Nikki took a sharp breath and regained full consciousness. Her eyes darted around the room. She was seated in a leather chair with her legs pressed tightly together. A row of similar leather chairs were lined up on either side and backed against a wall. The room was stuffy with natural light flooding in through a window above her shoulder. Everything about the room felt antique from the lamps to the tables, from the chairs to the wallpaper and carpet.
On the other end of the room was a green, pleather armchair and an end table. A nervous young man in an ill-fitting suit was standing in front of the armchair and staring at the door on the far end of the room.
The young man's attention turned to Nikki and she watched his nervous eyes evaluate her. She looked down at herself and saw her recently enhanced bosom was encased in a tight maroon sweater with a plunging neckline. The sweater had sleeves to her wrists and the thin material displayed just how unimpressive and delicate her upper body had become. Around her hairless legs was a tweed, yellow mini-skirt that rose just above her knees. On her feet were tall black heels and her long brown hair fell loosely down her back. She was relieved to feel her makeup was sparser than the previous jump though bold, red lipstick coated her lips.
Both Nikki and the young man looked down at what Nikki was holding: A magazine. It was an edition of something called 'Ladies Home Journal' which Nikki had never heard of before. It showed the date as October 1962. The articles it featured involved housekeeping, mothering, women's education and...childbirth!?
Possessing the magazine gave Nikki feminine vibes as 'Ladies Home Journal' seemed to be one of the least masculine publications imaginable. The young man flashed a shy smile to Nikki which she returned. He then moved his attention back to the far door.
Nikki's mind wandered. The humiliating, painful memory of being pumped and dumped by James stuck in her mind like a sliver. Her expression soured. She couldn't believe she had let him do that! What was wrong with her? She may have looked...a little like a woman now, but she was still a man on the inside! She wasn't attracted to guys, it must have been some sort of mind trickery! That had to be it! She'd only acted that way because James had tricked her easily manipulated female body.
Her mind shifted; maybe she could find James as a child and kick his ass? She chuckled to herself while picturing an adolescent James begging for mercy. Her thoughts then moved to the meat-head at the gym and his inability to understand "no". She could probably find him as a child and teach him a lesson, too. The businessman from the auditorium that couldn't respect a guest speaker was next. He was probably still an adult at this point, but Nikki imagined herself preemptively showing him what-for. Unfortunately, the weird, annoying kid from the arcade wouldn't have been born yet, but his parents or grandparents could probably be convinced not to procreate.
Dark revenge fantasies against the men that had victimized Nikki fluttered through her mind. While scheming, she absentmindedly opened the 'Ladies Home Journal' and buried her eyes in an article about "Priming young beauties to be junior housekeepers". She found herself falling into a trance and burning through the first article before quickly turning the page to another. The information seeped into her brain and subtly replaced what was already there. Nikki's simultaneous fixation on her disdain for toxic men and rapid absorption of feminine ideals from the magazine steadily warped her perspective.
It wasn't until a heavy creaking sound broke Nikki from her daze that she realized how far away her thoughts had drifted. She looked down and saw she was on the last page of the magazine and barely remembered reading any of it. Her head was swimming and her legs were crossed demurely. She tried un-crossing them only to find it felt uncomfortable and wrong. She quickly returned to a crossed-legged position and marveled at how tightly her thighs fit together. She definitely wouldn't have been able to do that with her old equipment!
The creaking sounded again and Nikki glanced over to see the far door open. The young man stiffened and took a deep breath as an old man stepped through the threshold with a calculating frown.
The old man's voice was stern, "Mr. Parker? Are you ready, sir?"
The young man, Mr. Parker, gulped and nodded his head while mustering a response, "Yes, sir, Mr. Griswold."
Mr. Griswold nodded curtly and gestured towards the door. The young man strode forward with a false confidence but stopped when he approached the old man to extend his hand. Surprise flashed across Mr. Griswold's face as he accepted the young man's hand and they exchanged a handshake.
Mr. Griswold's frown turned into a warm smile, "That's a strong handshake you have there, young man. Relax, you have no reason to be nervous. Step into my office and we'll have a chat."
The door closed behind them and Nikki was left alone.
The ringing of a telephone sounded on the far end table and Nikki reluctantly rose to her feet to retrieve it. The changes to her body were more clear than ever as they altered her weight distribution and fundamentally changed how she moved across the carpeted floor. She felt strangely comfortable in the tall heels and hardly registered their presence. That said, the heels worked to further exaggerate the feminine sway displayed in her hips. She slid the magazine beneath her arm and picked up the receiver.
"Hello?" She asked.
Iris responded in an overly excited, mocking tone. Her voice was also strangely grainy and distant, "Nikki! I heard you took some womanizer's dick down your throat like a champ! You're really digging into the role of a disposable slut, aren't you?"
Nikki felt her cheeks getting warm as she deflected, "No! I'm not a- I'm- I'm a man! I was just trying to win the challenge!"
The line crackled as Iris laughed, "Yeah, I'm sure the challenge was on the forefront of your mind when you went into the alley to give him a good 'ol fashioned gluck gluck."
Desperate to deny it, Nikki stuttered, "It- It was a mistake! I d-didn't mean for it to happen!"
Iris laughed again, "A mistake? Did you fall mouth first and land on his cock?"
"Well, no, of course not. I'm not gay but-"
"I already told you, NIkki, you're a woman now, "Iris interrupted through a surge of static, "Sucking a dick is as straight as it gets for you."
