Round 58
[b]Round Fifty Eight:[/b]
Maddi appeared on a blacktop surface with the hot sun beating down. She squinted as her eyes adjusted. The air was thick with humidity and she felt herself beginning to sweat almost immediately. She glanced around and saw that she was in front of a red brick building with a multitude of windows.
A nearby glass entryway had bold, block letters hanging above the doors. As she read the words, and despite the heat, Maddi couldn't help but shiver: "Doctor Grungot High School"
As a bead of light sweat pooled on the back of her neck, Maddi turned her attention to the outfit she wore. A mid-thigh, black dress hugged tightly around every curve. It formed perfectly around her hips, ass and chest. It had an open split in the middle which teased the smallest peek at her loose stomach. Maddi's nipples were clearly outlined in the dress and it was readily apparent that she was not wearing a bra. The dress also had a deeply plunging neckline and displayed an ample amount of cleavage. Maddi's long brunette hair cascaded loosely down her back and on her feet were matching black heels. She rested her hands on her hips.
Maddi glanced around the area and noticed it was deserted. She kept one hand on her hips while the other lightly fanned her face. The heavy makeup she wore only served to make her even hotter. Maddi unconsciously jutted her hip to the side and adopted a feminine posture as her mind was focused on her surroundings. She stood in the uncomfortable sun for several long minutes watching heatwaves rising from the blacktop.
Appearing with a soft *pop* was a young woman with dirty blonde hair.
Maddi guessed the girl was in her early teens. She had striking green eyes and a devilish smile. She wore a soft white blouse, Daisy Duke jean shorts and white flats. She was around the same height as Maddi and her wavy, dirty blond hair reached mid back. Her body was somewhat developed and she looked to be in the throes of puberty.
Before Maddi could open her mouth to speak, the nearest off the glass doors opened and a young man exited.
The boy had a friendly smile and looked like he was in his mid/late teens. Maddi couldn't believe he was wearing a long sleeve flannel shirt and jeans in the heat.
Maddi continued to fan herself and felt sweat coalescing under her armpits, under her breasts and between her legs. Those long, hot minutes alone had really done a number on her and she could feel her skin becoming saturated.
She returned the young man's smile, content to play along with whatever was happening. Maddi saw the boy's eyes flick down to her breasts and hips. She was familiar with being ogled by men so it didn't throw her off. The young man nodded towards the blonde girl before extending his hand to Maddi.
His voice was a high baritone but sounded like it might crack at any moment. He had a mild southern drawl, "Mrs. Dawes? My name is Aiden, it's nice to meet you."
His handshake was initially very firm and Maddi barely contained a wince as her tiny hand was crushed. Aiden immediately loosened his grip when he felt Maddi's weak reciprocation and saw her reaction. His smile faltered and his eyes became apologetic.
Maddi responded in her high pitched, haughty tone, "Please, [i]young man[/i], call me Maddi. Mrs. Dawes makes me feel so old! Such a firm handshake you have there."
He released her and nodded, "Yes Ma'am. I-I'm sorry about that. I learned from my granddad and he never taught me how'ta handle handshakin' with a lady."
Aiden then turned his attention to the young woman and extended his hand to her. He clearly learned from his experience with Maddi and visibly diminished his initial firmness. He barely squeezed the girl's hand at all! Maddi realized she had just served to reinforce in him the cultural stereotype that women were to be handled delicately when it came to handshaking.
He regained his smile, "And you must be Bree. It's good to finally meet you in person and put face to a voice. I'm excited to show you around."
Maddi finally put two and two together. Bree looked even younger than the last time they met! She was fourteen or fifteen before and now she was thirteen at most. What was going on?
Bree released Aiden's hand and ran her fingers though her hair as she responded in a youthful tone, "I'm excited too! I finally got my mom to come check it out after begging her for, like, a month. Isn't that right, mom?"
Bree looked straight at Maddi as she said 'mom'. Maddi sighed, why was she suddenly everybody's mother? Nonetheless, Maddi nodded, smiled and agreed with the sweetest, 'Yes, [i]honey[/i]!' she could muster. It wasn't as if anything she said would sway Aiden's opinion on the matter and it wasn't as if there was any benefit for her to deny that she was Bree's mom.
Aiden looked from Bree to Maddi and back, "I can see the resemblance. You have the same eyes!"
