Round 44

Thank you all so much for the kind words and support!

With that said...

[b]Round Forty Four:[/b]

Maddi appeared on a cement sidewalk near a lazy river. She glanced around. She seemed to be in a quaint little park. There were some buildings in the distance, but Maddi was mostly distracted by the lack of color around her. She was back in Atlanta circa 1949.

The Georgia heat and the harsh sun were beating down on Maddi. There were families all around her, going about their business and enjoying the park. The men were in relatively formal attire, namely suits or button-up shirts and slacks; while the women exclusively wore long dresses. In fact, there wasn't a single woman wearing pants or a dress shorter than her calves.

Maddi threw her long hair behind her shoulders. She checked her own outfit. As with the other women, she was wearing a flowy dress. She couldn't tell what color it was, but guessed it was green. The dress hugged her generous curves and, like the other women, fell to around mid calf. Her newly softened arms were uncovered and the collar of her dress plunged slightly showing the scant beginnings of her mountainous cleavage. She stood on shiny heels which presumably matched her dress. It didn't bother Maddi that she was dressed like a stereotypical female from the 1940s. She was actually pretty comfortable and smiled as a pleasant breeze ran through her dark hair.

Besides, wearing pants in this place and time period would probably draw all kinds of negative attention. She certainly didn't want to stand out or raise any eyebrows. It was expected that a person with her overtly female physical and sexual characteristics would act and dress like a woman. Maddi would happily strut around in a pretty dress like a good southern belle if 'fitting in' meant getting through the round without an angry visit from Doctor Grungot (or any of his cronies).

Appearing next to Maddi with a *pop* was her "husband" Samuel. He stared at his "wife" as his beady eyes adjusted to the simplified color gradient.

Samuel had a long sleeve, button-up shirt tucked into slacks and a belt. His dress shoes were black and shiny. While he was on the less-than-formal side of things, compared to many of the men around him, Samuel definitely looked every bit of a middle-aged husband.

He squinted up into the sun and joked with a warm, playful voice, "You know, I always knew Grungot's world was Hell...but he's really not trying to hide it anymore with this heat, is he? Can't believe I went with the long sleeves today!"

Maddi smiled demurely. She could feel dark lipstick heavily coating her puffy lips.

Samuel continued, turning his gaze to Maddi, "You got even smaller, too. I'm worried for you, Maddi. We need to get through this like last time. Just blend whatever you think they want you to, no matter how uncomfortable we get."

Maddi nodded before adding in her androgynous pitch, "Sounds good to me, [b]honey[/b]!"

Maddi shivered as her brain forced her to refer to Samuel with a pet name. She cursed under her breath at Bridgette - that woman was a menace!

Samuel cocked his head with confusion, but quickly shrugged it off. He understood what was likely going on with Maddi and didn't want to bring attention to it.

A soft *pop* sounded. Standing just down the sidewalk was a familiar, old-school mannequin clad in a light dress and pearls.

None of the park-going public seemed to regard the mannequin which moved towards Samuel and Maddi like a stiff, uncanny valley nightmare. Betty took a step back and folded her arms across her chest, feeling a kernal of fear welling inside. Samuel stepped in front of her defensively.

The mannequin stopped and its mouth opened and closed out of sync with its words, "Contestants will take a romantic stroll through the park. Cultural and societal expectations of the current setting must be taken into account and strictly followed. Failure shall result in [b]significant[/b] changes courtesy of Doctor Grungot."

Samuel held out his arm and Betty took it gingerly with both hands. They walked together down the nearby path, feeling the mannequin's dead, painted eyes follow them until they were out of sight. Betty was impressed with Samuel's protective nature and squeezed his arm a little tighter. The way he was leading and escorting her was exactly the same as other couples around them. Betty felt so tiny and girly with her clicking heels and swishing dress while Samuel charged ahead with his shoulders back and chest puffed out. Something seemed different about him. Betty couldn't quite put her finger on what it was, but she'd never felt so attended to. She liked hanging onto Samuel's arm and enjoyed the approving eyes and smiles of people as they passed. Samuel and Betty were successfully passing the 'societal and cultural norm' requirement - blending into the crowd as just another middle aged husband with his wife strolling through the park looking and acting exactly as they should. He was the strong, stable and dominant husband confidently leading his pretty, demure, submissive wife and everybody knew it.

