kourtnee sat in her seat quietly. She was struggling to reconcile with her conflicting identities. Multiple versions of her life were swirling around her brain and fusing together. Kourtnee was conquering Cedric at every turn and each passing second saw more and more of he replaced with she.
She sniffed and gently wiped her tears, still unable to understand the reason for her sadness. So she'd gotten fucked in front of everybody; so what? It wasn't as if she were a prude or new to the business. But even still, something just kept her in the dumps. She shifted her hips and smoothed out her jumpsuit, wishing she was back out on the street corner earning some rent money. The worst part about jail for Kourtnee was wasting the highest earning parts of the night. She adjusted her fake breasts in the rough jumpsuit and regretted that she didn't wear a bra. There was nothing worse than having pierced nipples rubbing raw against uncomfortable jail clothing!
She watched Kevin with mild disgust as he continued processing the other women. What an asshole! First he shoots his nut all over her face, then he orders her to keep it there, and then continues on as if nothing happened! She hung her slender shoulders and let out a disappointed sigh. This was just her life now. Kourtnee expected to be used, degraded and tossed aside by men. Why would Kevin be different just because he wore a uniform?
Kevin worked efficiently and soon the room was nearly full of women in green jumpsuits. Few arrestees paid Kourtnee any mind which she found relieving. She didn't stick out from the group in any way and they seemed to be forgetting she wasn't just another prostitute.
When there were only a few left to be changed out, and Kevin had taken his latest arrestee into the property room, the clear door to the hallway suddenly opened with a *click*. Kourtnee turned her attention there and watched as Lieutenant Roberts stepped into the waiting room with a smirk.
The Lieutenant had his hands folded behind his back. He scanned his calculating eyes across the arrestees and paced slowly near the door. Each woman avoided his stare with many fixating on the floor. His wandering gaze stopped on Kourtnee in her green jumpsuit. She turned her eyes towards the floor like many of the other girls. Did he recognize her somehow?
The Lieutenant stepped towards Kourtnee with his shiny boots slapping along the concrete. She shifted her ass on the metal bench and felt butterflies in her stomach. Why was he coming over to her?
He stopped in front of her and Kourtnee could feel his stare burning into her cleavage. She had intentionally left the jumpsuit partially unzipped (Like many of the other girls).
His voice was hushed and in a medium pitch, "I'm Lieutenant Roberts. What's your name, honey?"
Kourtnee hesitated. She had two answers in her head. One was easy and on the tip of her tongue, while the other seemed far away and theoretical. It was a name shrouded in darkness and mystery. Kourtnee figured she could remember the distant name if she spent enough time thinking about it, but she wanted the interaction with the Lieutenant to end as quickly as possible.
"Kourtnee Mae Baxthton." She lisped softly, not breaking her stare with the floor.
"Look up, girl, let me see your face." He ordered.
Kourtnee turned her head up towards the light. Her large, vacant green eyes with black streaked eyeliner focused on the Lieutenants mouth as his stare was just too intimidating. She shook blonde hair from her face and felt Kevin's cold semen continuing to dry.
Lieutenant Roberts smiled down at Kourtnee and examined her closely before chuckling to himself, "Did that mean ol' Sergeant Baxter order you wear his semen? You must have really done something to piss him off!"
Sergeant Baxter?
Sergeant. Baxter.
The name bounced around in Kourtnee's head.
Ser. geant. Bax. ter.
Why did that sound so...familiar?
She sat in silence, trying to figure out the significance of the name.
The Lieutenant chuckled to himself once again, "Looks like you're a bit embarrassed about it. That's okay, you won't be the first whore to wear the Sergeant's...material into the jail. Although..."
Lieutenant Robert's voice trailed off as his stare traced down Kourtnee's body. His eyes bounced from tattoo to tattoo and body part to body part. He procured a handcuff key and removed her venus etched cuffs. His wrinkled, masculine hand wrapped around Kourtnee's delicate, feminine hand. He tugged Kourtnee's arm. She followed his direction without a fuss (and with her hoop earrings bouncing on her earlobes) as she jumped to her feet. She was unable to resist his force namely due to the inequality between their size and strength.
The Lieutenant wasn't a tall man, but he easily dwarfed Kourtnee who was under five feet. Their size difference was only exacerbated by his thick boots in comparison to her thin flip flops. He may have been in his early sixties, but he was easily stronger than Kourtnee by a sizeable margin. Her narrow shoulders and non existent muscles were like tissue paper compared to him; not to mention his weapons and training which Kourtnee didn't possess. His uniform and position further separated them as Kourtnee was a simple street whore in body, mind and soul. Because of these factors, Kourtnee submitted to the Lieutenant's authority and stood before his evaluation without any resistance.
He spun her around and poked at her butt, hips and thighs. He then cupped her chubby ass cheeks and gave them a firm squeeze. Kourtnee could see all eyes in the room were on her once again as she was evaluated like a piece of meat.
"Yes...Yes you'll do just fine..." He whispered to himself.
The opening of the property room door prompted the Lieutenant to let go of Kourtnee. She remained standing in front of him, still trying to work out the name 'Sergeant Baxter'.
Kevin stepped into the waiting room behind the latest woman to attain her jumpsuit. His eyes opened wide as he fixated on the Lieutenant.
"Hey, Lt. What are you doing here?" Kevin asked.
The Lieutenant cocked his head slightly to the side and furrowed his brow as he responded, "I should ask you the same question. Where's Baxter?'
Kevin locked his latest arrestee back into cuffs before putting his hands on his hips and cocking his own head to the side, "How should I know? I showed up here and he was gone. By the way, watch out for that one," Kevin said as he pointed to Kourtnee, "She was wearing the Sergeant's uniform when I got here and has said some pretty crazy shit."
The Lieutenant shrugged his shoulders, "I told the Sergeant he could head home. He said he wasn't feeling good. I trust you checked to make sure none of the Sergeant's semen dripped from this young ladies face to his uniform, right?"
Kevin nodded his head slowly, "Uh...yeah. Yeah. It was clean, Lt. It's on the desk in the hallway."
The Lieutenant smiled, "Good! Now, why don't you go take a break, Officer Adams, you've been working hard tonight."
"But Lt, I'm not done changing them out yet." Kevin responded plainly.
Kourtnee saw the corner of the Lieutenant's smile falter. Was he...angry?
He nervously tapped his index finger on his Sam Browne belt where it was resting, "Nonsense! I can finish out for you here, no problem. Go, get yourself a coffee and relax. I'll need you fresh and ready for the next wave."
Kevin shrugged and walked towards the clear door while speaking, "If you're sure, Lt. I'll hit the head and get something from the vending machine. You want anything?"
All traces of anger on the Lieutenant's face were replaced with relief. He smiled towards Kourtnee who felt immediately uneasy. There was about the Lieutenant's expression.
He responded, "Nah, I'm trying to cut back. Thanks though. I'll see you later."
Kevin fumbled with his keys and unlocked the clear door. With Kevin's back turned, the Lieutenant's professional demeanor shifted and he gave Kourtnee the creeps. She felt a chill crawl up her spine; something bad was about to happen. She remained frozen in place by the Lieutenants cold stare as the clear door closed and the electronic lock engaged with a *click*. Kevin casually walked down the hallway to the far door and disappeared further into the jail. The room was deathly silent.
The Lieutenant spoke to Kourtnee through a sinister, toothy grin. His voice was low and raspy, "I've got an...associate that's come a long way to meet somebody like you."
Kourtnee's stomach dropped. She wished Kevin would come back!