Round 13

[b]Round Thirteen:[/b]

Marty floated in the swirling void. He felt somewhat proud of his win over Anthony. It would take more than simple upper body strength to beat a martial arts master!

As he waited, Marty saw a dark shape approaching him. At first, it was just a faraway outline. But as it neared, Marty could make out more details. It looked like a - a room? Marty furrowed his brow and squinted his eyes trying to make out the mysterious mass. The room silently shifted towards him. There was a wooden floor and a single wall on the far side. The wall had a closed door in its middle. Marty outstretched his feet and landed on the wooden surface. He immediately felt gravity return and he examined the new environment.

The room around him appeared cloaked in shadows. Marty shivered. Something about this room was unsettling. Marty could feel a haunting, angry presence all around him. Something awful had happened here. There was a pair of child sized beds neatly arranged near the door. Boys and girls toys were strewn all around including dolls, blocks, robots, crayons - everything a child could want. Each item oozed darkness and Marty could feel a growing sense of dread. He gazed up at the void around him. Marty wanted to leave this place. His eyes traced down to the door. It was in the darkest section of the room and stood strong and proud. Marty took a deep breath. He was drawn to the shadowy door. He carefully stepped towards it, being sure to avoid touching anything. Marty felt there would be consequences to disturbing the room. The feeling of dread intensified and Marty found the air around him growing colder with each step. When he finally reached the door, Marty stopped short. He froze in place, sure that any sudden move would summon some sort of snarling, nightmare monster. Marty could see his breath and goosebumps dotted his skin. He had to just go for it. Marty shot his arms up and grabbed the handle and-

Marty took a breath and opened his eyes. He was in a completely different place. He returned his outstretched arm back to his side while investigating the room. He appeared to be in some sort of messy laboratory.

Documents and equipment were strewn all over the counter tops. The double doors in front of Marty opened and two men strode in briskly. The first man looked strangely familiar. Though Marty couldn't quite put his finger on where he had seen the man before. He had distinct, sharp features and a slight build. He had wispy jet black hair and appeared in his late 30's or early 40's. He was smartly clad in a tailored gray suit. The second man was a young Doctor Grungot. He was dressed in a unkempt, wrinkled blue dress shirt and ill fitting black slacks. His slightly thinning salt and pepper hair sat in a wiry mess above his comparatively youthful face. His expression was giddy and he was basically tugging the other man behind him.

Grungot looked over his shoulder suspiciously before carefully and silently closing the double doors. He turned back to the other man with a wide, excited grin.

The man in the gray suit spoke first, his voice was proud but filled with suspicion, "This better be important, Harold. I've got a lot of work to do-"

Grungot surged towards Marty who took a step back and gulped.

Marty opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Grungot who craned his neck and scanned around the back of the room, "Are we alone?" His nasily voice had more youth and pep than Marty was used to.

Grungot scanned and looked right through Marty. For whatever reason, Grungot couldn't see him. Satisfied, Grungot turned back to the other man. He procured a small piece of glass from the pocket of his slacks.

"Look at this." Grungot mused as he shifted his attention to an electron microscope on the counter closest to him.

Grungot slid the piece of glass under the microscope and peered into the lens. He adjusted the height of the slide until it was in focus. He pulled away and beckoned to the man who stepped towards him. The gray suited man shot a concerned look at Grungot before turning his attention to the microscope. He bent over and peered into it. After barely a second or two, the man snapped upright and grew incredibly stiff.

When he spoke, his voice quivered slightly, "But then Harold, that means-"

Grungot interrupted him as he placed his hands on the mans shoulders, "It means we're gonna to be sooooo fucking rich, Samuel."

Samuel turned and wrapped Grungot in a big hug, "I can't believe it!" He gleefully shouted.

Grungot laughed and returned the hug but pushed Samuel away after a brief embrace, "I don't think I need to stress this, but I will. Don't tell anybody. We still have a lot of testing to do and there are people that would kill us to get this."

Samuel made a locking motion on his lips and threw away the key. "Just let me know what you need from me. I can help you with the approval process if you need it."

Grungot retrieved the slide and stuffed it back into his pocket. "I'll let you know soon."

The scene began to collapse as the men exchanged a few more seconds of excitement. Soon, Marty was back in the swirling void. He was so confused. What the hell was that?


Marty appeared in a spacious, modern living room.

He had on a plain red t-shirt and jeans with closed toe black heels. The jeans were a bit tighter than he was used to and he shifted his chastity cage around uncomfortably.

After a slight *pop* Mrs. Polermo appeared. She wore the same outfit as last time: a black thong and a gray tank top. Her impossibly large lung hammers hung unnaturally on her chest and stretched the tank top to its limit. She was practically spilling out!

Her shoulder legnth blonde hair appeared brittle while her bee-stung lips were painted daring red and drew attention to her lightly wrinkled, makeup covered face.

The black thong was gobbled up between her legs which could only be described as 'thunder thighs'. Her ginormous ass stuck out behind her like a shelf and her hips were wide and accomadating.

Martin wet his slightly expanded lips, remembering his previous encounter with her.

