1841 Part 2
1841 Part 2
Even in her fear, Lady Hughes couldn't help but lustfully stare at the hard, male bodies coming towards her. Her excited eyes darted all over and caught glimpses of biceps and cocks and pecs and balls and glutes and all sorts of body hair. The fear within her steadily twisted into arousal as they closed in.
The war parties eyes evaluated the two white women next to their abandoned coach. One was a young, filthy, heavily pregnant redhead laying on the ground with her dirty dress bunched around her waist and her exposed slit pointing directly towards them. The other was a young, clean and tightly corseted brunette standing demurely next to the carriage with flushed cheeks while wearing an expensive dress, bonnet, gloves and heels.
Several of the warriors jumped into the carriage with their weapons raised. It appeared they were ensuring that no men were nearby to protect the defenseless women. The bulk of the Indians, however, descended on Lady Hughes and Isla swiftly and aggressively while chanting and yelping wildly. The two women were immediately overwhelmed and provided virtually no resistance. Multiple sinewy arms and rough hands pulled and groped at Lady Hughes who could hardly contain her excitement. Whereas any sane woman would be terrified and fearful for her life, Lady Hughes felt only arousal.
A high pitched moan brought Lady Hughes' attention to Isla who was already being fucked doggy style by an Indian. He was on his knees, with his loin cloth displaced to the side, holding her by the hips. Her face and tits were repeatedly shoved into the dirt while his glistening cock split her fat labia and pistoned deeply into her pregnant pussy. The warrior's hairy balls flopped back and forth and Lady Hughes found herself transfixed on the sight of heterosexual sex. She imagined her own soft, yielding vagina being stuffed with a hard, virile penis and it made her heart flutter and her knees practically buckle.
One of the men shouted something with an authoritative, powerful voice in an unknown language before shoving Lady Hughes towards the carriage. He appeared to be their leader as he was older than the others and exuded an aura of regality. His clothing was the highest quality and the men immediately obeyed whatever command he had given them.
Lady Hughes was slammed against the carriage. Her hands caught against the wood and she felt her shallow breaths intensify. The Indians pursued and surrounded her in a tight semi-circle. She faced away from them, but still felt the leader approaching from behind. She heard a metallic *ting* as he unsheathed a wicked knife from his waistband.
She gulped and craned her neck over her shoulder to stare at the knife and beg, "P-please don't harm me, sir. Take whatever you wish, but please leave me my life." Her inflated lower lip trembled and her gloved hands clutched onto the carriage wall.
The leaders eyes were dark and his brow was twisted in a wrinkled scowl. He stared at her in silence for several long seconds. The only sound came from Isla who was now naked and being ravaged by multiple men. She moaned around a cock and endured a rhythmic *plop* *plop* *plop* as her holes were continually stuffed.
The leader suddenly surged forward and wrapped his free hand around Lady Hughes' neck. She winced and stiffened in terror as he raised the knife aggressively and held her in place. She squeezed her eyes shut and waited for her imminent demise. A myriad of violent scenarios quickly raced through her mind. Any moment a gushing wound would erupt from her neck...her head...her back...where was he going to do it!?
Her question was quickly answered as the man's grip cinched tighter and the knife arced down towards her. She felt a quick tug on her shoulders and heard a *sching* as his knife sliced down the back of her dress and against the laces of her corset. She drew a deep, gasping breath as her chest was able to properly expand for the first time.
The leader proceeded to carve up her outfit with skill and precision while she worked to catch her breath. In a matter of seconds her body was free from the constricting garments. He roughly tore the tatters of her dress, corset and various petticoats from her body and tossed them into the dirt. She was left standing in tiny heels, gloves and a bonnet. She was suddenly aware of the thirsty eyes of the leering savages around her as they drank in her smooth, creamy skin and exceptionally feminine curves. Her mind drifted to the pounding sex occurring just a few feet away and she realized her exposed body had more similarities to Isla, who was being pounded, than any of the men who were doing the pounding. Beyond that, with her fat ass, wide hips, and thick thighs combined with her tightly trained waist, Lady Hughes knew that her lower body was closer to a fertility idol than anything else.