As Samuel and Betty continued their "romantic" stroll, a youthful, high-pitched voice called out to them from further up the path, "Mrs. Kleiner! Mrs. Kleiner, over here! Look, John, it's Mr. and Mrs. Kleiner!"

Betty searched for the voice and found a young blonde woman waving excitedly and wearing a toothy grin. She was clad in a light colored dress and dark heels. She couldn't have been more than twenty years old. Next to her was a middle aged man in a dark suit. The man was sweating profusely. He used his hand to block the sun from his eyes while the other lazily waved.

A second couple appeared to be walking with them. The second woman pushed a dark baby carriage and looked just as young as the first. Also, like the first woman, the second wore a light colored dress and black heels. The main difference between them was the second woman had dark hair and looked nervous. The man walking with the nervous woman wore a full, formal suit just like the first man. Both men were tall and much older than their partners. Each woman's face was heavily made-up.

Betty turned and looked up apprehensively at Samuel. Samuel sighed deeply and shrugged. He made the decision to engage with them and began leading Betty towards the waiting couples.

When they approached, the blonde woman chirped, "Mrs Kleiner, it's so nice to see you! I'm glad you could get away from the soda shoppe to enjoy this beautiful day!"

Betty felt the eyes of these unknown people staring at her. She smiled and nodded towards them before uncontrollably dropping into a curtsey. Samuel looked confused and concerned, but both couples appeared to approve based on their positive reactions.

When an awkward silence set in, and it was obvious a verbal response was expected, Betty stammered out, "Y-yes, [b]hubby[/b] and I were hoping to have a nice, quiet stroll together."

The woman clapped her hands together, "Awww, aren't you two just wonderful together! But where are my manners? You probably haven't met my friend Mary and her wonderful husband Eric."

The second man, Eric, stepped forward with his hand extended towards Samuel.

The two men made eye contact and Samuel gave a quick nod as he introduced himself, "Samuel Kleiner. This is my wife Betty."

Eric's eyes turned to Betty and they quickly flicked down to her cleavage. He smiled and gave her a nod. Betty reflexively offered her hand to Eric who lifted it to his lips and kissed it.

"Wonderful to meet you, Mrs. Kleiner." Eric stated.

Mary stood silently by the baby carriage, letting her husband do all the talking. Eric released Betty's hand and returned to his wife. When he did, Mary offered a nervous wave.

The excited blonde grabbed her sweaty companion's arm and looked up at him with a grin, "And this tall glass of water is my dear husband, John."

John stepped forward, just as Eric had, and exchanged a formal handshake with Samuel. Betty offered her hand once again and John kissed it gingerly. His eyes also found Betty's cleavage.

Samuel put his arm squarely around Betty's body and pulled her close once each person was, once again, standing next to their respective spouses.

The blonde woman's eyes opened wide, "Oh, I almost forgot the baby! On that note...there's also something Mary would like to ask you Mrs. Kleiner."

The blonde woman turned and reached into the crib.

Mary whispered, "Rose, is this the woman you told me about?"

The woman, apparently named Rose, nodded her head. Mary's eyes turned to Betty and she appeared to be examining her with calculating eyes.

Rose lifted the infant boy from his crib and tilted him towards Betty and Samuel, "This little man is Mary and Eric's new baby boy, Christopher! Say 'hi' Christopher!"

The baby was wrapped up tight and looked a little sleepy. He did not say 'hi'.

Samuel and Betty both offered warm smiles while Betty commented, "He's adorable!"

Rose passed Christopher off to his mother who began rocking him in her arms.

Rose cleared her throat, "Uhm, actually, Mrs. Kleiner....Well, Mary was hoping you could help her with something. You see..." Rose turned to Mary for assurance. Mary nodded her head and Rose continued, "Mary has a bit of a problem with Christopher- accepting her- her, uh...She's having a bit of trouble with..."