Maddi locked eyes with Bree and felt a sudden stirring in her chest. She saw her own green eyes staring back and a swell of pride rushed through her veins. For a very brief period she lost control of her mind and WAS Bree's biological mother. Maternal instinct and love overrode her system and Maddi imagined her 'little girl' on her way to high school. Foreign memories began coalescing in her brain and attempting to hijack experiences that were already there. Maddi closed her eyes and focused. She barely managing to keep the invading thoughts at bay. One memory flashed in and Maddi recounted Bree's first day at school. She had styled Bree's hair in pigtails- she was so darn cute in her little sunflower overalls- and she was holding her daughters hand while they-
Maddi pushed the thought away before it could take root. Once it was gone the assault ended and the memories retreated away. But Maddi knew they would return and was afraid she would lose herself if they came back stronger. There wasn't anything she could really do about it so she ignored her fear and tuned back into the conversation which had continued between Bree and Aiden. Maddi hoped neither noticed she had spaced out.
Bree was speaking, "So yeah, I have an older brother and an older sister. Well- they're half-brother and half-sister. We all have different dads and the same mom. Andy is Twenty and Danielle is eighteen I think?"
Maddi cleared her throat, "Danielle is nineteen, [i]honey[/i]."
Bree shook her head, "Are you sure, mom? I'm pretty sure she's eighteen."
Aiden giggled, "I'll have to trust Mrs. Dawes- I mean, Maddi on this one. A mother always knows their kids [b]birth[/b]days because of, you know, the [b]birth[/b] part. Hard to forget that, I bet."
Maddi nodded her head in agreement while Bree shrugged her shoulders in defeat. Maddi's sweating was really starting to get bad, the humidity was just too much. She was dripping with sweat and it felt like she was melting.
"Wait, where are my manners? Aiden said, seeming to notice Maddi's discomfort, "Come on into the AC and let's take a look around."
Aiden held the door open and beckoned for the girls to step in. Bree surged forward energetically while Maddi followed slowly behind. She couldn't help but notice Aiden's eyes lingered on Bree for a little too long as she passed. A protective, maternal anger flared for a second before disappearing. Maddi gracefully stepped inside, sensing that Aiden's eyes lingered for an even longer time on her curves. She didn't mind his attention on her, she just didn't like to see it on her daugh- on Bree.
The cool blast of AC enveloped Maddi's sweaty body and she shivered. They were in a large, open, and well lit room with hallways running in multiple directions. Maddi felt her panties bunching up between her legs due to the sweat. She shifted her hips, trying to fix the problem without being too obvious but was unsuccessful. She would need to use the restroom to properly fix it.
Aiden swept his arm in a wide arc as he explained in a speech that seemed very prepared, "Here we have the front office and registration area. Administration and front office professionals work very hard in these offices to keep our school up and running. The door to your right leads to The principal's office- though I trust you'll never have to be in there!"
Maddi sighed, "I'm so sorry to interrupt you [i]dear[/i], but where can I find the restrooms?"
Aiden kept his arm out wide and was momentarily flustered by the break in his speech.
He answered her while motioning to the left hallway with his head, "The ladies room is right over there, ma'am."
Bree stared at Maddi and asked with concern in her voice, "Is everything okay, mom? Did you pack some extra tampons in your purse?"
Maddi could see Aiden shrink away awkwardly from the corner of her eye.
She felt a pang of embarrassment in her chest and wanted the moment over as soon as possible so she quickly responded, "Of course I did."
The weight of a black purse tugged on Maddi's shoulder.
She adjusted the bag and turned towards the hallway indicated by Aiden.
Maddi could hear Bree whispering to Aiden, "My mom is lucky, she has a light flow." Her voice then got louder as she called after Maddi, "Isn't that right mom?"
Maddi stopped and tightened the grip on her purse while answering through gritted teeth, "It's very rude to talk about menstuation in public, Bree. I'm sure Aiden doesn't appreciate hearing about my female problems."
Aiden sputtered out a response, his voice cracking once or twice in the process, "It's o-okay Mrs. Dawes. I learned all about p-periods and stuff in sex ed a few years ago."
There was an awkward silence as Maddi stayed frozen. She was momentarily too embarrassed to move.
Aiden's cracking voice filled the silence as he asked, "So are you- uh- going in there to, like, uh- bleed it out or something?"
