Part 15
The party descended the staircase which was noticeably longer than any before it. Near the bottom it opened into a tall, wide, stone threshold. Beyond the threshold loomed ominous darkness.
Eadric signaled for the party to halt. He flashed a few hand signs that Twinkle didn't recognize, and Gus began creeping forward. Gus was tremendously proficient with quiet movement and his steps were silent. His noiseless stride was a wonder to behold as he had become a rather hulking man, just like his companions.
Gus was swallowed into the darkness, his new eyes proving to be an invaluable asset to his scouting abilities. The rest of the party held fast and waited.
Eadric readied his long, gleaming sword and Ox gripped [i]Tempest[/i] firmly. Twinkle's sticky, naked body hid behind Ox and Eadric. She was afraid of the darkness and felt comforted having some big, hunky men between her and whatever horrors awaited beyond.
Twinkle suddenly remembered her dagger. She must have dropped it! She felt a momentary tug of panic in her chest before shrugging it off. It was just some shitty elven dagger. There were probably thousands more just like it in every blacksmith's bargain bin. She'd have plenty of time to search for it on the way back to the surface anyway. And, besides, how deadly could she really be with a blade? She was an elf woman for godsake! She technically shouldn't even possess a weapon, let alone know how to use one! She was probably more dangerous to her allies than she was to her enemies while holding a blade. Why had her masters even given it to her in the first place? As a joke maybe?
She was...
Twinkle shook her head sending loose, silky blonde hair whipping back and forth. Something about thinking "I am an elf woman" didn't sit right with her. She used her long, sparkly nails to scratch her head as she pondered. She glanced down at her jiggly breasts. She certainly LOOKED like an elf woman. But still...something was off...
Twinkle racked her brain. She dragged her increasingly distant, elusive and foggy memories back from brink of dissolving completely. She vaguely recalled being a...a human man? She was Eadric? But...but how could she be Eadric when Master Strongfellow was standing next to her?
Twinkle stifled a chuckle in the low light of the parties torches. Such a wild imagination she had! She glanced over at Eadric. He stood like a valient symbol of manliness and bravery. Twinkle could smell his intoxicating, masculine musk and feel his looming presence. His executioners mask, his sword, his armor, his impressive stature, his confident demeanor, his badboy reputation...Though there were only a few inches between them physically, Twinkle felt like a million miles separated them. She was as far from Eadric as possible.
Perhaps, deep down, she dreamed of being a respected, human man. Maybe this went hand-in-hand with her recent curiosity about what it would be like to DO the fucking...but Twinkle knew these thoughts were nothing more than a silly slavegirls fever dream. She'd been conditioned since childhood not to question the status quo or think about becoming something more. Her conditioning made her consider these thoughts dangerous and she fearfully pushed them away.
With the weak, faded memories forcibly pushed even further into the background; Twinkle, the docile, domesticated, elven fucktoy rooted deeper into Twinkle's psyche and she felt tingles along her body. She noticed her eye level shifting lower to the ground. She was becoming even shorter! Before the shift, her eye level (with her heeled boots) was around Eadric's shoulders. Now, she was barely up to his mid back. While some of the difference could be attributed to Eadric's own height increasing, Twinkle knew she was short, even by elf standards.
But the changes weren't finished as they next focused on Twinkle's face. She stayed completely silent and motionless, behind her companions, while her facial proportions shifted. Her cheekbones lifted while her jaw weakened and rounded. Her puffy lips became naturally pouted, her button nose turned upwards and her dark eyebrows lightened, thinned and pushed up. Her pointed ears grew longer and more pronounced and her shining blue eyes turned forest green. Overall, her delicate facial features became more womanly, innocent and elven. She looked like the least frightening creature in existence!
Twinkle's natural, loose hair was next. It pulled, twisted and styled silently in the dim light. Twinkle stood silently, letting whatever magic was affecting her do its work. She didn't dare speak out and break the parties silence. When it was finished, Twinkle's hair was still light and silky, but now it was curled and pulled into a stereotypical elven maiden style and flowed to her mid/lower back. Her new hairdo was even complete with a dainty white flower clasping two curled strands together. It certainly appeared that she spent a decent chunk of time taking care of her hair- as elven whores like her were expected to do.
