Round 11
[b]Round Eleven: [/b]
Marty stared into the swirling darkness. It seemed to calm him somewhat, but he was definitely still reeling from the previous contest. Was he even still himself anymore? So much of his identity was staked in his ability to physically overpower his opponents. Without that...Marty let his mind wander as he thought. Also, why couldn't he win a single goddamn contest!? He had to buckle down and win moving forward. Surely, there was little left for the Doctor to change. He was barely recognizable! Marty felt his stomach drop as a familiar sucking feeling sent him hurtling towards the next round.
Marty appeared near a dingy, dimly lit bar.
The air felt stale and the silence was absolute. Marty shifted uncomfortably; something about a silent bar was unnerving. He glanced around nervously before clicking his way over to the closest barstool which he sat in. Marty was somewhat thankful he still wore his dressy looking heels- at least in a "My feet are currently not on fire with agony" sort of way.
A simple gray polo covered his diminished shoulders while blue jeans encased his powerful legs. Marty slowly ran his fingers through his thick black hair. He somberly shook his head and wet his enchanced lips. What a crazy situation he was in. He still couldn't believe it was real.
Marty stared up at the bottles of liquor stacked on the bar before a soft *pop* caught his attention. He craned his neck to see that crazy bi-polar chick appear. He didn't quite remember her name.
She had on a scandelous black "dress" that was basically just a few strips of fabric. Marty could see her rather generous chest squishing out around the straps. He could even see her nipples. Her dress was strapless and her cleavage was expansive. Her long blonde hair draped loosely over her shoulders. It framed her beautiful face very nicely.
She glanced around the room and a sigh of relief washed over her face. Her small hazel eyes fixed on Marty. She quickly stepped towards the bar.
"Always liked this one." The woman stated, her voice was a warm alto. She walked around the bar and turned to face Marty. "So, what'll it be, hot stuff?"
Marty gulped. He normally had no difficulty talking to women - or anybody for that matter. He was feeling a distinct lack of confidence at the moment and she was so pretty. He opened his mouth to begin speaking but stopped and stared down, managing only to make a small peep.
She raised her eyebrows, "I guess you forgot my name. It's not a big deal, I get it. I'm Sandra and my sister is Cindi." When Marty shot her a nervous smile, but didn't respond, she continued, "I'll just pour us a nice whisky."
"W-what do you mean you, 'Like this one'?" Marty sputtered in his deep baritone.
Sandra turned her back and began preparing their drinks, "This bar. Always liked it. For some reason it takes the Doctor longer to get here. And...I get to enjoy a nice stiff cocktail."
She dropped two glasses onto the counter with a crash as Marty asked, "Why does it take him longer to get here?"
She popped the cap off a whisky bottle. The top tumbled onto the floor.
"Don't know," She started, turning back to Marty and meeting his eyes, "I don't think he likes this place. Don't know why he'd keep us coming back here if that was the case though." Sandra poured a generous amount of whisky into each cup. "A bit dusty," She sighed as she hoisted her glass, "But whisky is whisky in these trying times."
Sandra gently slid the other glass towards Marty. He clutched the glass which Sandra lazily clinked with hers. She gave Marty a somber half smile and put the glass to her lips. After a small sip, she clenched her eyes shut and bared her teeth while sharply taking in a breath.
Sandra gasped out, "Wow! It's been way too long since I had a drink. It's burning my damn throat off!"
Marty tipped his glass up while Sandra watched him. He swallowed all its contents in one gulp! It was pretty strong whisky, but he was sure not to show his discomfort with it. If Marty knew one thing it was that women loved a man that could handle a strong drink. The liquid burned in his chest but his face stayed cool, clam and collected.
Sandra's expression lit up a bit and a real smile flashed across her face. "I gotta admit," She mused, "Nothing sexier than a man that can handle a drink."
Marty beamed at her. For whatever reason, he wanted Sandra to like him. She filled his glass a second time.
Marty lifted the filled cup and felt his confidence slowly returning, "So your sister."
Sandra's smile faltered. She took a large gulp, "What about her?"
Marty asked curiously, "So she's, like, inside of you and - and talks to you sometimes?"
