Round 7
[b]Round Seven:[/b]
Martin appeared in an open, well lit cafeteria. The walls and floor were white. Rows of tables packed with folding chairs lined the room.
Martin wore a simple blue dress shirt and slacks with white sneakers.
After a few seconds of silence, a middle aged man appeared. He was pale. Sickly pale. He had dark hair and a small, wiry frame. He was dressed in a similar manner to Martin. His eyes were wide and jutted out, almost like a bug. His face had sharp, darkened features. His gaze shot all around the room in a panic.
Martin took a step back, watching the man like one would a dangerous animal. The man staggered, appearing unstable on his feet. He crashed into the nearest table sending an echo around the room. Though he somehow managed to stay on his feet, Martin was sure the man would lose his footing at any moment.
"A-are you okay, man?" Martin offered, keeping his distance.
The man's bug eyes opened even wider as he stared at Martin. Martin asked again, slower and softer, he figured maybe the man didn't speak English. The man anchored himself to the side of the nearest table, as if holding on for dear life; still not responding to Martin's question.
Martin heard a soft *pop* behind him. He glanced over his shoulder and saw a rubber doll silently standing nearby. It was blonde with puffy lips, large breasts and huge eyes. Its figure was highly exaggerated with flared hips and thick thighs. Its face was innocent and its skin was flawless, tanned and synthetic. It wore a white lace lingerie set with white heels. Its nipples poked through the material while a g-string rode up its ass.
As Martin watched, the doll began shambling towards him. Its glistening, glass eyes didn't blink and its expression didn't change. Its gait was stiff, unpredictable and unnatural. As it walked, a trail of white fluid slipped from between its legs and dribbled to the floor. The dolls vagina puffed out and around the underwear. Martin faced the approaching doll and slowly walked backwards before hearing a crash as the man on his opposite side was still struggling to catch his footing.
The doll stopped about halfway through the row. It opened its mouth to speak. Its voice was highly computerized and high pitched. It mispronounced words, paused at inappropriate times and did not put proper emphasis on words giving it a distinctly inhuman speech pattern. The most jarring thing about the doll talking, however, was its inability to move its mouth to follow its words. When the doll was speaking, its mouth was wide open the whole time, showing that it was definitely not human speech as the words weren't formed from the movement of its mouth. The doll's mouth was clearly for taking cock, not stating an opinion.
"I am A.N.N.A. Contestants will participate in a pie eating contest."
Two pies appeared next to one another on the table between the stumbling man and Martin. Utensils of all kinds were piled next to them.
Martin grabbed the closest pie and a spoon. He wasn't about to lose another round, and the pie looked delicious. As he started shoveling cherry pie (his favorite) into his mouth, Martin glanced over at the man. He approached his pie shakily. While swallowing a healthy spoonful of tart cherry, Martin figured the man must speak English. He seemed to understand what was happening and the directions A.N.N.A gave. But, for some reason, was slow to follow them.
With his attention focusing on the peculiar behavior of the man, Martin's spoon caught on his newly expanded lips. Part of the spoonful fell back into the pie tin. Martin sighed, pushed away his frustration, and re-focused his efforts. He polished off the entire pie in a matter of minutes. Meanwhile, the frightened man managed to grab a knife and poke at his pie a few times without actually taking a bite. He looked afraid.
With a burp, Martin dropped his spoon.
Doctor Grungot's voice came through a loudspeaker hanging on a nearby wall. His voice was as nasily and condescending as ever, "Congratulations, Mr. Dawes. You've survived another round. I'm extremely excited with the latest changes to your facial features. I suspect you disagree, however. No matter, you'll change your tune soon enough. I think-"
Martin interrupted, "Hey, Doc! How many rounds do I have to endure here? A shave is one thing, but you fucked with important stuff! These aren't even my eyes for Christ sake! Lip injections? You're sick! Lip injections are for chicks!"
"But, Mr. Dawes, those are your eyes now. Best get used to them. And, you're right, Mr. Dawes, lip injections are 'for chicks'. But don't worry, if you lose as often as you have up to this point going forward, those lip injections will suit you perfectly in no time. You'll be here for one hundred rounds of competitive fun, after all!"
"One h-hundred?" Martin stammered, his head feeling woozy.
Doctor Grungot continued, "I see you've met A.N.N.A and Mr. Kleiner. Mr. Kleiner a bit of an 'adjustment period' at the moment. I'm sure he'll be more of a conversationalist moving forward. I'm also sure he'll be a much better competitor moving forward. But, for now, you've won this round."
The room collapsed leaving Martin shell shocked. One HUNDRED rounds? He would have to really focus on winning...Whatever that pervert Doctor had planned, Martin would overcome it!
[b]NAME: [/b]
Martin Lionel Dawes
[b]AGE: [/b]
[b]HEIGHT: [/b]
[b]WEIGHT: [/b]
220 LBS
Incredibly short, dark dots of hair cover an otherwise shaved head.
A deep and gravelly, masculine growl.
Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips. Low cheekbones and wide, somewhat prominent nose. Large, soft green eyes. Heavy brow and wide, square jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide neck with prominent Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman.
[b]GENITALS: [/b]
Large, thick and veiny 9 inch penis with flared, uncircumsised head. Covered in a jungle of dark pubes.
[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]
Bulging biceps and forearms that ripple with veins. Dark hair covered chest and muscled shoulders. Pecks are hard and relatively flat. Nipples are small hard and masculine. Stomach is hard, cut and muscled. Upper body literred with dark hair. Hands are large and masculine with rough nails and callouses.
[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]
Bulging tree-trunk legs which are strong and hairy. Feet are large and masculine with rough nails and callouses. Flat, muscular butt and narrow hips.
Blue dress shirt and slacks. Comfortable sneakers.
Dates and has dated exclusively women. Loves drilling a nice wet pussy. Loves making women scream in ecstasy. Likes large tits and big butts (and he cannot lie). Likes seeing women with cum on them (especially if it's his). Enjoys a bit of hair down there and has a preference for long blonde hair up top. Loves cunnilingus and anal. Likes being the boss and having women call him 'Daddy'.
Extremely driven and quick-witted. A total hothead that's decisive and likes living on the edge. Somewhat provacative and foolhardy. Isn't afraid of anybody or anything. Has very fast muscle memory and advanced general motor skills. A talkative extrovert who exudes confidence.
Jiu Jitsu expert. Knows multiple fighting techniques other than Jiu Jitsu. Martial weapons expert. Very knowlegable about the human body inclduing fitness and diet (though he couldn't cook to save his life). Learned french exclusively for the ladies.