Part 6

Down the stairs was a medium sized, empty room with an open door on the far end which led deeper into the ruin. It was as if the dungeon knew they were ready to rest and it gave them a place to do so.

"I don't like this." Gus stated, "It feels like this place is...aware..."

The thought sent a chill up Eadric's spine, but he knew they all needed a bit of rest. He wanted desperately to remove his armor and clear it of annoying, itchy hairs; but he didn't want his companions to see his diminished musculature.

"Get a fire going, elf." Ox ordered.

Twinkle gently unloaded his heavy burden onto the ground and rifled through the packs, looking for a tinderbox. Eadric decided he could at least remove his helmet which he placed onto the floor. He still had his mask on, but he was able to breath much easier without his cumbersome metal headgear. He removed his gauntlets as well. He rubbed his beardless chin. It was such an alien feeling. Even licking his lips felt weird. He deposited his gauntlets next to his helmet and sat back against the wall. Gus was right, something about this ruin was disturbing. It was as if the walls were just pretending to be still.

Ox and Gus each found a separate corner to place their bedrolls. Eadric did the same.

"Not taking off the armor, boss?" Ox asked.

Eadric thought quickly on his feet, "No, I...I want to be ready in case something attacks us while we're resting. You never know."

Ox nodded in agreement, "Good call. That's why you're in charge! Hopefully you get some stubble going in the next few hours; I can't take you seriously with a smooth face like that!"

Ox chuckled like he was joking, but Eadric felt his words cut deep. He knew there was a serious sentiment behind it.

"I'll take the first watch, but we should probably eat something before we turn in." Gus stated, his yellow cat eyes practically glowed in the darkness.

Twinkle finally sparked the fire and the illumination and warmth lightly lifted Eadric's spirits. He watched the dancing flame and thought about his situation. Surely, the magic affecting his body would fade and he would be able to clear his armor of itchy hair. He would find the artifact and leave this place forever!

Eadric gnawed on a piece of jerky from his pack. A little meat in his belly was doing wonders for his mood. He noticed his companions were eating and having their spirits similarly lifted.

He was Sir Eadric Strongfellow for god sake! He'd earned a reputation behind his intimidating executioners mask with amazing feats of daring and strength! Was he really going to let some elf trickery and illusions drag him down!?

Eadric concluded he would be better by morning. He just had to make it until morning! He was done wallowing in self pity! But until then, he still didn't want his companions seeing his body...

"Hey, Twink, want some jerky?" Ox chortled.

Eadric and Gus both laughed. It was well known that weak elven stomachs couldn't handle meat. They could only eat leaves, twigs and berries. And, if they tried, they would immediately vomit. Human philosophers concluded long ago that the gods saw fit to separate elves and humans by as many means as possible. It was important to have division among the races so as to remind elves that they were lesser. Meat made human men strong.

Twinkle stayed quiet and sat huddled in the corner, lightly gnawing on what looked like a piece of bark. His tan, tattooed, muscled body certainly didn't look like somebody that only ate leaves. Eadric figured Twinkle's muscles would fade as soon as his own returned. He almost felt bad for the little elf because the packs weren't going to be getting any lighter, especially if they found any treasure or valuables.

Eadric watched Twinkle who was in a meditative, introspective state. He was likely reflecting about being ordered to pilfer the bodies of his ancestors. See, that was the issue with his kind; If Eadric had been ordered to do something like that, he would have told the person to fuck right off. Elves were just subservient to the core. Who was Eadric to question the natural order of things? He also never understood why male elves didn't wear slave collars like the females. There had to have been a good reason, but Eadric thought it was a weird custom. An elf is an elf, right? Either way, so long as he had the pointy ears, tattoos, and he was hairless-

Eadric stopped the thought and pushed it away. His hair was going to return when he awoke. He was no elf!

With a belly full of jerky and his trusted companions watching over him, Eadric drifted to sleep despite his itchy, cumbersome armor. He dreamt of personal glory and wet pussy.



Part 7


Part 5