104 AD Part 1

104 AD Part 1

Sister Margery regained consciousness and her senses were immediately met with all manner of stimulus. Bright sunlight shined in her eyes and the hustle and bustle of civilization engulfed her. She squinted and surveyed her surroundings. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people swarmed up and down a dusty road lined with well crafted stone pillars, statues, and buildings. There were carts filled with all manner of goods, women trying to corral screaming children, soldiers in metal and leather armor marching in formation, aristocratic men carrying themselves like they owned the world, beggars in rags scrounging in the dirt, and commoners of all ages going about their business. The vast majority of the people wore simple tunics or sweeping robes.


Sister Margery stood in the center of the road. She followed it with her eyes and saw it lead to a tall stone staircase approximately half a mile away. Atop the staircase was a well-crafted building with grand pillars made of marble. It overlooked the area triumphantly and seemed to shine in the sunlight. She felt drawn to the building and knew whatever goal she needed to achieve would be found there. She glanced around but couldn't locate Isla in the sea of people. While doing so, she also noticed that she was drawing some stares; but, in general, the populace was leaving her alone. She felt relieved and excited that she wasn't the center of attention and could blend into the crowd.

Sister Margery looked down at herself. She wore a white robe with green and gold trim. A singular shoulder strap kept the garment in place, while her arms, shoulders and neck were left uncovered. The midsection of the robe was loose against her cinched waist and tight against her chest, ass and hips. The robe swept along the dust while her long, dark hair hung down her shoulders. A simple pair of tiny sandals covered her feet.


She took a dusty breath and turned to face the staircase. Her outfit was a little more risque than many of the other women, but she fit in well enough. She just needed to refrain from drawing attention to herself and reconnect with Isla if possible. With all the hustle and bustle surrounding her, Sister Margery figured it wouldn't be too difficult to remain undetected. Despite that, she couldn't help but grind her gums together as the old woman's final words stuck in her mind:

'Everybody is against you'.

Shaking it from her thoughts, Sister Margery stepped forward carefully. Her little sandals clapped lightly against the dirt road and she kept her head down. Her breasts had very little support so they jiggled with each step while her hips swayed sensually. She had to traverse slowly as the onus seemed to be on her to move whenever she was on a collision course with another person. Her tiny frame didn't command much respect. She caught herself trying to say 'excuse me' on multiple occasions, only to be reminded that speech was no longer possible. Each time she remembered, it felt like a fresh stab to the gut. Nonetheless, she pressed on.

The sun was hot and, before long, Sister Margery had to wipe a bead of sweat from her forehead. She shifted her gaze up to check her progress and noticed she'd barely moved more than a few dozen feet! The staircase and shining marble building were only marginally closer. She huffed in disappointment and mentally willed herself to continue.

As she slowly shifted her gaze back to the ground, Sister Margery's attention caught onto something off to the side of the road. Approximately one hundred feet away a wooden shack had been crudely fashioned with three walls, a roof, and an opening. Within the opening, she saw four naked women. Their arms were tied above their heads and secured around a wooden post on the ceiling. Each woman wore a metal collar and a dejected expression. It didn't take Sister Margery long to figure that these women were slaves. A harsh looking man stood in front of the shack and barked towards the crowd in an unknown language. While she couldn't understand what he was saying, Sister Margery figured the man was trying to sell the women as property.

As she watched, however, one of the slave girls turned her attention to Sister Margery and zeroed in on her. Despite the horde of people filling every last square inch between them, and all the distance seperating them, Sister Margery knew this woman had somehow picked her out of the crowd. Was she smirking?


Sister Margery took a sharp breath and felt fear in her chest. Her mind raced. There was no way the woman could do anything to her, right? The woman was bound and naked- She was a hopeless slave- There was a huge crowd between them and-

Sister Margery gagged and her hands shot to her neck as a tight metal collar cinched around it. Her fingers frantically explored the collar and located a locking clasp in the back. The front had a metal ring attached to it which likely connected to a leash or a chain.


Every movement caused the collar to pinch the skin of her neck and she felt its suffocating presence with each labored breath. She tugged at the clasp but only succeeded in choking herself against the unyielding metal. She stopped after a few seconds when it was clear that thrashing around the street was bringing the wrong kind of attention to herself. She thought quickly and re-positioned her hair to cover the collar as best she could. Her robe did nothing to help her, but at least her hair did a decent enough job. She had no misgiving about the type of collar she now wore. It was a slave collar. The last thing she needed was to be mistaken for a slave girl! Her feet began to move, she had to get to the staircase- and fast!

There was a different vibe in the streets for Sister Margery as she swayed her way through the crowd. The collar around her neck was a new vulnerability that she felt with every step and every breath. She was unsure if anybody could see her new accessory, but every stare or glance from random passerby's was enough to make her feel uneasy. As a result, she somehow found a way to move even slower through the crowd. Now, not only did she consistently defer to anybody in her path, but she now did so in an overtly timid manner while obsessively covering her neck with her hair. She quickly realized that she was making almost no progress.