"I can't get him to latch properly." Mary blurted out.

"She can't get him to latch properly." Rose repeated.

Betty cocked her head to the side in confusion.

Rose cleared her throat again, "You were a midwife and an *ahem* a...wet nurse for years before opening the soda shoppe, weren't you?"

Betty turned her attention to Samuel and they shared a blank stare. Both were hoping the other knew the answer. Samuel began to slowly nod and Betty followed suit, nodding her head as well. She turned back to the waiting couples and continued nodding.

Rose and Mary then exchanged a glance. Rose ushered Mary towards Betty with her hands.

Mary took a nervous breath and asked, "C-could you me what i'm doing wrong? For Christopher's sake, of course."

Betty put her hands on her hips and nodded once again, "I suppose I could try and give you a few tips, [b]sweety[/b]."

Mary's face lit up and she tossed her dark hair behind her shoulders, "Thank you so much, ma'am! There's a ladies restroom nearby we could use for privacy."

Betty could see Eric and John's faces were flushed. They were clearly uncomfortable with the whole situation.

John cleared his throat and nodded towards Samuel before speaking in a deep, southern drawl, "While your wife teaches mine how to be a proper woman, how about we smoke a nice cigar? Let the girls perform their motherly duties while the men talk business, huh?"

With that, the groups silently reformed along gendered lines. Betty joined the girls while the men gathered. The men quickly shook hands once again before cigars were distributed and lit. Betty's dress swished around her knees and she looked over her shoulder as she followed Mary and Rose down the path towards the ladies restroom. Eric, John and Samuel stood around laughing and blowing clouds of smoke. They were squarely in the middle of the path, seemingly taking up as much room as possible. The park strolling public went around them, giving the men the room they demanded. They were three middle aged white men with the proper attire, mannerisms and attitude. Eric and John carried themselves like they owned everything and everybody - and the other walkers seemed to feed directly into their superiority complex. Samuel was joking and laughing along with them, trying his best to fit in.

Betty felt a bit perturbed at Eric's attitude. Why couldn't she join the men and take up as much space as she wanted and act like she owned the park? Why couldn't members of the public steer clear of HER and silently agree that SHE was in control? Eric was acting like it was obvious that Betty and the other women weren't part of their little group. Betty had breasts and a dress so she shouldn't be able to feel powerful? That was a load of crap!

Betty turned back to the boys and stomped towards them. Her eye's found Samuel and she stopped short. Samuel's eyes were wide and pleading. He know what Betty wanted to do and probably agreed with her about the whole thing. But this wasn't the time for any of that! The wind quickly drained from Betty's sails as Eric and John exchanged a confused expression at her expense. She had done it now! They were expecting her to say something!

Eric removed his cigar and asked, with more than a hint of mockery, "Everything okay, Betty? The ladies room is that'a way! A delicate little thing like you doesn't need to be around all this cigar smoke and business talk. You need to show my wife how to use [i]these things[/i] remember?" Eric held his hands up to his chest to simulate breasts before laughing.

Samuel thought quickly on his feet and chuckled, "I'm sure she just wants to make sure she has my permission. Right Betty?"

Betty clenched her fists and took a deep breath. All eyes were on her. She didn't have any other options, she had to play along.

Betty forced a smile across her face and nodded, "Of course! I wouldn't want to do anything without [b]hubby's[/b] permission! Is it okay with you that I go with the other girls, [b]dear[/b]?"

Eric and John had smug expressions as they watched Samuel. They were admiring the power Samuel appeared to wield over his wife. In fact, they were jealous of Samuel's control and dominance. Betty waited with downcast eyes. She knew she was just feeding further into her perceived role as a stereotypical 50's housewife. If anything, her question would go a long way slipping her further into a traditional, submissive position in the social hierarchy.

Samuel blew out a thick cloud of smoke as he nodded towards her, "Of course, doll face! Help this poor, young mother however she needs. My friend Eric here needs his wife up to speed so they can start making another one!"

Eric slapped Samuel's back for encouragement and held out his hand which Samuel shook. Samuel was further entrenched as a member of the male group, just at Betty was for the female one.