When the changes were complete, Twinkle shivered with a jiggle and sniffled softly with her tiny, upturned nose. She was naked, cold and vulnerable on the narrow staircase. She felt completely dependent on her masters to protect her and keep her safe. But that was the deal, wasn't it? These rugged brutes provide protection for her [b]now[/b] and she "provides" something for them [b]later[/b]. She ran her long nails along her newly styled hair and felt...pretty.
Gus stepped from the darkness rather quickly causing the party to flinch and breaking Twinkle from her thoughts. The color was drained from his face and he appeared afraid. His cat eyes glowed mysteriously. The boys huddled up and began whispering to each other softly. Twinkle was not included in the huddle, but she was able to hear their conversation.
Gus muttered, "There's a small, glowing crown on the far end of the room. I would guess that's our artifact."
"So what's the problem?" Eadric asked softly.
Gus sighed, "There's at least a hundred undead surrounding it."
"I don't smell any knife-eared trash." Ox grunted loudly, eliciting a collective shush from the rest of the party, "Present company excluded." He added in a quieter, yet mocking tone.
Twinkle crossed her arms, hurt slightly by Ox's comment. She may be knife-eared, but she wasn't trash!
Gus shook his head, "The bodies are fresh. They look like they're asleep. It's...eerie."
Eadric took a deep, contemplative breath before deciding, "We don't have much choice. That's our ticket out of this hell hole. We'll proceed with caution and be sure to have each other's backs. If we have to fight, we do it together as we always have."
Ox and Gus nodded in agreement at Eadric's order. They removed their packs and set them on the floor. They proceeded into the darkness with their weapons raised.
Ox turned and hissed at Twinkle, "Keep your slimy, orc-fucking [b]cunt[/b] on this staircase. You'll just get in our way."
"Yes master." Twinkle whispered back.
Twinkle was relieved to be left behind. She had no business being on a battlefield! She clicked and jiggled her way to the top of the long staircase and waited.
The sounds of battle erupted from below. Twinkle's heart raced as shouting and screaming echoed along the walls. She had no way of knowing which side was making the noises. But, more importantly, she had no way of knowing which side was winning. What if the party lost? What if she was left as the only living being in the temple? Twinkle gulped. If that was the case, she likely wouldn't remain alive for long. The undead would hunt her down and rip her to pieces or she would quickly run out of food and painfully starve in the lonely darkness. She would become yet another elven corpse on the pile. She would never see the sun again, she would never feel the breeze, she would never....
Twinkle shook her head and pushed the negative thoughts away. No! Her masters were the best warriors she'd ever laid eyes on! They would prevail and spirit her away from this awful place! They would provide, protect and satisfy her until such a time that they found a younger, hotter piece of ass. At which point she would probably be sold as a chamber maid or a prostitute. It was Twinkle's personal roadmap through life and she wanted to experience it! She didn't want it to end here!
As she listened to the echoing sounds of battle, Twinkle's developing acceptance of her life in slavery continued to change her. Her arms shortened and she lost any scant remnants of muscle mass. Her arms were short, slender and dainty. With her tiny hands and long nails her arms were officially the girliest part about her. Twinkle rested her arms to her side and noticed her hands barely made it past her hips! She would have very little reach and definitely needed to get accustomed to asking for help when trying to retrieve anything up high. Twinkle flexed and saw her bicep barely twitched.
Her ass expanded yet again and she could feel fat gushing into her soft lower body. When it was finished, she jutted out like a porn star. Twinkle rested her hands on her dump-truck ass. With her wide hips, thick thighs and puffy pussy she felt like a walking wet dream. She took a few steps and noticed an uncontrollable jiggling and unconscious swaying in her lower body.
Finally, she glanced down at a tingling in her feet and watched her heeled boots fall away and disappear. She was left wearing only her silver slave collar. Losing a few inches in height was eye opening for Twinkle. She realized just how short and frail she truly was. Her newly bare feet contracted until they were much like her hands: dainty and girly. Her toenails grew a sheen of paint in a similar color to her nails. Overall, these were the feet of the prettiest and most feminine woman imaginable.
The fighting lasted for a while longer but eventually the sounds of battle dwindled then ceased completely. Twinkle nervously waited in the darkness. Each second of silence dragged on. There was no point in waiting any longer, she would have to face the winners eventually.
Twinkle swept down the stairs silently. Her bare feet making virtually no noise whatsoever. She took a deep breath before passing the threshold.