Sister Margery's mind raced and her eyes scanned the area. She had to find a way to get through the crowd more efficiently or find a pathway with fewer people. She knew that she was far too short to see over the crowd, so she had to figure something else out. She worried that if she kept going like this somebody was going to discover the collar. Her eyes rested on a nearby scaffolding placed against a new building.


It was perfect! She could climb to the top and find a safe, efficient path through the crowd! It also gave her a convenient excuse to step away from the judgemental eyes of the rabble. She carefully peered around and saw the scaffolding was abandoned. It looked sturdy enough, especially considering it was built to hold men. She approached and hoisted herself up on the first short platform. It was easy! It was like climbing a big staircase that stacked on top of itself. She mounted the second and third platforms with little trouble. Her feminine body clearly wasn't meant for climbing, but slowly and steadily she conquered the scaffolding and stood high above the street. Sister Margery was breathing heavy against the collar, and her muscles were shaking with strain, but she was genuinely proud of herself for getting to the top. She adjusted her hair and surveyed the area.

She examined the pattern of the commoners and the livestock and the soldiers and the women and the children and the aristocrats and the beggars and the slaves. She traced her path to the staircase and noticed an open lane on the far end of the street. It led all the way to the finish line! She just had to cut across the road for an easy win!

Elated, Sister Margery let her eyes wander over the far wall and into the forest just beyond the city. She saw a worn footpath negotiated by a stream of people. Even from this distance, she could make out another group of naked slaves who were shackled together and walking one-by-one in a line. One man led the group and another walked behind. As Sister Margery watched, however, one of the slave women turned her attention over the far wall and onto the scaffolding. Despite all the distance, she somehow knew the woman was looking at her.


Sister Margery tore her eyes away and staggered backwards. She wasn't about to let it happen again! She screamed while tumbling down the platform. Her robe flipped up and her ass landed hard into the dirt. She groaned and rubbed her butt as a stinging pain responded to her touch. She looked down and saw her white, hairless legs. Her eyes widened in shock. Her ankles now sported metal cuffs connected by a short chain! The cuffs left barely any room for movement and seemed intentionally thick and heavy. Sister Margery's itty bitty feet made the cuffs look bigger and more cumbersome in comparison. The metal appeared to match her collar. Her comfortable sandals were gone, too!


Before Sister Margery could even attempt to find a clasp, a handsome young man in a red tunic ran towards her with a concerned expression. He extended an open hand forward as he neared and said something friendly in an unknown language.


As he approached, however, his gaze fixated on the cuffs and he recoiled. His concerned expression turned to suspicion as he spotted the collar tightened around her neck. Sister Margery threw her robe over her legs and struggled to her feet. The man shouted something at her as she shuffled towards the crowd. Her natural gait was significantly stifled by the chain which restricted the length of her steps. Her bare feet scraped against the dirt, filth, garbage and animal waste coating the street and she heard the jingle of her metal chain as she escaped into the mob.

Sister Margery somehow found a way to move through the crowd even slower than before. She was constantly pulling her hair over her collar, taking labored breaths, timidly avoiding people, and struggling with the chain and heavy cuffs around her bare ankles. She tried to find the opening on the far side of the street that she'd spotted from the scaffolding, but it was simply impossible for her to navigate through the throng at ground level.

The vibe of the street had shifted even more. Now, not only was Sister Margery positive that people could see the collar through her hair, but she was also sure they could see her unnatural gait from the burdensome cuffs and hear the chain rattling. She was thankful that the robe covered to the ground, but knew it was only a matter of time before her restraints were discovered. She had to make it to the staircase- and quickly!

Unfortunately, pushing harder against the cuffs only worsened her stagger and caused a burgeoning soreness in her ankles to worsen. She slowed her steps and warily glanced over her shoulder. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was being followed. Had the man in the red tunic pursued her into the crowd? Her eyes shifted suspiciously along the nearby faces, but nobody stood out. Not wanting to waste anymore time, she attempted to continue her slog only to stop as her eyes fixated on a nearby alleyway. A kernel of hope smoldered in her chest. If she couldn't go through the crowd- maybe she could go around it?

She jingled and jiggled over to the alley and poked her head inside. Tall wooden walls extended down a dirt path and lead to an open door on the far end. A group of four naked slave women were standing together in the alley with their heads bowed and their hands bound. When she noticed them, Sister Margery tried to pull her eyes away, but it was too late. The only girl with metal wrist cuffs looked up and stared at her as she scrambled away.


Sister Margery felt the kernal of hope in her chest twist into panic. She turned to face the wall and keep the crowd from seeing what was about to happen. She looked down at her hands as metal cuffs matching her collar and ankle cuffs cinched around her wrists. Like the restraints on her legs, the wrist cuffs seemed like they were intentionally heavy, tight, and cumbersome. Her hands slammed together and a very short chain link connected the cuffs. They gave her almost no freedom of movement.