She smiled cheerfully with her chemically treated white teeth. Her voice was a low soprano and felt somewhat comforting, "Hello there young man. How I've missed you! My how you've changed since I saw you last!"

Marty sighed deeply. Hopefully she didn't know about his chastity cage. Though he probably shouldn't care what anybody in this mad house thought of him, Marty couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He didn't manage a reply.

Mrs. Polermo put her hands on her wide hips. Her smile didn't falter and she didn't seem to have any reaction to Marty's indifference. Marty simply waited, not making eye contact, in awkward silence.

S.A.M. appeared.

He had on a little pair of reading glasses which...made no sense but whatever.

"Mr. Dawes may accept a change from Mrs. Polermo in exchange for one powerup. Or, he may choose to accept a challenge from Mrs. Polermo. Should Mr. Dawes lose this challenge he will incur two penalties and receive no powerup."

Mrs. Polermo piped up, "If you accept the change I'll even let you choose: Ass, hips, lips or tits. I need to get all those under control to start living my best life. Just be aware, young man, if you choose the challenge and lose I might get-" Her soft soprano grew sinister and cold, "[i]...creative[/i]."

Marty was tempted to decline the change almost immediately but stopped short. He remembered Mrs. Polermo's last challenge. What if it was something like 'solve a Rubik's Cube' again? He would have to endure two changes. Who knows what she would come up with. He examined her giant tits. No way he would alter his chest. How would he ever be able to call himself a man with tits hanging off his chest? He looked to her lips. He couldn't do that either; his lips were already bigger than normal. But then her ass was ridiculous too! There was no winning here! At least he could hide a big butt or hips in some pants. Guys didn't have wide hips though. But...some guys do have big butts. It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to have a slightly bigger butt.

Marty raised his gaze up past the tiny robot and met Mrs. Polermo's dark eyes, "I might accept a change in the- in the...butt region. But you can't expect me to take all of it! I mean, come on look at that thing."

Mrs. Polermo frowned as her hands traced down to her wobbling ass. "I mean," She started, "I want you to take it all eventually...But I'll accept under those terms."

As much as he hated to do it, Marty nodded and stated plainly, "Then I agree."

S.A.M. disappeared and Marty immediately felt his pants growing tighter. Fat gushed into his ass cheeks and stretched his jeans to their limit. He placed his hands on the cheeks and could actually feel them pushing out. When it was finished, Marty squeezed his newly expanded butt. He had groped a few female asses in his time. And, based on his experience, his ass was definitely starting to feel more like those asses. At the very least he was on the extremely large end of the male ass spectrum. He peered over to Mrs. Polermo whose butt proportion looked more normal. Still a bit large, but not unnaturally large.

Marty looked over his shoulder to see that the junk in his trunk now protruded a bit. It was definitely a more noticeable feature.

"Thanks, hun!" Mrs. Polermo scoffed, "You made the right choice...I'll see you real soon!"

The scene collapsed leaving Marty in the void, slowly rubbing his chubby butt and contemplating his decision.

[b]NAME: [/b]

Marty Lyonelle Dawes

[b]AGE: [/b]


[b]HEIGHT: [/b]


[b]WEIGHT: [/b]

169 LBS






Rather short, black, shaggy hair.


A deep and gravelly, masculine growl.


Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips. Low cheekbones and wide, somewhat prominent nose. Large, soft green eyes. Heavy brow and wide, square jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide neck with prominent Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman.

[b]GENITALS: [/b]

Large, thick and veiny 9 inch penis with flared, uncircumsised head. Covered in well maintained, dark pubic hair. Encased in a small, metal chastity cage.

[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]

Average to below average biceps and forearms. Sparse hair covering the chest and slightly below average shoulders. Pecks are flat with little muscle. Nipples are small hard and masculine. Stomach is hard, cut and muscled. Upper body has some sparse hair. Hands are large, smooth and masculine with rough nails.

[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]

Bulging tree-trunk legs which are strong and slightly hairy, feet are large, smooth, masculine, without callous, reformed and requiring high heels at all times. Slightly chubby, protruding ass with narrow hips.


Simple, plain red t-shit and very tight jeans. Closed toe black heels.


Dates and has dated exclusively women. Loves drilling a nice wet pussy. Loves making women scream in ecstasy. Likes large tits and big butts (and he cannot lie). Likes seeing women with cum on them (especially if it's his). Enjoys a bit of hair down there and has a preference for long blonde hair up top. Loves cunnilingus and anal. Likes being the boss and having women call him 'Daddy'.


Somewhat driven and quick-witted. A bit of a hothead that's slow with his decision making. Somewhat provacative and foolhardy. Not overtly afraid of anybody or anything. Has very fast muscle memory and advanced general motor skills. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence.


Jiu Jitsu expert. Knows multiple fighting techniques other than Jiu Jitsu. Martial weapons expert. Very knowlegable about the human body inclduing fitness and diet (though he couldn't cook to save his life). Learned french exclusively for the ladies. Expert at walking in high heels.


Round 14


Round 12