Betty's cheeks blazed red and she lightly nodded and turned back to the girls who stared at her with big smiles.

As Betty neared, Rose piped up, "That was so romantic! I hope that John and I can be as good a team as you and your husband some day! You're such a dutiful wife, Mrs. Kleiner!"

Betty swept past the pair and clicked her way down the path, leaving the men behind. The last thing Betty heard was the roaring encouragement of John and Eric, singing the praises of the alpha male Samuel.


The women approached the restroom which was a simple square building in the middle of the park. Betty was leading the way while Mary and Rose followed closely behind. Mary clutched Christopher close to her chest.

As they neared, Betty noticed the door was appropriately marked with a sign stating, "Women" complete with the standard stick figure wearing a dress. Betty looked down at her own dress, understanding that she was best represented by the "Women" stick figure now. Underneath the sign was another that read "Whites Only". Betty let out a heavy sigh as she pushed the door open. As she did, a young woman was preparing to walk out, just having washed her hands. The young woman was eleven or twelve with a cute, girlish face and a light, pleated dress. Her eyes found Betty and she gave her a quick once over before growing a nervous smile. Betty held the door open for the girl who shuffled out while muttering, "Pardon me, ma'am" She puased for a quick second to admire the baby as Mary waited for her to pass. It would have been impossible for the burly, masculine Martin to have a young woman look him up and down in the women's restroom and see nothing out of the ordinary. A young girl like that would probably scream bloody murder if Martin walked inside...but Betty? she was exactly where she was supposed to be. The young girls reaction (or lack thereof) only further cemented that fact.

The door closed leaving Betty, Rose and Mary standing in their long dresses. The air in the room was stuffy and hot. Mary softly rocked Christopher against her shoulder.

Betty cleared her throat, her voice echoed in the room, "So- uhm- what kind of problems are you having, [b]sweety[/b]?"

Mary hesitated. She was too nervous or embarrassed to speak.

"Well," Rose started while glancing over to Mary, "She's having trouble getting Christopher to latch on. She's worried he isn't getting enough."

Mary stared at the tile floor but slowly nodded her head.

Betty put her hands on her matronly hips and smiled sweetly, "Why don't you show me what you've been doing and I'll give you some pointers, [b]honey[/b]?"

Rose pleaded, "Couldn't you show her first, Betty? She really needs it!"

She wanted Betty to demonstrate!? In the middle of the women's restroom in the park!? There was NO WAY that she would...

"You've always been like an older sister to me, Betty! Please, please, please!!" Rose begged.

Betty sighed. She didn't even know these girls! Mary and Rose stared at her with puppy dog eyes. She stared back. What was the plan here? What did Grungot expect from her? No matter how embarrassing, degrading or upsetting the task was, she needed to avoid losing at all costs. Betty already had enough nonsense to deal with! She had to take the easy wins where she could. Besides, it was just a few minutes of...biological demonstration...and she could put it behind her...

"O-okay..." Betty trailed off.

Both girls smiled widely. Mary extended Christopher who was clad in a cute little onesie.

Mary and Rose watched expectantly.

Betty held Christopher and nonchalantly pulled down the shoulders of her dress, exposing her breasts. While Betty was apprehensive, she wasn't really embarrassed. She was among other women, after all.

"Wow, Mr. Kleiner is a lucky man!" Rose chirped, admiring Betty's heavy chest.

"Yeah, I would KILL for those puppies!" Mary added.

Betty ignored the girls and hefted Christopher towards her nipple which instantly became pressurized and began dripping milk- as if her body sensed the baby's presence. She just wanted to get this over with as fast as possible! Betty explained each step as she performed it: putting the baby in the right position, hefting her breast and squeezing it outwards, positioning the baby's mouth and ultimately maintaining the proper feeding position. Mary and Rose watched closely and asked a few simple questions. Christopher's mouth contacted Betty's skin and a familiar, intense sucking pulled at Betty's nipple causing her to draw a sharp breath. Her body responded by quickly hardening and lengthening her nipples until they looked like the top of a traditional baby bottle. Her motherly nipples were perfectly evolved for the mouth of an infant and biologically designed for the action she was performing. Betty looked down at Christopher and smiled. He was a pretty darn cute little-

Betty felt a sudden dizziness. Maybe all this heat was finally getting to her! She shook her head causing her dark hair to tumble to and fro. She noticed the other girls were similarly affected. Rose braced herself on the back wall while Mary held onto Rose's shoulder.

