One Year Later
[b][u]ONE YEAR LATER[/u][/b]
Somewhere far away...
Crystal wiped a wet washcloth against her dripping, gaped asshole. She'd been fucked raw by a litany of Big Willie's clients nearly every day since she arrived. She winced as she gingerly patted her abused flesh. Why did they all have to be so huge!? The latest was a young black stud with a ten inch monster that spit in her mouth as he unloaded a fat wad deep in her guts. She literally felt his heavy balls contracting against her skin as he used her like a fleshlight!
Crystal walked, bowlegged, across the cheap carpet to the vanity. A large crack arced down the center of the dirty glass. She checked her reflection and sighed. She could hardly believe how much visible damage one year of her current lifestyle had done. Her use of crack was getting out of control and she could no longer go a full day without a fix. She'd also picked up a nicotine addiction, averaging at least two packs a day. To make matters worse, Crystal had become a borderline alcoholic and spent most of her days completely wasted.
When Crystal was abusing hard drugs, she'd sometimes go days without eating or sleeping and it showed. She'd lost over twenty pounds which left her ribcage worringly pronounced. Her arms and legs were rather thin and even her face had become gaunt. Her hygeine was often neglected, giving her body a layer of unknown grunge and a nasty odor. Her skin had taken on an unhealthy, grayish hue and unsighly hairs had grown on her legs, around her pussy and in her armpits. Her fake lips and pierced tits were unchanged which made them look even more fake on her withered body. Crystal's ass and hips had somehow remained the same size despite her weight loss.
She touched her low quality acryllic nails to her cheek. The skin on her face was covered in blemishes and pimples from neglect. As a result, she had to stack thick layers of makeup including foundation, powder, and blush. Her desperate eyes were smothered in mascara and eyeshadow, though nothing could distract from the dark bags hanging beneath them. Her hair remained the same lifeless, frizzy mess. It looked much less out of place on her increasingly drug addled body.
Unfortunately, the weekly allowance Big WIllie gave Crystal seemed to diminish as time went on. Crystal figured she must have been bringing in less money for him, so it was really her fault. Even if the amount of clients that fucked her didn't seem to go down, she really needed to focus on being more grateful. She shook her head in disgust; she was such a seflish bitch sometimes! As a result of recieving less money, she had to resort to bargain bin cosmetics and hygeine products which further diminished her appearance. She'd also resorted to letting the sleazy landlord fuck her every week instead of paying rent.
She gave her dingy reflection a smile. Her teeth were yellow in most spots and sickly brown in others. Her mouth was rotting from a full year of heavy smoking, unhealthy eating and zero dental hygeine.
She tugged at the tight collar around her neck. She wasn't allowed to take it off and had grown used to its constant constriction. Big WIllie often gave her a new collars to wear. Sometimes they would say "BIMBO", or "TRASHY" or "ANAL PIG" or simply "CUNT" The studded letters on her current collar read, "DUMB SLUT". She stared at the collar adorning her smooth neck in the glass. She knew Big WIllie was spot on, as usual!
She was just a dumb slut!
Crystal turned away in disgust and limped to the damp, musty bed to retrieve her leopard print minidress from the floor. It was frayed, wrinkled and coated in white stains. She simply couldn't afford anything new. She pulled the rag over her body and adjusted it to fit. It didn't even cover her pierced cunt and left her ass hanging out. She didn't bother with panties and didn't really care that everybody could see her pussy. She figured her dress wouldn't last more than a few seconds anyway.
She staggered back to the vanity and lit up a cigarette with shaky hands. She heard the sound of arguing through the paper thin walls to her left and high piched moaning to her right. Crystal took a deep drag, feeling the smoke entering her lungs. She exhaled, sending a dark cloud into the yellowed ceiling, further defiling it. She flicked the ashes to the carpet and searched around for her crack pipe. She desperately needed a hit right now! A siren wailed in the distance, adding to the cacophany of sounds that echoed along the walls. She fumbled around a pile of clutter, knocking over an ashtray and half a beer, which spilled their contents onto the floor. Her hands were shaking like crazy! She NEEDED a hit!
She dragged her cigarette and tossed aside a moldy plate of food. Her bony fingers snaked around the glass bulb of her pipe. She felt a wash of relief in her chest. She flicked her cheap bic lighter several times beneath the glass before it produced a flame. She puffed her cigarette as she waited for her fix. Her whole body trembled with anticipation. She brought the pipe to her lips and inhaled its contents. While the cigarette didn't do much, the crack made her feel immediately better. A dull numbness coarsed through Crystal's veins and she gained a dopey smile.