Bree giggled devilishly. Maddi couldn't see her face, but she was sure Bree loved every second of this.
Maddi sighed deeply and responded, "Not that it's any of your business, [i]young man[/i], but for your information...yes I am going to 'bleed it out'."
Bree's giggles turned to derisive cackling as Maddi hurried towards the restroom, purse in hand. Maddi could hear Bree whispering god-knows-what else to Aiden as she left the room. Her heels clicked on the floor and, as she expected, a cramping formed in her lower abdomen. She then felt a sharp sting while the cramping intensified. She located the women's restroom door, complete with the little stick figure in a dress. Maddi pushed it open and stepped inside.
It was a simple restroom with sinks on one end and stalls on the other.
Maddi dropped her purse onto the counter then stared at herself in the mirror. She hiked up her dress to survey the damage. The bottom of her frilly, white panties wedged between her creamy thighs was dark red. She angrily whispered some choice words into the ceiling before fishing into her purse to locate a tampon. She pushed aside a multitude of items including a wallet, makeup bag and keys before retrieving a wrapped purple package that said "Light".
She remove the wrapping and opened her legs. She pulled her soaking wet panties down to her knees. The combination of swampy vagina mixing with period blood created a less than ideal environment for her poor underwear. She pushed the tampon inside. She removed the bloody plastic tubing and tossed it away. She blotted her thighs and pubic area with a damp paper towel and decided to keep her dress hiked up to allow herself to dry. Maddi then lowered the shoulder straps of her dress and allowed it to fall to her midsection, exposing her chest. She took a deep breath, finally letting her sweaty breasts air out.
Maddi looked at herself in the mirror. Her dress was bunched around her belly and hiked both up and down. Everything about her body and situation were both familiar and unfamiliar, both right and wrong. Though she couldn't quite put her finger on why anything in the mirror would make her feel unfamiliar or wrong. She was a woman, standing in the women's restroom and staring at her unquestioningly female body. There were few things more 'female' than a white string hanging down from a bloody vagina and Maddi was looking at herself in that very situation. Not to mention the heavy breasts with thick nipples proudly hanging on her chest and hips that jutted out as if expanded from multiple births. Her eyes ran down every part of her body and found that strange, uncertain feeling was just below the surface for each and every part of her.
She was so transfixed on herself that she failed to notice one of the stalls slowly opening.
"You- uh- doing okay, ma'am?"
Maddi nearly jumped out of her skin in surprise as she came crashing back to reality and found another woman in the bathroom staring at her.
The young black woman's eyes probed all over Maddi's body. Maddi didn't blame her considering it wasn't exactly common to see tits, ass and vag on full display in a public restroom. Maddi hurriedly pulled her dress back into place and couldn't meet the woman's eyes.
The woman approached the mirror and began washing her hands before stating, "You probably shouldn't wear those anymore. Happens to every girl once in awhile- there ain't no shame in it."
Maddi slowly nodded and carefully stepped out of her blood stained underwear. The woman watched as Maddi disposed of them.
The woman shut the water off and turned her head so she was looking directly at Maddi instead of seeing her in the mirror, "From one busty girl to another, I get that you were lettin' 'em breath. There ain't no shame in that neither."
Maddi's gaze perked up a bit and she looked at the girl a little closer. She really did have an extremely large bust. The woman used her long nails to curl her black hair behind her ear. She took a few steps towards Maddi. Their eyes met at about the same level.
Her voice was a soft alto, "Ima level with you, girlfriend. You're kinda in [b]my[/b] bathroom."
She took a few more steps closer. She was uncomfortably close and Maddi could feel the woman's breath on her cheek.
Maddi readjusted her dress nervously as she stammered towards the ground, "I- I apologize. I didn't...I had n-no idea. It won't happen again."
Maddi grabbed her purse and slung it around her shoulder. She backed slowly towards the door before turning and running, desperate to escape and rejoin the safety of Aiden and Bree. She reached out for the handle and felt her fingers brush against brick. The door was gone!
Maddi stepped back in disbelief and her brain felt like it was short circuiting. She shifted her gaze back and forth along the walls, searching for something that was no longer there. Meanwhile, the woman was laughing to herself and seemed amused by Maddi's panic.
"You see," She slowly and menacingly stated, "This isn't like other schools."
