Round 3

[b]Round Three:[/b]

Martin appeared in a small sqaure room. Two wooden desks faced opposite walls; each had a metal stool neatly tucked under it. The space was illuminated by white fluorescent lights.

Martin felt a bit claustrophobic in the room, but he took a few deep breaths and calmed his nerves. Draping his masculine body was a red button up shirt and comfortable blue jeans. He also wore white sneakers. He swept his thick fingers through his beard, noticing it was clean and smooth.

Appearing next to him was a mostly androgynous woman. She had medium length black hair and a slight build. Her tiny breasts were held beneath a loose fitting black tank top. Her slightly feminine face wore a scowl. Black workout pants fit snugly around her flat-ish ass and hips. She stood around 5"9 with small but dense muscles.

The woman swept her hair back and shifted her gaze over to Martin. When she spoke, her tone was a rather somber, smoky alto, "Another one, huh?"

Martin scratched his nearly bald head, "I guess so. What's your name?"

"As if it matters." She quickly responded while shaking her head. But, noticing Martin was taken aback, she clarified, "I could tell you what I THINK my name is. Could be total bullshit. Everything here is bullshit." When Martin raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips she sighed, "Fine, call me Mel."

"I'm Martin."

Martin extended his hand which Mel took hesitantly. Martin's hand was much larger than hers. They gave each other a few good shakes before breaking off and drifting back to silence.

Martin broke the quiet to ask bluntly, "So, uh, are you going to suddenly want to suck me off or something once that robot gets here?"

Mel scoffed, "I take it you've met Annabelle, then. Poor soul, that one. Nope, but I'll probably want that body of your in a different way."

"W-what do you mean?" Martin croaked.

S.A.M. appeared. The tiny robot had on little shades with dollar signs over the eyes.

Martin was distracted by S.A.M when, suddenly, Mel grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him towards her. Her face was staring right up at his. She gave him an angry snarl.

"Give. Me. Everything."

Martin brushed her aside eaily and awkwardly stated, "Get off me."

Mel laughed and put her androgynous hands on her slightly flared hips, her voice filled with energy and gusto, "Don't worry, you'll be sucking my cock before long, girly. Maybe I'll start with your muscles...or just go straight for your dick!"

Martin shivered, Mel had clearly changed into somebody completely different. Somebody that wanted to take over his body!

"Look, Mel I-" Martin started.

Mel interrupted, "Ah shutup, girly. Liam don't take no back talk from no broad."

Martin raised his eyebrows, so this personality calls itself Liam.

He shrugged, "We'll see, Liam. We'll see."

S.A.M. began in his robotic voice, "Contestants will count a pile of coins. The first contestant to guess the correct amount of money wins. Three incorrect guesses incurs an automatic loss. Contestants are not allowed to interfere with the other contestant in any way."

An orange plastic bucket appeared on each desk. Liam stepped to the closest desk and peered inside. An assortment of coins filled the bottom of the bucket.


Martin wasted no time in grabbing the bucket and carefully tipping its contents onto the desk. He placed the bucket onto the ground and began counting. He grabbed one handful of coins at a time, counted them all, and dropped them back into the bucket. He peered over to Liam who was quickly sorting the coins into piles. Martin smirked, sorting the coins would take way too long, he had this in the bag! Martin tore through the pile of coins until the last one was back in the bucket.

"Forty-six dollars and eighty three cents!" Martin confidently yelled.

S.A.M's robo voice sounded, "Incorrect."

Martin felt the color draining from his face, how could he count incorrectly? He looked over to Liam who had finished sorting and had begun counting slowly and methodically.

Martin quickly turned the bucket over again, dumping the contents back on the desk. This time, however, he was not as careful and a good chunk of change clanged to the ground.

"Dammit!" Martin growled.

His strategy was the same, he wouldn't have time to sort like Liam had. He desperately added handful after handful of change and deposited them into the bucket.

"Forty-seven dollars and thirteen cents" Martin yelled.


He looked over to Liam who only had a small number of piles left to count. No doubt she would probably get the number right.

"F-forty-seven dollars and eighteen cents." Martin guessed wildly.

S.A.M. replied, "Incorrect. Mr. Dawes is given an automatic loss which means Ms. Gentry is the winner."