When the dizziness had subsided, Betty turned her attention to Mary and asked, "You see, it's not too difficult. Would you like to give it a try so I can see where you're at?"

Mary cocked her head to the side. Her black hair framed her young, heavily made up face which stared at Betty with confusion.

She responded shyly and quietly, "M-Maybe one day, Mrs. Kleiner but...I don't think I'd be able to do that seeing as how haven't had any children of my own yet."

Betty chuckled, "What do you mean [b]darling[/b]?" She looked down at the nursing infant, "This is your son, right here!"

"Are you okay, Mrs. Kleiner?" Rose asked with concern, "I think the heat might be getting to you."

The sucking on Betty's nipple continued as her head swam in confusion.

"But- but- but..." Betty stammered in her androgynous voice.

Rose and Mary slowly approached Betty.

Rose and put her hand on Betty's naked shoulder and the concern in her voice continued, "Don't worry, Mrs. Kleiner, we'll get you out of this stuffy restroom and back with your family in no time."

Mary took a second to pet the back of Chrisopther's head and speak to him in a high pitched, baby voice, "Thank you for letting your mommy teach us young'uns a thing or two, little man!" She looked up at a horrified Betty and giggled, "He really is a little cutie, Mrs. Kleiner."

Betty staggered back against the far wall. She unconsciously transfered Christopher to her other breast and the sucking began anew.

"But I haven't had a child! I'm not a mother! I'm not- I'm not-" Betty croaked.

Rose and Mary exchanged glances before cautiously cornering Betty who was taking quick, gasping breaths.

Rose flipped her blonde hair behind her ears and reached towards Betty who flinched. Rose pulled Betty's dress down a bit further exposing her loose stomach and wide hips. The long C-section scar 'gifted' from Dr. Johnson dug into the bottom of Betty's belly.

"Listen to me, Betty." Rose whispered, "It's perfectly natural for the stress of motherhood to overwhelm you once in awhile. But look at Mary and I. We clearly have pre-maternal figures. Not that there's anything wrong with your figure, of course Mrs. Kleiner. Motherhood does thing to a woman's body." Mary ran her hand down Betty's scar, "But out of the three of us, you're obviously the one that's given birth before."

Betty shook her head, "N-no, that's not from Chrisopther that's from-"

"-from Jacob. We know, Mrs. Kleiner," Mary interjected, "Jacob was delivered from a c-section while Christopher was natural."

Another wave of dizziness swept over Betty and her thick legs quivered. The door to the restroom burst open and bright light splashed across the walls, blinding the girls who were accustomed to the dim light.

A young boy poked his head into the restroom. His piercing eyes reminded her of her husband.

"Mommy?" He asked while looking over at Betty.

Through Betty's hazy, dizzy vision she saw the boy was referring to her! He stared at her with his piercing eyes, clearly not understanding what she was doing. The door opened wider and Samuel looked in before putting his hands on the boy's shoulders.

"Come on, Jacob." Samuel said with as much stern gusto as he could muster, "Your mother and the other ladies don't need you poking around in the girls restroom. You don't belong in here like they do."

"But Dad," The boy asked, "What's Mommy doing?"

The door opened even wider and standing behind Samuel was Eric and John who both stared at Betty in their suits. They puffed on cigars.

"You ladies takin' notes in here?" Eric laughed.

Betty let out an "eep!" and turned away from the analyzing male eyes which sent her mammoth chest jiggling. It was too late, all the men had already gotten an eyeful of her exposed breasts as she nursed the baby. Her cheeks burned. Everybody saw her as a mother now. There was no way she could deny it. They all KNEW she had grown a human inside her body and given BIRTH.