Pressing her back against the wall, Maddi turned to face the danger. The woman stood exactly where she had before with a sly smile.
She beckoned towards Maddi with a long fingernail, "Come on back now."
Maddi hesitated. What was this woman going to do to her? With seemingly no other options, however, she eventually complied and clicked her heels back towards the sinks. She stood where the woman indicated.
She turned Maddi towards the mirror. They were standing, side-by-side, staring at their reflections.
The woman smiled, "My name is Tonya. What's your name?"
Maddi stared at her own reflection. Her frightened green eyes, heavy makeup and a quivering lip mimicked and moved with her as she answered with a high pitched voice that echoed through the room, "M-Maddi..."
Tonya put her arm around Maddi's shoulder as she spoke, "That's a very pretty name, Maddi. I wasn't lying when I said us busty girls have to stick together. But you covered 'em so fast I didn't even get to see what you was workin' with! There's no shame in havin' big titties."
Tonya pulled the shoulder straps of Maddi's dress down. Maddi could feel Tonya's superior strength due mainly to the girth of her arms. She was too afraid to resist. If this woman could make the door disappear she had all the power. Maddi felt that all she could do was comply and hope for the best. Her purse dropped to the floor with a *THUD* while Tonya tugged the dress down further, fully exposing Maddi's breasts once again.
Tonya's grin grew even wider. Maddi watched the scared woman in the mirror as Tonya's hand reached up to heft her breasts. Tonya gave each a soft squeeze eliciting a sharp, surprised breath. The dim lighting reflected off tears pooling in the woman's huge doe eyes as Tonya's clawed fingers pinched and poked at her nipples.
Tonya's thick, wet lips whispered into the woman's ear, "You ain't even that big, girlfriend. We gon' have to give you a little boost."
Beneath Tonya's hands, the middle aged brunette's exposed chest began to expand. It was fairly subtle, but Maddi could see the woman's size slowly increasing. Her relatively perky tits pulled down a bit with added weight. The woman barely reacted at all, her bleary eyes were glazed over.
Tonya returned her fingers to the woman's nipples and they darkened going from pinkish to brownish.
When she appeared satisfied, Tonya removed her hands from the woman and clapped her hands together, "There! You're a little more in tune with our sisterhood now!"
Maddi checked her newly transformed chest. They were bigger and her nipples were darker than before. They definitely looked like they belonged to a woman her age.
She pulled her dress back over her chest and situated the straps around her shoulders. She noticing that the garment was even tighter than before. Her breasts no longer felt like they were resting in the cups of the dress, but pressing into them. She sniffled and wiped a tear from her eyes before reaching down to collect her purse. She barely managed to pick it up due to the shaking of her hands.
Tonya turned, "What do you say?"
Maddi hung her head and felt her tears welling once again.
She whispered, "Thank you."
Tonya put her hands on her hips, "You know where to find me if you ever want some more. 'Sides that you stay away from my bathroom, you hear?"
Maddi nodded and briskly walked to the exit. She felt immense relief when the door was where it should have been. As it shut behind her, Maddi could hear Tonya humming to herself.
Maddi slumped against the wall and sobbed. The extra weight on her chest and longer cleavage didn't concern her at the moment because her brain was busy working to figure out what had just occurred. Aiden and Bree ran down the hallway towards the sound of her sobs.
Aiden's voice was filled with concern, "Are you okay Mrs. Dawes?"
He put his hand on her shoulder and Maddi fearfully recoiled away.
Bree nonchalantly remarked with mocking sweetness and feigned innocence, "It's okay, mom. Mood swings are common for a woman around her period. [i]There's no shame in it[/i]."
Bree words penetrated into Maddi's ears like an annoying insect. They echoed around in her head. Each second she could feel her anger and anxiety growing. Maddi furrowed her brow , clenched her fists and bared her teeth. Anger exploded and her vision was suddenly blinded by dark, red rage. She surged towards Bree with her arms outstretched and smacked her across the cheek. Maddi's open hand impacted Bree's smug face. Only at the last second did Bree realize what was happening, but her arms weren't quick enough to protect herself. She fell back from the impact and she nearly toppled over.
Maddi screamed through her tears and grabbed Bree's hair and pulled, "You fucking bitch! I'll teach you a fucking lesson!"