Nikki sighed. Her mind was trying to parse out its consistently changing wiring and Iris' words were starting to make a lot more sense. It seemed that the more time she spent in her current body the less congruent she became with her old body.
"I guess...I guess that makes sense." Nikki spoke softly, "But I still want to get my old body back. How much longer are you going to make me do this? Haven't you proved your point already?"
"We still have so much to show you," Iris explained, "So let's get it done! I know I've said this before, but this one is really easy. All you have to do is succeed at a Yale University admissions interview. They are DESPERATE for students right now and you're already a college student so it should be a piece of cake."
Nikki contemplated the situation. She was a pretty smart and savvy student. She'd already done several admissions interviews and if they were really desperate for students like Iris said, it should be fairly straightforward to get accepted. She would have to come up with some period appropriate stories to build her background, but that wouldn't be too hard either. With guarded confidence, Nikki hung up the phone and wracked her mind for some helpful lies.
The creaking sounded again and the door to Mr. Griswold's office opened. A triumphant Mr. Peters emerged with a wide grin. He walked with a pep in his step.
He approached Nikki with all the confidence in the world and spoke with a hardy baritone, "My name is David. I just got accepted to Yale and I think you're pretty. I'd like to take you out for a steak dinner."
Nikki blushed and felt butterflies fluttering in her chest. He thought she was pretty? David's boldness was strangely attractive.
She responded in her medium alto, "I'm Nikki. I'm about to interview as well so...rain check on that date?"
David furrowed his brow and turned his head in confusion, "What do you mean you're interviewing? For what?"
Nikki returned his confused look, "Um, for admission to Yale?"
Mr. Griswold cleared his throat from his office door, drawing the attention of both Nikki and David. He spoke curtly, "I'm sorry, miss, but Yale University does not admit women as students."
Nikki was momentarily flabbergasted before arguing, "I'm a straight 'A' student and I have a lot to offer if you'd just give me a cha-"
Mr. Griswold rudely cut in, "I have no doubt that you are an exceptional young woman, Nikki, but your female brain is not equipped to handle the caliber of education this institution offers. It's a biological limitation that plagues all womankind, I'm afraid." Mr. Griswold pointed to the 'Ladies Home Journal' beneath Nikki's arm as he continued, "That magazine you carry is far superior as study material for a pretty girl like you. If you're interested in the university, why not give Mr. Peters a chance at that date? You may find yourself the wife of a Yale student if you play your cards right."
Nikki put her hands on her hips and let the magazine crash to the floor as she shouted, "I'm not some weak-willed woman you can just push aside! My brain is just as capable as any man! I demand an admissions meeting!" Her voice lowered a bit, "Also, I've already read the magazine cover to cover."
Mr. Griswold looked annoyed and shook his head, "If you're really serious about attending college I suggest you look into the Hartford College for Women. It's a few hours drive from here and you'll find it much more accommodating to your...feminine sensibilities. As far as Yale goes it is simply out of the question. Mr. Peters, please take Miss Nikki out for a nice dinner and teach her how act like a proper lady."
With that, Mr. Griswold slammed his door shut.
David cleared his throat, "So, uh, how about that date?"
Nikki felt heat radiating all over her body. It first centered on her hips which cracked and flared outwards beneath her fingers. Each second made her hips more exaggerated and feminine. It was abundantly clear these hips could never belong to a biological male. Her tweed skirt tightened and stretched to compensate. She then gasped as her already delicate stomach cinched in and tightened. The enhancement of her hips combined with the shrinking of her stomach gave Nikki a pronounced hourglass figure. Another gush of fat surged in her breasts and Nikki felt the weight increasing on her back. They pressed into her deep v-neck sweater and a line of cleavage formed. It grew deeper and deeper with each additional injection of fat and Nikki felt her center of gravity shifting once again.
When it was done, her breasts nearly popped out from her top and a significant line of cleavage was bursting at the seams. She reached down to grab her fallen magazine and noticed David was staring down her sweater. Nikki's cheeks burned as she snapped upright and noticed that even with the heels her eyes barely came up to David's neck! He made her feel so small and feminine. She recognized the growing tent in David's slacks and her heart fluttered at his lustful stare. Her body was arousing him! That simple fact somehow made Nikki feel...desired.
His stare was directed at her cleavage as she answered, "Sure, David. Let's make it tomorrow night. I'll meet you in the lobby of this building at six o'clock. Also, my eyes are up here."
David nodded like an idiot and raised his gaze for just a second before it returned to her tits.
"Sorry, Nikki, I just can't look away! You're quite the woman! See you tomorrow!" He cheerily declared at her chest. He turned towards the far door and waved as he skipped out. Apparently everything was coming up David.
When she was left alone, Nikki grimaced and examined her newly enhanced body. She could see why David was transfixed on her tits as she was quickly becoming the most feminine woman she'd ever seen. Her tits were heavy and her hips were downright motherly! She had to find a way to reverse this. Surgery was no longer a viable option with her body this altered.
Once again, Iris had given her a seemingly simple task that turned out to be impossible. She wracked her brain but couldn't think of how she could have approached the conversation with Mr. Griswold differently without getting physical. Maybe she should have gotten physical? It was too late now. It was so unfair that she wasn't given a chance just because she looked like a woman!
She let out a dejected sigh before a sting of pain erupted in her chest and everything faded to black.