Part 16

[b]Part 16[/b]

Foxy pushed the door and burst out into the dark street. She scanned the trash covered sidewalk and felt a horrifying chill crawl up her spine. She knew immediately that it was a mistake to be out here. Her presence was noticed quickly by the rough looking men lining the street. Foxy stood in front of the doorway which was surrounded by the glow of multiple fluorescent signs.

The first was directly over Foxy's head. It simply said 'WHORE HOUSE' with an arrow that pointed directly at her.

The second was off to the side. It read 'GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS' with an arrow, again, pointing directly at her.

The third and final fluorescent sign read 'LIVE SEX' below a female silhouette. It was next to the door Foxy was in front of. She figured her own silhouette probably looked similar to the sign.

The closest man stared at Foxy with dead eyes. His ratty, dirty beard covered his leathery features which were contorted into a crazy scowl. His hair was stiff and unwashed and he'd clearly been wearing his disheveled clothing for weeks.

Foxy gulped. She was frozen beneath the man's gaze as he began moving towards her. Several men followed suit and she could clearly see there were some with unsavory intent. Here Foxy was: a small, naked woman with wide, jutting hips; juicy, fat butt; bountiful, fake tits; flowing, ass-length blonde hair; tiny, cinched in stomach; cute, innocent, makeup coated, heavy hoop wearing face; with girly-girl finger nails and delicate hands and feet; all with a puffy, experienced pussy nestled between her heavy thighs. Not only that, but she was also standing at the front entrance to a whore house with multiple fluorescent signs pointing at her and indicating she was exactly what she looked like. Foxy couldn't have been any different from the men around her if she tried. She felt like a defenseless chihuahua puppy surrounded by a gang of rabid pit bulls.

The crazy man sneered at Foxy and advanced more quickly. Luckily, her frozen body reacted to his aggressive movement by instinctively recoiling towards the door. She'd gained a natural cowardice and become a staunch 'flight' person in a fight or flight scenario. She felt her heart pounding in her chest as she scrambled for safety. When she reached it, Foxy saw the dusty glass door read "Mikey's Pussy Palace & Boner Garage". She couldn't believe she worked at a place with such a degrading name! However, standing naked in the street beneath the lustful, hungry male stares, Foxy couldn't help but [i]feel[/i] like another pussy in the palace [i]and[/i] another garage for a boner. That was absolutely how the men closing in on Foxy saw her and how she was beginning to see herself. She knew she'd have to face the men already inside and figured they likely didn't have a very high opinion of her either. Despite that, Foxy reasoned that anybody inside was far better than anybody out here so she tugged at the door. She caught a glimpse of her frightened reflection in the glass.

She remembered what she looked like before. She recalled that her face was cute and vibrant while her eyes twinkled with a vivacious spark. She remembered her sparse makeup and hair that was just beyond shoulder length.

What her reflection showed now, however, was a completely different picture. Her lips matched her fake boobs and were unnaturally puffy while her face was coated with thick layers of heavy makeup. Her ass length hair and heavy hoop earrings completed her slutty vibe which better suited her new job as a professional boner garage. What worried her the most was that her eyes looked glazed over and lifeless just like Jens had been.

Foxy slipped into the building and slammed the door behind her. She took heavy breaths and felt the ambient smoke filling her lungs and working to calm her nerves. For good measure, she moved away from the door, though it appeared the local populace hadn't pursued her inside. Perhaps Malik's presence was enough to keep them at bay. The smoke hanging in the room gave Foxy a strong craving for a cigarette so she lit one up and took a long drag between her puffy lips. She didn't know where the cigarette had come from, but she wasn't complaining.

Malik limped towards her, still hunched over and holding his dick. He whimpered, "You a goddamn slut- you a cock suckin' ho-bag skank-ass bitch!"

Foxy tried to ignore Malik's insults, but sadly felt that his comments were accurate. His words echoed in her mind and her personality shifted and perverted with each assertion he made. He was right, she [i]was[/i] a slut and only became sluttier at his insults. A sting in her belly forced her to look down to see a new piercing. Without her clothes, the new belly button piercing was immediately apparent to anybody that looked at her.

She [i]was[/i] a cock sucker [i]and[/i] a ho-bag with more memories that reflected it. There was no denying how familiar she now felt with a hard cock sliding between [i]both[/i] sets of lips. Another sting signaled to Foxy that a new piercing had lodged itself in her enhanced lower lip. She flicked her tongue against the metal, finding she was already used to having it there.