Bree yelped in pain before reaching up and pulling a fistful of Maddi's hair as well. Both girls were violently tugging and pulling each other by their hair.
Aiden joined the fray and put his arms between them.
"Break it up, girls, break it up!" He shouted.
He started forcing them apart. His single arm was stronger than Maddi's whole body and the girls began to separate.
When they were about to be completely disengaged, Bree moved her hand to the collar of Maddi's dress and pulled. She ripped it away from Maddi's body. Maddi took a step back and struggled to catch her breath. She reached up and ensure her hair was still in place. It was frazzled and messy, but still fully intact. Her face was hot and puffy. She wiped away her tears. Her hands were shaking. She checked her dress and saw that Bree had stretched it so significantly that her chest was exposed. She also saw her darkened nipples were beading with milk. Aiden turned his attention to her and his gaze immediately migrated south. His eyes widened and he turned his head away. However, his eyes certainly didn't go anywhere and seemed fixated.
Maddi reached her arm up to cover herself with a wet *squish*. Her cheeks grew even hotter with embarrassment. She sniffled a few times and stared at the floor.
Bree screamed as she retrieved a few blonde hairs from her head. They dropped from her fingers.
"How dare you put your fucking hands on me!" She shrieked.
With Maddi's chest covered, Aiden came back to his senses and lectured them sternly, "You girls need to relax. This ain't how a mother and daughter should treat each other!"
He shifted his disappointed gaze from one to the other and remained between them.
He gave his words a few second to sink in before lowering his tone and continuing, "Mrs. Dawes since you started the fight you'll have to abide by the schools punishment policy."
Maddi's stomach dropped as she sputtered, "But I'm not even a student! I'm an adult!"
"That may be, but if y'all are within the walls of the school you have to follow its rules." He responded.
Bree seemed to perk up. A wicked smile crossed her young face.
Aiden explained as if he were giving a prepared speech, "As is school policy for fights: the victim gets to make one swap between themself and the perpetrator. The victim then gets to make one additional change to the perpetrator. The swaps and changes have to A) Allow education to continue and B) Have some articulatable correlation to the reasons for the fight itself. So, Ms. Grungot, just say the words and the school will do the rest."
Wait, Grungot? Maddi would have to process that revelation at a later time. She took a step back and sniffled.
She tried keeping her voice steady and diplomatic, but she was clearly rattled, "B-Bree please. I'm sorry." She sighed, "It really must have just been period related mood swings. I would never hurt you. Please, I promise it won't happen again."
Bree's excitement was palpable and she had a crazy look in her eyes. Maddi gulped, something bad was about to happen.
She cackled, "Oh, I totally forgive you, [i]mommy[/i]. But, rules are rules and since you so gracefully admitted you were dealing with 'period related mood swings' I think it's only fair that we make part of your punishment related to your time of the month. You may not know this about me, but when I was your age I had obnoxiously bad periods. I'm talking horrible cramps, splitting headaches, unpredictable mood swings, uncontrollable acne and, yes, heavy bleeding. On the other hand, I happen to know that yours are especially light and almost completely asymptomatic. It would be a good punishment for you, I think- and this new young body doesn't need to deal with all that!"
When Bree finished speaking, Maddi felt a throbbing heat in her pubic area. She looked down but couldn't see anything past her dribbling cleavage. When the heat ended, she used her free hand to cautiously rub her lower abdomen. She gulped, how bad would her next period be?
Bree was also busy rubbing her lower abdomen with a happy smile.
Bree's sparkling green eyes looked up as she spoke, "For the second part, I think it's time you learned some manners. I don't appreciate you swearing at me and calling me a 'bitch'. From now on, you'll only be able to say nice and supportive things about others like a good mom. Swearing isn't in your vocabulary either."
Maddi's head tingled and her vision faded for a few seconds. She took a few deep breaths and waited for it to finish. As her vision returned, she blinked a few times and glanced around.
Aiden chimed in, "I think that's the perfect change, Bree. Let's try it out. Mrs. Dawes, what do you think of your daughter?"
Maddi focused her mind. Bree was a psycho bitch!
The words formed in Maddi's head and she opened her mouth to say them, "Bree is a wonderful daughter!"
She tried again: Bree's a crazy, cruel and hateful cunt!
"Bree's a kind, caring and beautiful girl."
She gave it one last try: I hate her with every ounce of my being!