Crystal carefully placed her pipe back onto the vanity and sighed. Another customer was about to come use her holes and she had to meet them on the front porch. She found her giant crystal butt plug on the table and coated it in a layer of lube. She'd periodically gone up in size since arriving and no longer resented wearing it- it was her uniform! She had to wear it so everybody knew she belonged to Big Willie! She pushed it past her gaped sphincter until it nestled deep inside of her. She turned and looked down at her ass. The crystal circle was barely visible between her massive cheeks.
She walked towards the door and opened it to the hallway. The apartment hallway had floral wallpaper that was faded and peeling. The long hall had seen better, grander days; but now it was just a den for drug dealers and whores. Large holes showed the cracked, broken drywall beneath the wallpaper. The dimly lit hall was painted over with graffiti. The sounds of fighting and fucking bounced along the walls.
Stepping out, Crystal noticed another one of Big Willie's girls in the hallway. Her name was Sapphire and she was just another crack whore. Like Crystal, Sapphire had a faded, wrinkled leopard print ouftit: namely, a skirt and 'blouse'. None of the beautiful, well maintained ho's that Big WIllie originally brought to the jail lived with the likes of Sapphire and Crystal in the dilapidated apartment complex. THOSE girls were the personal entourage and the personal harem of Big Willie. THOSE girls had the cleaneast clients, immaculate accomadations and the best overall treatment. Crystal and Sapphire, on the other hand, were amongst the lowest of Big Willie's sex network. They got the lowest quality johns; the dirtiest, the cruelest, the cheapest.
Sapphire's dark skin was dry and cracking while her natural afro was nappy and out of control. She was fairly tall, especially with her heels, and her dark eyes had the tell tale desperation of a crack addict. A sapphire plug peeked out from beneath Sapphire's short skirt, though her feminine assets were nothing to write home about.
Sapphire held a lit crack pipe between her fingers (with one bearing a cheap diamond ring) as she noticed Crystal, "Hey Crys, yo' snatch is hangin' out, girl."
Crystal shugged her frail shoulders and approached Sapphire, being sure to avoid the pile of assorted garbage littering the hallway floor. She still didn't give a shit if her pussy was exposed.
Crystal croaked out in a smokey lisp, "Can I havth a hit?"
Sapphire hesitated before nodding and turning the glass to Crystal. She immediately felt the rush of relief well up in her chest once again.
A door further down the hall opened and a burly black man exited and strutted towards the girls. He grew a wide grin as his eyes found them. Crystal paid him no mind and took a heavy toke from the pipe. The smoke entered her lungs and she sighed deeply. A happy tingle buzzed around her whole body. While she was distracted, the burly man approached her from behind and simultaneously took a hearty smack of both Crystal and Sapphire's (mostly exposed) butts. They each let out a suprised *eep*.
His voice was deep and confident, "Well if it ain't Byron's skankiest ho's, Crystal and Sapphire! You enjoyin' that pipe, skank?" He grabbed at his crotch, "I got another pipe here you can suck on!"
Sapphire turned and responded with an attitude, "*Tch* You best be goin' through Big WIllie if you wanna keep tryna touch his ho's. Unless you think he gon' be okay hearin' you helped yo'self to a freebie."
The man straightened up sharply and mumbled to himself. Sapphire's words seemed to sufficiently scare him and he moved towards the exit. He shot an annoyed glance over his shoulder as he left the building.
There were so many perks to being one of Big Willie's wives!
Once he was gone, Sapphire shook her head, "What a' asshole!" She took the pipe from Crystal's hands and ushered her towards the door, "Go on, Crys, you gotta take this next car. I hope it ain't a multiple again."
Crystal swiped a damanged strand of hair from her makeup caked face using her cheap nails. She, too, hoped the next client wasn't multiple men. But it, ultimately, didn't really matter. Crystal barely considered herself a PERSON anymore. She was just a commodity. Everybody she came into contact with saw her that way. She was just a product, an object to be sold and traded at her owner's will. She'd really started to accept she was nothing more than a few wet holes, a talking sex doll that could self-lubricate. She clicked her heels down the hall, hearing the fighting and fucking around her while smelling rot mixed with cigarette smoke. She pressed into the dented building door which swung easily as it barely hung onto its hinges.
Waiting in the dark, foggy street was a black sedan. Crystal procured a cigarette and struggled to light it as she waited. The car door opened and a shorter black man with kind eyes stepped out. She pulled the cigarette to her lips and inhaled, trying to calculate the type of client he was going to be. She drew a small sigh of relief. At least it was just one man!