Liam swiped her coins off the desk with a sweep of her arm, they tumbled across the floor. She turned and stared at Martin with a gloating smile.

Doctor Grungot's nasily voice boomed from the ceiling, "Congratulations, Ms. Gentry! What would you like to exchange with Mr. Dawes?"

Liam contemplated for a few seconds, before exclaiming, "I'll just take his cock, right from the get go!"

Martin felt frozen in fear. Surely this was all a big joke right? They couldn't actually take his penis away, right?

The Doctor responded, "Now, now, Ms. Gentry, all in good time. I can't have you spoiling the fun this early. I have a better idea. I'll give you his bushy beard, that ought to make you look much more masculine!"

Liam pouted but nodded her head. The lower half of Martin's face began to feel very numb. He reached up and grabbed at his beard which was growing shorter by the second! He held it tightly and pulled; but it was no use as inch by inch his facial hair was sucked back into his face. Meanwhile, dark hair began dotting Liam's chin. She rubbed her hand along the burgeoning hairs. Martin was left with a five o'clock shadow for a few seconds before even that was sucked away. His face was still rugged and masculine but it was now completely void of facial hair! Liam's beard grew until it was an exact copy of the one Martin had just seconds prior. It looked totally out of place but definitely made her look much more masculine. Even with her somewhat feminine proportions she was tipping slightly towards male on the androgynous scale. Not only did she have the beard, though, she also had the mustache and sideburns to go with it! Her bearded face was elated.

Doctor Grungot sounded, "In addition to the exchange of current facial hair, your ability to grow that hair was also exchanged. From now on, Mr. Dawes, you won't be able to grow more than a paltry bit of peach fuzz!"

Could it really be true? He shook his head. He didn't need a beard anyway. Now he didn't have to worry about wasting time on facial hair grooming. The Doctor actually did him a favor!

Liam stuck out her tongue, "The first of many, girly!"

The scene collapsed.

[b]NAME: [/b]

Martin Lionel Dawes

[b]AGE: [/b]


[b]HEIGHT: [/b]


[b]WEIGHT: [/b]

220 LBS




Incredibly short, dark dots of hair cover an otherwise shaved head.


A deep and gravelly, masculine growl.


Smooth, hairless face. Thin lips. Low cheekbones and wide, somewhat prominent nose. Small hazel eyes with thick eye brows. Heavy brow and wide, square jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide neck with prominent Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman.

[b]GENITALS: [/b]

Large, thick and veiny 9 inch penis with flared, uncircumsised head. Covered in a jungle of dark pubes.

[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]

Bulging biceps and forearms that ripple with veins. Dark hair covered chest and muscled shoulders. Pecks are hard and relatively flat. Nipples are small hard and masculine. Stomach is hard, cut and muscled. Upper body literred with dark hair. Hands are large and masculine with rough nails and callouses.

[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]

Bulging tree-trunk legs which are strong and hairy. Feet are large and masculine with rough nails and callouses. Flat, muscular butt and narrow hips.


Red button up shirt with jeans. White sneakers.


Dates and has dated exclusively women. Loves drilling a nice wet pussy. Loves making women scream in ecstasy. Likes large tits and big butts (and he cannot lie). Likes seeing women with cum on them (especially if it's his). Enjoys a bit of hair down there and has a preference for long blonde hair up top. Loves cunnilingus and anal. Likes being the boss and having women call him 'Daddy'.


Extremely driven and quick-witted. A total hothead that's decisive and likes living on the edge. Somewhat provacative and foolhardy. Isn't afraid of anybody or anything. Has very fast muscle memory and advanced general motor skills. A talkative extrovert who exudes confidence.


Jiu Jitsu expert. Knows multiple fighting techniques other than Jiu Jitsu. Martial weapons expert. Very knowlegable about the human body inclduing fitness and diet (though he couldn't cook to save his life). Learned french exclusively for the ladies.

[quote]One small tip: you should probably re-upload the images somewhere else. You're currently linking them directly from their source, and sooner or later those are going to break - in fact, some links already do not work anymore. It would be a shame if that part of the content were to be lost permanently.[/quote]

I would totally do this if I knew how. I will research...hopefully from here on out.

EDIT: I *think* i figured it out. Hopefully this website I found doesn't somehow destroy my computer :) good suggestion!


Round 4


Round 2