She froze against the wall. How could she possibly hide the new restraints!? Before she could think about it properly, the feeling of being followed began again. Sister Margery's eyes flicked over her shoulder towards the crowd and she felt fear and anxiety. She had to move! She hurriedly pulled her flowing robe and managed to bunch up just enough material to hide the cuffs in front of her. It looked like she was demurely folding her hands within the robe. Bunching the material around her hands had the drawback of shortening the overall length and nearly exposing her ankle cuffs. Her bare, dirty feet were partially uncovered and did quite a number to lower her perceived status in the social hierarchy. It was really only the slaves and beggars that didn't wear shoes and she was visibly part of that group now. Despite that, she had to move!

Sister Margery shuffled back into the crowd. She somehow found a way to move even slower than before. With her hands bunched up around her stomach, she could no longer properly cover her collar with her hair. She constantly rolled her shoulders and flipped her hair back and forth to try and substitute the use of her hands. Her sore ankles were still fighting against the jingling ankle chain, but she now had to move even slower and more carefully to avoid raising the robe and exposing her restraints to the crowd. Her filthy feet squished and slipped against god-knows-what on the road but that was the least of her concerns. The feeling of being followed didn't abate, but she couldn't properly scan the crowd without compromising her teetering disguise. She was now positive that random people were looking at her suspiciously. She hoped if she kept moving they would lose interest and go on about their business.

Sister Margery generally kept her gaze on the ground to avoid eye contact, but she decided to sneak a quick glimpse towards the staircase to check her progress. She was surprised and relieved to see that she was notably closer; at least halfway if not further! It gave her a renewed sense of hope and the reassurance that her strategy was working!

She rushed forward only to stop at a stationary wall of people who were standing still, facing one direction, and cheering. She raised her eyes to see what the fuss was about. Looking through the gaps in a group of laughing men, Sister Margery saw the scene and gasped. A naked slave girl was kneeling on a mat in the middle of the road. Her eyes were closed and her head was facing up as a man furiously masturbated above her. Sister Margery watched as the man's cock sputtered and unloaded ropes of ejaculate across the slave's face.


The crowd cheered as the kneeling woman was showered with a torrent of sperm. Sister Margery felt pity for the girl but silently swore to herself that she would do anything to avoid her fate. She renewed the bunching of her dress around her hands and flipped her hair over her collar while preparing to find a way around the crowd. Sister Margery gave the poor girl one last glance.

That was when the kneeling slave opened her cum covered eyes and stared through the gaps of the laughing men. Terrified, Sister Margery staggered away as fast as her leg cuffs would carry her. But, by the time she turned around, the first line of warm jizz had already splashed across her face. Sister Margery took a sharp breath and tasted the salty tang of semen as her face was coated with line after line. She lurched forward clumsily and closed her left eye as it was cemented shut. She tried to wipe her face against her shoulder but the strap was too far away and her restrictive collar wouldn't let her turn her head enough to reach it. She considered pulling her hands up to wipe the sticky liquid away, but couldn't risk exposing her cuffs. She resigned herself to keeping her head down as a fat wad of fresh sperm dripped down her face. She turned back to look with her one good eye and finally spotted her pursuer in the crowd.


When they locked eyes from a distance, the man gave Sister Margery a sinister, toothy grin and yelled something towards her. She immediately began running as fast as she could to get away from him.

He yelled loudly over the crowd, "Ancilla fugitivus! Capere eius!"

All concerns with hiding her restraints went out the window and Sister Margery desperately tried to escape. The man followed behind, loudly yelling something and notifying the crowd of her presence. The jingle of chains, the dripping of cum and the rasp of labored breaths drew the attention of the mob. Luckily, her robe still managed to hide the majority of her chains and she was usually gone before anybody could pinpoint who the man was talking about. She had to focus, she was almost to the steps!

"Servus! Servus!" He shouted towards Sister Margery. His voice sounded closer than before.

Through a cummy eye she saw a line of naked slave women standing behind a man holding a whip. They were directly in her path! The slaves were staring at the ground and holding their vaginal lips open submissively. One woman met Sister Margery's eye.


Sister Margery felt a chill as her robe dissolved and her naked body and restraints were exposed to the sun. Her exaggerated curves were on full display!


The mob was now reacting to Sister Margery properly as it took no time or effort for them to connect whatever the pursuing man was shouting and her naked, shackled body. She saw their faces turn in surprise, lust, and disdain as they watched a cum coated, curvy slave girl trying to escape her master. Her fat tits and ass, her hairless pussy, her cinched waist- it was all bared for their viewing pleasure. She was probably the most feminine woman they had ever seen.

"Servus puellam effugere conatur! Cape eam!" He screamed.

Her tits swayed wildly, her chains rattled, her hips rocked, her hair flopped, her filthy feet slapped against the street, and her labored breaths struggled around the collar- but she could see the first stone step! It was only a few feet away, just beyond a large puddle!


She lunged towards the puddle and...



104 AD Part 2