"I love her with all my heart!"
Each positive word she spoke was delivered warmly and with an emotional smile.
Aiden smiled, "Well ain't that nice! That's so much better."
Bree mocked, "Aw, that's so nice of you to say mom! Am I your favorite daughter?"
Maddi giggled, "You know I love all of you equally, [i]honey[/i]!"
Both girls began fixing their frayed hair. Maddi's work was hindered as she had only one hand to work with because the other was busy covering her breasts. Her forearm dripped milk to the floor. She even adjusted her purse which she somehow didn't drop during the altercation.
The scene began to collapse and the walls were tumbling down.
"What do you think of our school so far, Mrs. Dawes?" Aiden asked cheerily.
"I fucking hate this place and I hope I never come back!" Maddi responded angrily before her mood completely changed, "But you're doing a wonderful job showing us around, [i]sweetie[/i]!"
Aiden looked confused but Maddi didn't care. She actually felt mild relief. At least she was only forced to be nice when talking about a person. Aiden's confusion only deepened as he noticed the liquid slipping down Maddi's forearm.
Just before the void took over, Bree gave Maddi a final wave and slyly told her, "See you soon, [i]mommy[/i]. I'm glad we made up."
Maddi was left in the void.
[b]NAME: [/b]
Maddi Ellie Dawes
Kitten, Titty, Betty
[b]AGE: [/b]
[b]HEIGHT: [/b]
Just a hair under 5"00. Body shape is best described as "leggy" and "bottom heavy" with the legs and lower body comprising a high percentage of the total height and size.
[b]WEIGHT: [/b]
162 LBS
XX chromosomes. Body produces average amount of female hormones. Unusually active mammary glands and heavy periods.
Straight/wavy dark brown hair with long bangs that constantly needs to be swept out of the eyes. Just beyond mid back length.
High pitched with a noticeable haughtiness.
Must wear heavy makeup at all times.
Calls people almost exclusively using pet names. Can only be kind, friendly and supportive when talking about somebody.
Cannot wear any type of bra.
Cannot tie up or otherwise restrict hair.
Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips with natural gloss and shallow laugh lines. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Slightly crooked, lightly yellowed teeth. Large, soft green eyes. Light, receded brow and thin, rounded jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman. Wearing heavy makeup including foundation, powder, blush, eye shadow, mascara and lipstick.
[b]GENITALS: [/b]
Fully developed vagina with noticeable pussy lips and a hairy bush. Plugged with a tampon.
[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]
Slightly saggy female arms with virtually no muscle. Smooth and hairless chest and thin, frail shoulders. Upper body strength is below an average woman. Huge, fleshy breasts hanging from chest, around a DD cup. Nipples are long and thick while areola are wide, dark and feminine. Unusually active mammary glands. Stomach is somewhat bloated with little muscle underneath. Stomach is pockmarked with stretch marks and contains a long, horizontal c-section scar. Upper body is smooth and hairless except for the armpits that have dark, stubbly hairs. Hands and wrists are small, delicate and extremely feminine with deep red painted nails.
[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]
Hairless, chubby feminine thighs with very little muscle that rub together while walking. Feet are dainty, smooth and extremely feminine. Women's size 5.5 reformed and requiring high heels at all times. Chubby, protruding ass with wide, motherly hips. Deep red painted toenails. Asshole is always naturally lubed.
Wiry, heart shaped tramp stamp with stars on each side that makes the wearer enjoy anal sex and makes their asshole constantly lubricated. Diamond earring studs in earlobes.
Heterosexual woman that only considers dating men. Loves sucking cock. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes big penises and hard muscles. Enjoys cum inside her mouth. Addicted to semen. Prefers blonde partners. Loves cunnilingus and anal performed on her by men. Very submissive. Really gets off on humiliation and debauchery - but only when very horny.
Somewhat dim-witted. A submissive that's slow with her decision making, preferring others to make decisions for her. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Generally afraid of big, scary people who can overpower her. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence. Very submissive in nearly every situation. Socialized from birth as a heterosexual woman and extremely girly in nearly every way.
Extremely knowledgeable with both oral and anal sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure male partners. Very knowledgeable with domestic skills (cooking, cleaning etc ) Fluent in french. Able to breastfeed a child skillfully. Skilled in makeup application...of herself at least. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems.