Part 1

Part 1

Vinnie exited from his Cadillac before slamming the door behind him. He wore a look of disgust as he examined his surroundings. He remembered why he didn't visit this property very often: this part of town was so shitty! He pulled his long black coat tighter around his muscular torso while a cold wind pushed back against him; as if the elements were urging him to get back in his car and drive away. But why would he drive away? There was money to be made!

Today he had the privilege of performing his favorite part of the job: evicting a dead beat tenet. The money was good, but there was no finer feeling than putting a freeloader in their place. Vinnie stretched his arms above his head before heading towards his apartment building, with an excited spring in his step. He smoothed his black comb-over into place as the wind worked to displace it.

He stood in front of his building.

Vinnie smiled up at the decrepit structure. He had the lowest quality complex on the street, but his tenets wouldn't dare stand up to him. Today he was after some guy named Roger and his wife- Anna or Eve or something like that. It didn't matter, they were both drug addicted foreigners who refused to pay up. They would know who the master of the house was, just like everybody else did.

As Vinnie reached for the door, it suddenly opened, with a loud squeak, and a man burst through.

The officer looked upset and he brushed past Vinnie without saying anything. Vinnie watched the cop stomp away, what was his problem? He shrugged his shoulders and entered.

He was immediately me with high pitched, female moaning. It echoed through the entire complex. Some broad was getting absolutely railed! Vinnie felt a stirring in his designer jeans. He couldn't help himself, Vinnie loved the ladies. He figured the bitch must be pretty freaky to be so loud.

He navigated the dark hallway while listening to the sounds of sex.

He hopped onto the staircase and began to ascend. Halfway up, a disheveled man in sweater shuffled down past Vinnie. Vinnie recognized him as a tenet, but couldn't remember his name.

The man mumbled to himself, "...fucking tramp...even after everything, I can't get a moments peace..."

When he was on the second floor, Vinnie looked up towards his destination. The sounds were clearly coming from that particular room. Vinnie's eyes found his building manager who was standing directly next to the door. The old hag was probably getting off to it!

She gave him a sly smile. Her voice was smooth and confident, "Good afternoon, Sir. I take it you're here to evict these tenets?"

Vinnie nodded and chuckled when the moaning woman screamed, "ROGER! YES!"

Vinnie addressed the manager, "Yeah, I hate to be the proverbial 'wet blanket' but business is business."

She stepped past him and began descending the stairs, "I'll leave you to it, then, sir."

Vinnie turned towards the door and procured his giant ring of keys. He fumbled through the ring. His hand stopped at a small, brass key. Somehow, he knew it was the right one. He examined it. Written in sparkly purple, surrounded by a heart, was, "Vanessa's key".

Vinnie put the key in the lock and turned it. Before pushing the door open, he thought to himself.

Who the hell was Vanessa?


Thanks everybody for reading :)

Thanks everybody for reading :)


Part 12