She [i]was[/i] a skank [i]and[/i] a bitch with the habits and mentality to exemplify those titles. Foxy had become comfortable in squalor and thrived on depravity. She gasped as a burning sensation in her shoulder drew her attention. A dark pink floral tattoo blossomed on her left shoulder. She'd never had a tattoo before, but it felt [i]right[/i] and [i]normal[/i].

Foxy swayed past the cursing Malik towards the stage. She figured there may have been an exit in the back that she could sneak out of. Maybe she could even find some clothes before making it outside? Once again she barely had any recollection of why she needed to leave, but something in her head told her it was of the utmost importance.

She entered the main room and scanned around. Everything about the room screamed 'bottom of the barrel'. The dingy light bulbs hanging on the ceiling were completely exposed and cast an unfocused, dim hue on everything. They perfectly displayed the non-existent level of care the owners had. There were rusty metal pipes randomly running along the ceiling, holes in the walls, dust on every surface and cobwebs hanging in every forgotten corner. The carpet was so congealed and disgusting that it was blackened and sticky with spilled drinks, food and suspicious stains. Unsavory, sleazy men stalked around the busy room or commiserated at tiny tables with cheap beer and heavy cigars. Hip hop music pounded from low quality speakers and the cloud of smoke hung heavily.

Foxy recognized the levels of filth on display but didn't feel very bothered by it. She was used to it after a couple of years of professional whoring. Several of the unwashed men were openly masturbating towards the woman dancing on the main stage.

Foxy remembered Isabelle's hot Latina body from a few minutes prior.

But Isabelle had clearly been affected by the corruption and changed to better suit the shitty club. She looked like she'd gained at least fifty pounds and a scratchy bush. She wore medium gold hoops and several gaudy rings.

The men were hooting and hollering at Isabelle like before, but their comments were more vulgar and extreme. Foxy watched the surrounding men getting handsy as Isabelle crouched seductively to collect a tip. They were touching her pussy or spanking her ass or squeezing her tits all while soliciting or insulting her. It seemed as though they were bolder because she was less attractive than before. They were more confident to disparage or disrespect her and acted as though they had a right to her body.

Foxy felt a pang of guilt as a particularly nasty man stuffed his finger in Isabelle's cunt and called her a 'beaner slut' while she was grabbing a bill. Isabelle looked mildly uncomfortable, but allowed it to happen. Foxy may not have liked Isabelle, but she didn't deserve this!

Isabelle wasn't the only employee that had changed. Foxy remembered the cute blonde waitress, Darcy, whose smile brightened up the room.

She now saw Darcy at a far table flirting with a group of men. Her eyes looked half-lidded, glazed over and disinterested which was a far cry from the vibrant, joyful eyes she had before. She bent at the waist and allowed the men to fondle her ass. Her hair had lost its youthful, golden hue and it looked like she had completely given up.

A naked waitress approached Foxy and broke her from a stare. Foxy's eyes narrowed as she turned towards the portly woman and examined her. She had a vague, passing resemblance to one of the waitresses, Maxine, who Foxy remembered as shy, soft-spoken, lithe and young.

The waitress in front of Foxy had a bloated paunch riddled with stretch marks and sad, floppy tits. Her face was plain with wide-set, gray eyes while her reddish-brown hair was collected in a sloppy bun. She looked like a cousin of Maxine that got the shallow end of the gene pool. Despite that, Foxy knew this [i]WAS[/i] Maxine. She'd definitely gotten the worst of the corruption.

"Oi, Foxy." Max cracked with a strong Scottish accent, "Can ye take me next bloke? I got te take a shite an' me arsehole been fooked wide open."

Foxy struggled to form words due to the blunt nature of Max's request and the realization of how far she'd fallen. Foxy just [i]knew[/i] she needed to leave out the back, so having sex with a John was out of the question!

Foxy chirped a response in her ghetto accent alongside a cloud of smoke, "Nah, Max, I ain't gon' be doin' none 'a that shit today. I gotta get the fuck out this bitch."

Max's face contorted in discomfort and she gently hopped from one foot to the other causing her loose gut to jiggle as she pleaded, "Oh come on, Foxy. I'm 'bout te shit me britches an' I'm no' even wearin' any! 'Sides, me cunt an' arsehole covered for ye at least a dozen times when one a' yer wee little boyfriends came te fook yer minge in the back room fer free. Ye owe me lass!"