"Excuse me!" Rose screamed, "This is the girls room and none of you boys are welcome!"

Rose ran towards the door and shooed all the laughing men out. The smell of cigar smoke hung in the air as she slammed the door behind them.

"Honestly," Mary said, "I know boys will be boys and all that but..."

"A bunch of rude perverts is what they are!" Rose yelled while putting her hands on her hips and walking back from the door.

Betty was still facing away and mortified. They had all seen her [i]breastfeeding a baby[/i] not just any baby- it was [i]her baby[/i]. And that little boy had her husband's eyes- he called her Mommy! She was a mother of two! Her body even had all the telltale signs!

Christopher was finished and Betty rested him against her shoulder to burp him. She began patting him on the back and rhythmically bouncing him up and down causing her chest to bounce as well. What was she going to do?

Rose pushed her frustration with the boys away as she looked over to Betty and grew a toothy smile, "It's just so amazing. I can't wait to be a mother!"

Mary nodded her head, "I agree...though I don't know if i'll want three like you Mrs. Kleiner. I'll just wait to see how one goes first."

"Three...?" Betty's voice trailed off and her eyes grew wide.

"Well, not exactly three just yet," Mary corrected herself, "Two months, right?"

Another strong wave of dizziness overtook Betty and she fell against the wall. A dull pain bubbled in her stomach. She held Christopher with one hand while the other clutched her loose belly. She took gasping breaths and winced as the dull pain grew and she felt herself beginning to expand. A hard knot formed under her hand and pressed outward. Her desperate eyes darted around the room but the girls didn't seem to notice. She moaned as the pain intensified and the size of her belly increased. She entered the second trimester and the expansion really kicked into high gear. Betty's skin tightened beneath her fingers and the weight pulled on her back. Her whole body shook and she focused through the pain to hold onto Christopher and keep him safe. She passed into the third trimester with a strained grunt. Sweat poured down her forehead while her belly button became an outie. When Betty's expansion finally stopped, her dress reformed to better fit her clearly pregnant body.

Rose smiled and assisted Betty pulling her new dress around her shoulders.

Betty stood with her mouth agape, staring down at her belly. Her center of gravity had shifted completely and she stood with a wide, open stance.

"Ready, ladies?" Mary asked in her quiet, demure voice.

Betty shakily nodded and moved towards the door to the ladies restroom with her infant son cradled in her arms. Her walk had become much more unstable and labored due to her huge belly.

Mary opened the door and Betty waddled out into the light. Waiting for them were the boys, still puffing away at their cigars.

"Mommy!" Jacob yelled as he ran towards her.

He grabbed Betty's hand and held it tightly. Samuel approached and stared down at Betty's belly. A look of concern and fear grew in his piercing eyes. He wrapped his arm reassuringly around his wife, not really knowing what else to do.

Betty was embarrassed that everybody had seen her breasts but, thankfully, her dress covered them now. Besides, what did she have to be embarrassed about? She was just feeding her child and-

No! She had NEVER been pregnant! She...

Her head became all kinds of fuzzy. Betty shook her dark hair around, trying to clear the cobwebs. How else could she explain her hips and lactating breasts? What about the scar on her belly? Surely-

No! She wasn't- she wasn't-

Her pretty sundress covered her pregnant belly. She couldn't believe how quickly she'd gotten knocked up after Christopher. All her friends were probably gossiping that she couldn't resist her husbands big, manly-

Betty shivered and she winced, trying desperately to cling to her own mind and discern the truth.

She stood in an open, pregnant stance with her husbands arm holding her tight. Her infant son with a belly full of her breastmilk was sleeping peacefully in her arm and her oldest son, ecstatic about seeing his mother, clutched her hand tightly.

Mrs. Samuel Kleiner smiled and waved goodbye to her young friends, Rose and Mary, as they walked away with their new husbands. She used one hand to support her back. She loved being pregnant, but the weight on her back was something she could never get used to!

Mr. and Mrs. Kleiner continued their Sunday stroll through the park with their rowdy son Jacob and their little angel Christopher. Every couple and family around them greatly approved of the Kleiner's as they made their way to the end of the path.