The leader forced Lady Hughes to turn around by her shoulders until she faced the tight semi circle. Her breasts jiggled as they swayed with her. The men were so much bigger, harder and stronger than she was! Any one of them could easily overpower her with virtually no effort. She felt so tiny, frail and weak. Lady Hughes' hairy vagina moistening between her legs left her feeling particularly vulnerable. Her pussy was designed by nature to be penetrated- [i]SHE[/i] was designed by nature to [i]be[/i] penetrated!
The lead man looked down at Lady Hughes with an intense masculinity that she found intoxicating. She could practically see his mind imagining the things he could do to her. Their eyes locked as he stripped her gloves away and tore the bonnet from her head. Her long, brunette hair tumbled down her back and swept across her madeup face. She adopted a demure, shy posture beneath the gaze of a dozen horny Indians. Her large chest hung heavily and she waited with baited breath and naughty thoughts.
Once again, the sound of Isla having sex broke the silence. Lady Hughes caught a quick glimpse and saw the sheen of multiple loads already coating her pale, freckle covered skin. Isla's long red hair was knotted and her body was covered in dirt and cum. She was bouncing in the lap of a warrior while her vagina enveloped his glistening cock with a *squealch*.
She panted, "Ye feckin'- ye feckin' gonae tear me apart! I cannae take more'ae yer knobs in me fanny an' me arse! Ye gottae-" Her complaint was cut off when a man grabbed her head and impaled her throat with his dick. She groaned around his manhood as he began to thrust.
Lady Hughes returned to the leader's stare and they locked eyes once again. Without breaking contact, the leader barked a series of orders at his men and several of their shoulders slumped with disappointment. The semi circle broke apart and the men drifted towards Isla while reaching for their genitals. Lady Hughes suppressed a disappointed frown: It appeared that he wanted her all to himself.
Once they were alone, the leader pulled Lady Hughes close until her erect nipples squished into his hard chest. He dipped down and pressed his lips against hers. His scruffy facial hair scraped against her smoothness and the scent of dirt, sweat and authority wafted into her nostrils. Lady Hughes' floral scent did not go unnoticed by the man as his kiss became harder and more dominating. Lady Hughes' head dipped back and she melted into his strong arms. The kiss was strangely intimate and his invading tongue only worked to crank her arousal higher. She unconsciously grinded her slick, bare vagina against his leg while his hand smacked and kneaded her ass. After kissing for a short while, Lady Hughes felt his bulge poking into her tiny stomach.
The man broke the kiss and barked another order over his shoulder. After a scramble, one of the warriors jogged towards them holding a tan blanket. The leader held Lady Hughes tightly and watched as the warrior laid the blanket onto the dirt. The leader then dismissed the man with a flick of his wrist and Lady Hughes found herself impressed and attracted to his effortless and unquestioned authority.
He motioned for the blanket with a nod. She broke from his arms and gently laid on her back with her legs pressed together. she could feel his eyes following her as she did so, examining and evaluating every curve she possessed. It was obvious what he wanted and it didn't feel to Lady Hughes like she was in any position to decline. The fear of resisting and being thrown next to Isla and abused like a sex doll kept her compliant. Sex on the blanket with one man may not have been ideal, but it certainly beat rutting in the dirt with a dozen!
She couldn't help but feel nervous at the prospect of having sex with a man. She remembered dozens of memories involving cocks pumping inside of her, but something about watching the leader undress and slowly expose his masculine body felt strangely new and unknown. She squirmed and felt a rush of warmth and moisture between her legs as he lifted his tunic and tossed it to the side. She was transfixed on his manhood which was long and straight with a pronounced vein running along the shaft and an uncircumcised head. It was rock hard and pointed towards her like a virile arrow ready to pierce into supple flesh. His balls were heavy and swung low. They represented his masculinity and Lady Hughes knew there was nothing remotely close to them between her own legs. She could feel his biological imperative driving him. The semen swimming within his testicles wanted nothing more than to spurt inside her vagina and find an egg to fertilize.
The man knelt in front of Lady Hughes' legs and slowly parted her knees. She felt cool air against her sopping lower lips. When her legs were fully open and her pussy was completely bared, the leader paused to stare and admire the view. The stench of female arousal wafted to his nose and his aged face cracked a knowing smile. He saw exactly what he expected to see between Lady Hughes' thighs: a vagina. A vagina that had the same features as every other vagina his experienced eyes had ever seen.