But, on the far end of the street, cloaked in darkness, stood an older woman with an angry scowl.
Crystal felt her stomach drop. She'd seen this woman several times over the course of the year. It was as if she were some kind of ghost or malevolent spirit, coming and going as she pleased. All Crystal knew was that each time she saw the woman things always somehow got worse. She pointed at Crystal and smirked.
Crystal coughed and felt her lungs suddenly tighten. She wheezed a few times and struggled to take in a solid breath. She'd developed asthma! She wanted to call out to the woman, to yell at her and beg her to stop. Crystal wanted to ask her what she'd ever done to deserve it, to tell the woman she couldn't afford another ailment...but she couldn't manage more than a quiet gasp of air. The old woman then pointed to the car and the three remaining doors opened. Three more excited men piled out onto the foggy street! These three did NOT have the kind eyes of the first man...they looked...predatory...
As the quartet approached the tiny, worn and cracked out whore coughing on the porch, the hateful old woman slipped back into full darkness. All eyes were on Crystal who seemed to fill each and every stereotypes the men had for 'crack whore'. No words needed to be spoken between them as the men knew the reputation of Byron's ho's and recognized Crystal's leopard print outfit and diamond ring. They knew she belonged to Byron and she would be their wet holes for the night.
Crystal led the men to through the loose door to the graffiti coated, garbage filled hallway towards her moldy, cramped bedroom. No doubt they thought a skanky prostitute like her belonged in a place like this. The evident plug between her jiggling cheeks further cemented to the men that they were in the right place with the right person.
Crystal took a few desperate puffs of her cigarette, unsure when she'd next be able to fill her lungs with smoke. The men got bolder as they neared her bedroom and proceeded to spank and grope Crystal. One hand went down through her plunging neckline to squeeze her fake tits while another split her labia. They made derogatory comments about her body and called her every disparaging name under the sun. They commented about her BO smell, her unsightly underarm hair, her rotting teeth, her juicy ass, her fake tits, her tiny stature, her withered frame, her tattoos, her thick plug, her lifeless hair, her DUMB SLUT choker, her lack of underwear, her hairy vagina, her vaginal odor, her makeup, her piercings, her lips, her smoking, her coughing, her nails- every facet of her existence was scrutinized and summed up by one of the men as 'Exactly what I thought a crack whore would look like.' The comments didn't bother Crystal at all.
They were, of course, right about everything!
Crystal coughed due to her newly developed asthma and stopped in front of her room. All four men had joined into the touching. Her dress had already been torn off and pooled beneath her feet. Crystal's feminine, tattoo covered body was completely naked in the hallway except for her heels. The men made crude comments about her girly tattoos and were relentless with their hands. Crystal could barely get the door open as she was pulled every which way. Sapphire looked on with pity but didn't dare interfere in any way.
Crystal made it back into her damp bedroom with the men filing in behind her. They peered around the room and found multiple new ways to talk down to the naked prostitute in front of them. She was 'filthy' she was 'disgusting' and, once again, she was 'Living exactly how I expected.'
The men started tearing off their clothes, reminding each other to wear condoms. They had no doubt in their minds that Crystal was a 'Walking STD'.
As the door to the room creaked shut, and the men finished removing their clothes, a far off memory of a different life drifted into the back of Crystal's mind. It was like a forgotten dream that fluttered into her periphery. She was flung to the bed and suddenly had long, hard, black cocks pointing at her from all directions. Her thin, tattooed legs were forced open and the warm bodies of the men descended on her. The wayward thought fluttered away with the insertion of the first condom covered dick into her hairy snatch. Her plug was removed with a *plop* and replaced with a cock and her DUMB SLUT collar was held tightly as another cock pushed past her lips. Her hand serviced the last man who complained that there 'Wasn't enough whore' for him.
Sapphire lit up her pipe and inhaled a puff of smoke in the hallway. She shook her head as a loud, high-pitched moan permeated the wall from Crystal's room. No matter what Crystal said about 'Not really caring anymore' or 'Not really enjoying it' Sapphire knew Crystal was a REAL slut. Sapphire had never met another whore that loved cock and getting fucked as much as Crystal did!
Crystal's feminine moaning added to the cacophony of other feminine moaning in the hallway. Hers was indistinguishable from the rest.
The wayward memory would never return. Crystal would remain as one of Big Willie's lowly crack whores forever.
[b]THE END[/b]