The scene began to collapse. Samuel caught Betty's eye and she could see he looked worried. Whatever could be the problem? She would have to ask him when they returned home! She still had to make dinner. Maybe Samuel was worried about that? Samuel released Betty's arm and turned away. Something was definitely bothering him. Betty folded her hands above her huge pregnant belly and shot Samuel her saddest puppy dog eyes. She knew he couldn't stay mad if she turned up the cuteness! Samuel didn't turn back around as the world around Betty broke.

The scene fully collapsed and she was left in the void. Betty's thoughts, feeling and memories slowly faded away and Maddi returned and gained control. Maddi poked at her slightly pudgy, but decidedly not pregnant midsection and breathed a sigh of relief. She was happy to have gotten through another round without any further changes. But, the thought of losing her personality again hung over her like an executioners axe poised to strike. It wasn't a matter of IF the axe would was a matter of WHEN. Maddi began to sob. In Grungot's world, it was always WHEN the axe would fall...and she was helpless to get out of the way. She could only squirm.

Her tears floated with her in the darkness.

[b]NAME: [/b]

Maddi Ellie Dawes


Kitten, Titty, Betty

[b]AGE: [/b]


[b]HEIGHT: [/b]

Just a hair under 5"00. Body shape is best described as "leggy" and "bottom heavy" with the legs and lower body comprising a high percentage of the total height and size.

[b]WEIGHT: [/b]

121 LBS






XX chromosomes. Body produces average amount of female hormones. Unusually active mammery glands.


Straight/wavy dark brown hair with long bangs that constantly needs to be swept out of the eyes. Just beyond shoulder length.




Semen- [Hunger Level]: Hungry.

Feels compelled to curtsey when meeting somebody. Calls people almost exclusively using pet names.


Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips with natural gloss and shallow laugh lines. Low cheekbones and small, cute button nose. Large, soft green eyes. Heavy brow and thin, rounded jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide, smooth neck with no Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman.

[b]GENITALS: [/b]

Fully developed vagina with noticeable pussy lips and a hairy bush.

[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]

Slightly saggy female arms with virtually no muscle. Smooth and hairless chest and thin, frail shoulders. Upper body strength is below an average woman. Large, fleshy breasts hanging from chest, around a D cup. Nipples are long and thick while areola are huge and feminine. Unusually active mammery glands. Stomach is somewhat bloated with little muscle underneath. Stomach is pockmarked with stretch marks and contains a long, horizontal c-section scar. Upper body is smooth and hairless except for the armpits that have dark, stubbly hairs. Hands and wrists are small, delicate and extremely feminine with deep red painted nails.

[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]

Hairless, chubby feminine thighs with very little muscle that rub together while walking. Feet are dainty, smooth and extremely feminine. Women's size 5.5 reformed and requiring high heels at all times. Chubby, protruding ass with wide, motherly hips. Deep red painted toenails. Asshole is always naturally lubed.



Wiry, heart shaped tramp stamp with stars on each side that makes the wearer enjoy anal sex and makes their asshole constantly lubricated. Diamond earring studs in earlobes.


Heterosexual woman that only considers dating men. Loves sucking cock. Loves making partners scream in ecstasy. Likes big penises and hard muscles. Enjoys cum inside her mouth. Addicted to semen. Prefers blonde partners. Loves cunnilingus and anal performed on her by men. Very submissive. Really gets off on humiliation and debauchery - but only when very horny.


Somewhat dim-witted. A submissive that's slow with her decision making, preferring others to make decisions for her. Somewhat provocative and foolhardy. Generally afraid of big, scary people who can overpower her. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence. Very submissive in nearly every situation. Socialized from birth as a heterosexual woman and extremely girly in nearly every way.


Extremely knowledgeable with both oral and anal sex. Knows multiple ways to pleasure male partners. Very knowledgeable with domestic skills (cooking, cleaning etc ) Fluent in French. Able to breastfeed a child skillfully. Expert at walking in high heels. Has difficulty learning new things and working out complex problems.


Round 45


Round 43