As he examined her genitals, Lady Hughes winced with pain. A tight cramp formed in her lower abdomen and a trickle of dark blood flowed from her nethers and pooled onto the blanket. The leader raised his eyebrows and chuckled. Apparently watching her menstruate was amusing to him! She noticed he didn't seem at all turned off by her period and, in fact, his evaluating eyes opened wider with excitement.
He scooched his knees forward and squeezed onto her thighs for stability. He stopped when his erection rested on her cinched stomach and his testicles squished into her bleeding labia. She felt his hairy balls slapping against her wet nethers as he teased her with simulated thrusting. A shock-wave of horny energy arced through Lady Hughes and she pushed her hips against him and grunted in frustration. Why was he being such a tease!? Why didn't he just fuck her and get it over with!? The visual representation of their differing biology was on full display as she watched and felt his full, heavy testicles *plap* against her menstruating vagina. She bit her lip and looked over her tits to see a smug little smirk. He loved toying with her!
She grunted with frustration once again and her legs began quivering in anticipation as his fake thrusting continued. He seemed to greatly enjoy the shaking of her thighs beneath his hands and it pushed him to tease her even more. Lady Hughes' arousal skyrocketed when her fingers found her diamond tipped nipples. She pinched and kneaded them while moaning into the sky.
Just when she thought the man would never take the plunge and she would have to orgasm from boob play alone, he pulled his hips back and split her red pussy lips with his cock. She gasped as his uncircumcised dick stretched her slick, but inexperienced vaginal walls. It was painful! He withdrew and thrusted even deeper. It was even more painful this time and she winced with discomfort. When he withdrew again, the tip of his prick was tinged with red and glistened with natural lubrication. He plunged into her again and Lady Hughes prepared for another spike of pain but it didn't come. This time, his cock slid in much easier and felt...better...[i]much[/i] better....
The man started to increase his pace and stroke even deeper. He moved his hands above Lady Hughes' hips and around her cinched waist. Her exaggerated hourglass made for effective handles and the man gained total leverage and control. She felt every centimeter of dick within her walls as his drilling expedition quickly became a full on slam fest. Her womanhood gushed around him with multiple liquids and she moaned deeply while the wet *plap* *plap* *plap* of their hips slapping together sounded across the grass. Lady Hughes glanced over and saw that several of the warriors were watching their leader fuck his prize in her drooling, hairy cunt.
Her brain suddenly swirled with an impossible thought. Some crazy, deep down, foggy memory of...being a man? She tried to think back to the last few time jumps. She was a nurse...a secretary...a college hopeful...a protestor....an aerobics participant...a business professional...a dancer...a parade participant and...a male college student? She vaguely remembered the details of each round but they seemed to blur and change as she tried to focus on the truth. She recalled wearing dresses and women's clothing, lusting after men and taking on feminine roles. But, despite that, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was a man, just like the warriors watching her. But...how could she have been a man?
She looked over her jiggling tits and between her open legs where a naked, sweating man was splitting her menstruating snatch like a coconut while using her hourglass figure as a handle. It felt amazing and her body was electric and hot! She curled her tiny toes in her heeled shoes and flashed a yellowed, crooked smile while moaning in a high pitch. What a ridiculous thought! How could she be a man? Everybody could see her exaggerated female body and she looked every bit of a mid 19th century lady. She visibly had a man's dick sliding in her pussy while a set of balls slapped against her gooch for goodness sake! Nobody would ever believe she was male! With that assertion, the crazy thought in her head became even more distant and far fetched.
While she may not have remembered every detail of her original life, one thing she did remember was learning that all women were entitled and useless. She remembered [i]KNOWING[/i] that women as a gender were weak and subservient with lower physical prowess and intelligence when compared to men. Unknown to Lady Hughes, the identity and understanding of the world that she had formed during her time as a modern day, college aged, male incel now seeped into her psyche and denigrated her opinion of herself. She was a woman and knew that women were coddled and wholly dependent on the men around them. She internalized her inferiority and categorized herself beneath the men. Her purpose was to please them in any way she could! There was a reason women couldn't vote, divorce, go to college, earn a wage, control their reproduction or own property in the good ol' days and Lady Hughes' mind slowly warped until she yearned for a return to that tradition. Her altered brain snapped back to reality and she was excited to find that she was in a time period where her rights were more aligned with where she thought they should be.
