Round 5
[b]Round Five:[/b]
Martin appeared in a grassy field. It stretched far away in all directions. Martin could see mountains or hills or...something far away. The sky was bright and blue with wispy white clouds lazily moving along.
He checked his clothing. Light and breezy Hawaiian shirt and jeans with comfortable tennis shoes. He breathed in the fresh air around him and waited for awhile. How long was he expected to keep this up? He had already endured four rounds. Maybe it was finished with five. Five seemed like a nice round number, surely this was the final round. Martin nodded to himself assuredly. He had already won three out of four, just had to win this last one.
Appearing before him was a stacked blonde woman. She reminded him of that Annabelle character that he had...already met...but this woman had a vastly different air about her. Whereas Annabelle had a naivete and innocence in her eyes, this woman's beautiful green eyes were calculating, confident and half lidded. She wore a tight pink lingerie style "dress" which showed most of her breasts and legs. She stood about 5"4 but was probably closer to 5"9 with her strappy heels.
When she spoke, her voice was a soft alto, "I've heard about you. Martin, is it?"
She extended her hand which Martin took. Her grip was firmer than Martin anticipated.
"Yeah. That's me." He replied.
"Sandra." She stated before releasing his hand. Sandra's shoulder slumped as she sighed. "Though i'm sure you'll be meeting Cindi in a few short seconds."
"So you'll be a different person soon. Like some of the others. Why is it that only some of you seem to have different personalities?" Martin asked.
A little smile appeared on Sandra's face, "The answer to that is...complicated. And, no, you'll still be dealing with me just...with some company."
S.A.M. appeared in the grassy field. His little robot body starkly contrasted the nature around him.
Sandra closed her eyes for a few seconds. When she opened them, her little smile grew very wide. Her half-lidded, smoky eyes adopted a glazed over, slightly dopey look.
Her soft alto was still the same pitch as before, but now it had a little more pep and sweetnes to it, "Hey there, big guy, we're Cindi. It's awesome to meet you!"
Martin noticed Cindi stuck out her chest and rocked her hip to the side which was something Sandra didn't do.
"Yeah I'm Martin. I already introduced myself to Sandra."
Cindi bit her lip, "We know, we just wanted to introduce ourselves as well."
Martin raised his eyebrows and replied, "Uhm, okay then. Nice to meet you Cindi."
Martin extended his hand outward which Cindi weakly took. Her handshake was soft and fragile, the opposite of Sandra.
When the contestants turned their attention to S.A.M. he began speaking, "Contestants will play three rounds of ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS. Players will choose their sign after counting one, two, three, SHOOT."
Martin and Cindi squared up. She stuck her tongue out in a very cute way and bent over slightly, her long cleavage was on display. Martin was towering over her and staring straight down at it. He couldn't help but feel a familiar stirring between his legs. Both contestants extended their fists outward and prepared for the first round.
"Rock. Paper. Scissors. SHOOT!"
Martin extended paper, Cindi extended rock. Martin won round one!
He thought to himself. What would she throw out second? What kind of player was she? Cindi's tongue remained squarely on her lip, the first loss didn't even seem to phase her.
"Rock. Paper. Scissors. SHOOT!"
Martin extended paper, Cindi extended scissors. Cindi won the second round.
Cindi took a second to curl her hair behind her ears. She took a deep breath and extended her fist out. Martin had not expected her to switch up her sign. He was sure what she would do this time, however.
"Rock. Paper. Scissors. SHOOT!"
Martin extended paper, Cindi extended scissors. Cindi was the winner...
Martin hung his head back and grunted.
Doctor Grungot's mocking voice rang from above, "Tough luck Mr. Dawes. But seriously, who chooses the same symbol three time in a row? Anyway, Ms. Lane is our winner and gets to choose her prize. Ms. Lane?"
Cindi put her painted finger up to her face and tapped her chin, thinking. "Well, Doctor we'll trade him our pretty eyes. We'd like to really ugly up our face and that's the best way to start!"
Martin furrowed his brow, but why would-
He quickly squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed at them furiously. It was like little bugs were crawling around inside his eyelids! He gasped out in a panic. But just as quickly as it started, the itching stopped.
Martin slowly opened his eyes, expecting his vision to be completely gone or damaged...or something! But instead everything was crystal clear. He glanced at Cindi who was similarly checking her vision. She now sported Martin's small, intense hazel eyes. It changed the look of her face, making her look less friendly, feminine and inviting. But if she had Martin's eyes...that meant...His stomach dropped. He had no way of looking, there wasn't a mirror or a water fixture or anything besides grass, sky and rolling hills all around.
Cindi cooed, "They look beautiful on you and now we look less girly! It's a win-win!"
He must have her big green eyes! Martin wasn't wearing makeup like Cindi was but they were almost certainly a game changer.
The scene collapsed with Martin standing completely still, deeply contemplating his increasingly worrisome predicament. Hopefully five rounds was the end.
[b]NAME: [/b]
Martin Lionel Dawes
[b]AGE: [/b]
[b]HEIGHT: [/b]
[b]WEIGHT: [/b]
220 LBS
Incredibly short, dark dots of hair cover an otherwise shaved head.
A deep and gravelly, masculine growl.
Smooth, hairless face. Thin lips. Low cheekbones and wide, somewhat prominent nose. Large, soft green eyes. Heavy brow and wide, square jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide neck with prominent Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman.
[b]GENITALS: [/b]
Large, thick and veiny 9 inch penis with flared, uncircumsised head. Covered in a jungle of dark pubes.
[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]
Bulging biceps and forearms that ripple with veins. Dark hair covered chest and muscled shoulders. Pecks are hard and relatively flat. Nipples are small hard and masculine. Stomach is hard, cut and muscled. Upper body literred with dark hair. Hands are large and masculine with rough nails and callouses.
[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]
Bulging tree-trunk legs which are strong and hairy. Feet are large and masculine with rough nails and callouses. Flat, muscular butt and narrow hips.
Hawaiian shirt with jeans and sneakers.
Dates and has dated exclusively women. Loves drilling a nice wet pussy. Loves making women scream in ecstasy. Likes large tits and big butts (and he cannot lie). Likes seeing women with cum on them (especially if it's his). Enjoys a bit of hair down there and has a preference for long blonde hair up top. Loves cunnilingus and anal. Likes being the boss and having women call him 'Daddy'.
Extremely driven and quick-witted. A total hothead that's decisive and likes living on the edge. Somewhat provacative and foolhardy. Isn't afraid of anybody or anything. Has very fast muscle memory and advanced general motor skills. A talkative extrovert who exudes confidence.
Jiu Jitsu expert. Knows multiple fighting techniques other than Jiu Jitsu. Martial weapons expert. Very knowlegable about the human body inclduing fitness and diet (though he couldn't cook to save his life). Learned french exclusively for the ladies.