Dozens of new heterosexual sex memories flooded Foxy's head. She garnered quite the reputation as an insatiable sex addict, even amongst the other prostitutes. She recalled inviting some of her special "boyfriends" that she regularly serviced outside of work into the club. She'd drag them to the back room and they'd pound her holes every which way while she screamed in feminine ecstasy. Everybody in the brothel knew about Foxy's side hustle of selling herself...while she was supposed to be selling herself. They'd all walked in on her bouncing on a cock or gagging on a boner at some point. Her outside clients just paid so much more! Of course, she needed to maintain her regular employment as well. There was certainly no shortage of dick to ride! Foxy also remembered several instances where Max had covered for her.

Foxy's tongue poked her lip ring and she flicked cigarette ash to the floor as she sighed and nodded, "Aight, Max. But we straight and I ain't owe you shit after this."

A familiar burning sensation started near Foxy's right ear. Her hand shot up and checked her large gold hoops which remained unchanged. The burning quickly stopped, but Foxy now had a small face tattoo! Even if she wore clothes she wouldn't be able to cover it! Foxy curled her ass length dirty-blonde hair behind her ears giving Max a good look at her new tattoo.

Max clapped her hands together and grinned, "Thank ye, Foxy! I met this bloke before, he likes fookin' yer minge an takin' pictures. Not a problem fer ye! I know ye like gettin' yer fud poked by a thick tadger an' he's got one! He'll be in the private room waitin' on ye."

With that, Max turned and waddled quickly towards the back room with her chunky ass cheeks squeezed together. Foxy was left standing alone. She glanced towards the door indicated by Max on the far side of the room. The door was painted an innocent, faded pink pastel. Foxy knew the the room behind the door inside and out from years of experience as a prostitute; but she somehow also knew that if she went inside and had sex with a man that she would never be able to leave this place.

She looked down at herself as a quick sting jabbed into her left nostril and a small gold ring attached itself.

Her long fingernails reached up to touch the new nose ring and Foxy suddenly remembered getting it pierced. It was another indicator that she wasn't anybody other than Foxy the prostitute.Her enhanced tits, her tats, her ass, her pussy, her long hair, her enhanced and pierced lips, her pierced belly, her long nails, her ghetto accent, her extensive sexual history, it all worked to push Foxy's brain to accept what she appeared to be.

The pounding music stopped for a quick second and Foxy watched as Isabelle strutted off the stage with a wad of bills clutched in her hand. Passing her was Madison, the former hostess.

Foxy remembered what Madison had looked like before. She was a cute, young Asian woman with a tight body.

The new Madison that began dancing seductively on stage and dropping to her knees was much heavier and older. Her figure had filled out with age and she had grown a hairy bush.

The men near the stage continued their despicable behavior with Madison who reacted similarly to Isabelle as a dirty finger probed her vagina and she was called a 'Chink slut'.

Foxy turned her head to one end of the room and saw the back door. She could go there and try to escape from this place once and for all. It was far from certain, but she felt her only chance to realistically recover her original body was through that door. The war in her head was still raging between her two personas, Foxy and Dani. She frowned as she recalled her formerly tight, feminine body. She placed her clawed hands onto her jutting, motherly hips and wished they would go back to being lithe and befitting the young girl she was supposed to be. She was eighteen years old for god sake! She shouldn't have an ass and thighs gushing with fat like some ghetto trash! Her butt should have been cute and pert! Her thighs should have been supple but muscular! She next hefted her surgically enhanced, spherical boobs and squeezed them gently. They were so fake and heavy! She longed for her original, cute breasts that she'd grown naturally. At least people wouldn't immediately discount her like they did when they saw these monstrosities! She pouted when she checked her puffy lips, various piercings and whorish makeup. These weren't her at all! These belonged to Foxy!

Foxy knew Dani was still inside her brain fighting for control. Her memories weren't fully corrupted. She still recalled being the skinny cheerleader at the top of the pyramid alongside the big booty slut twerking at the club. She recalled her first sexual experience with her first serious boyfriend being sweet and gentle as well as violent and rough. She simultaneously remembered her tight, virgin vagina and her loose, blown-out cunt. A formal, flattering ball gown at the senior prom with a respectful young man which included a tasteful kiss on the dance floor paralleled a fishnet mini dress failing to contain exaggerated curves at a disrespectful older boys prom which included hardcore fucking on the dance floor.

Foxy tried fighting against the strain and winced. She just wanted this to be over! She glanced towards the pink door where the John was waiting. She could end the war inside and fully accept her position as Foxy, the trashy ho.

There Foxy stood, between two doors. She nervously twirled her long blond locks between her fingers as she decided.

Was she truly Dani? Or was she Foxy?

How was she going to decide!?


Part 17


Part 15