The leaders uncircumcised dick was short-stroking inside her and she knew his climax was close. He threw his head back and twisted his face in ecstasy while Lady Hughes worked her nipples and grinded her hips against him while tightening her inner walls. She was expertly massaging his manhood in the most feminine way possible and coaxing out his sperm like any good female should. It didn't take long for him to growl and slam himself all the way inside. She felt his balls contract against her perineum just as his cock twitched inside, sending a powerful cumshot directly against her cervix. Lady Hughes curled her toes and giggled as the thought and feeling of being ejaculated into sent her over the edge and a wave of orgasmic bliss swept through her body. Spurt after spurt of potent seed painted the inside her of vagina as both Lady Hughes and her partner rode waves of sexual pleasure. After a dozen or so seconds, the man took a series of heavy breaths and slipped his softening, red-tinged member from between her lips. Lady Hughes squirmed against the blanket as her own orgasm was still ongoing. She felt an empty, cold, and wet sensation between her legs. The leader got to his feet and began securing his discarded clothing. He periodically returned his gaze to the blanket and watched with pride as his sticky wad mixed with period blood and dribbled from Lady Hughes' muff.
Once the leader was back in his full outfit, he turned to walk back to his men. He stopped after a few feet to give Lady Hughes one last look over his shoulder. They locked eyes and she gave blew him a dopey kiss which he returned with a respectful nod. A smirk crossed his wrinkled face as he turned to leave. The Indians welcomed the return of their leader and formed back into a unit to continue along the road. In a matter of minutes, Lady Hughes was left with only the sound of rustling trees to break the silence.
When her legs were no longer jelly, she struggled onto her heeled feet. She immediately felt the cold trickle of various liquids dribbling down the inside of her thighs and a touch of soreness in her hips. She parted her legs and saw the sticky red-white substance escaping from her pussy. The idea of becoming pregnant and being utterly unable to access abortion care or morning after pills felt...right. If she was dumb enough to let a man cum inside her then she had to be prepared for the consequences! Maybe she would finally be held accountable for her promiscuous decisions! That being said, she knew being on her period made pregnancy very unlikely.
Lady Hughes walked towards Isla with a slightly bow-legged stagger. Her pained gait made it clear that she had been fucked hard. Isla, on the other hand, was splayed out in the dirt. Her freckled, heavily pregnant body was covered in bruises, red marks, scratches, dirt and semen. Her vagina in particular was a proverbial cum faucet with a sticky puddle of white goo surrounding her like a lake. As she pushed herself to a sitting position, Lady Hughes noticed Isla's face, tits and hair were also covered.
Her eyes found Lady Hughes and she spat, "Ye only took one todger? Ye lazy, uppity little bitch! Ye could'ave come'an 'elped me!"
She coughed and pulled a long pube from her mouth.
Lady Hughes secured her wayward hairs and draped them over her shoulder as she responded quietly, "It is not my responsibility to control what men want and how they want it. Their leader clearly took an interest in me and wanted my body all to himself. You should be honored that you were able to serve your purpose as a woman."
Isla's face twisted in confusion and disgust, "Me purpose as ae woman...? The feck are ye on about?" She pointed at the slurry of reproductive fluids between Lady Hughes' legs, "Ye only took one pump'a baby gravy in yer cunt an' ae took over a dozen! All me holes were filled with 'em! The way ae see it, ye owe me fer not doin' yer fair share!"
Lady Hughes nodded lazily but didn't really comprehend what Isla was saying. They were both used by the men in whatever way the men wanted. Both she and Isla provided sexual relief as useless women to the vastly superior men. Why was Isla so upset that she got to satisfy more?
A familiar crackling sound filled the air.
Isla sat up in her cum puddle and sighed, "Oh thank ye god...Next one can't be worse'an this."
A momentary flash of pain brought on darkness.