Sandra closed her eyes and pressed her nearly empty glass up to her forehead, "She's talking to me at this very moment. It's so fucking exhausting. She used to be the Doctor's favorite, you know. She's always trying to take over." Sandra pulled her glass away and stared at it before continuing, "And, honestly? I'm kind of helping her do it."
Marty nodded before draining his second glass. This time he couldn't hold back his discomfort and started to gag . Sandra laughed while refilling her second glass and Marty's third.
She playfully jabbed at Marty's hand, her tone was flirty and warm, "Not so tough the second time, huh champ?"
Marty could definitely feel the alcohol beginning to affect him. His fingertips were tingling and he was starting to feel bold.
He stared up into her eyes, "Tough enough for you, ma petite amie."
Sandra giggled in a high pitch before taking a big gulp. Marty finished his third full glass and was quickly on the path to being blackout. If he knew anything it was that women loved a man that could speak another language.
She cooed at him, her voice was in a higher register than it was just seconds before, "A sexy man that knows how to party and can talk dirty in another language? You want to take me home, big guy?"
Marty threw his head back and growled, imagining a geyser of flame shooting out of his mouth, "I'm so fucking drunk!" He shouted.
Cindi teetered around the bar and grabbed Marty's hand. She put it onto her nearly exposed chest. Marty's fingers clumsily poked through the holes in Cindi's dress and began roughly kneading her tits.
Cindi arms were behind her, pushing her chest forward. She tossed her long blond hair back and bit her lower lip. Her eyes stared into Marty's. He could smell her subtle feminine perfume mixing with light sweat.
Marty squeezed Cindi's breast and used it to pull her towards him. She let out a little squeak as she lurched forward. Marty wrapped his free arm around Cindi's waist. He stood out of his chair and, thanks to his tall heels, towered over her. Their eyes locked. She peered up into his inviting green eyes while he stared down into hers which were an intense, mysterious hazel. Their bodies were tightly wound together and they could each feel the warmth and desire emanating from the other. Marty dipped his head down, closed his eyes and pressed his lips gently into hers. Cindi's lips were warm and soft as she returned the kiss. Marty lightly pressed into her, his puckered lips opening and closing with hers. Cindi grinded her hips into Marty's groin while their long kiss became increasingly passionate. Marty's nine inch cock strained against his jeans, begging for release.
Cindi crossed her arms around Marty's neck, not breaking their contact for even a second. Probably due to the alcohol, Marty felt a surge of confidence. He curled his arm around Cindi and quickly pulled the zipper of her dress down in one swift motion. Cindi broke the kiss and took a half-step back. She pulled the ribbons of her dress forward and tugged them down desperately. Her big tits jiggled enticingly and she let out a frustrated moan as she struggled with the tight garment. Marty grabbed the dress which was bunched around Cindi's wide hips and assisted her in removing it. She stepped out of it and instantly returned to Marty's embrace.
Their lips met again, this time with more intensity. Marty's tongue plunged into Cindi's open mouth. She accepted the intrusion while fiddling with his jeans. Marty's arms cupped and squeezed Cindi's thick ass. He gave her a few light spanks with one hand while the other snaked its way between her legs. She opened her legs slightly and Marty's finger found her dripping wet pussy. Marty could feel her NEED, like an addict desperate for a hit. She clawed at his pants like an animal. Marty's tongue explored Cindi's mouth. He found her tongue and they became intertwined. He broke the kiss and tilted Cindi's head up, planting a trail of hickies down the side of her neck. She released an aroused, breathy moan. Marty could feel her pulse and breath racing. His finger swirled around her sopping clit.
Cindi leaned in and nibbled gently on Marty's ear while she whispered, her voice brimming with arousal and alcohol, "I want you to fuck me from behind."
Cindi took one final intense stare into Mary's eyes while biting her lip. For that final second there was an intimate connection that Marty couldn't quite describe. It was like they were the only two people in the world and nothing else mattered. He held her tightly and she held him just the same. For that brief period he felt stone cold sober. She turned away and got down onto her knees. She fell to all fours and put her ass in the air. Her long, silky blonde hair fell loosely and her pussy dripped to the floor.
Cindi pulled her cheeks apart and Marty eyed her smooth asshole. He dropped to his knees and rubbed his hands along her curves. He swatted her ass again, this time quite a bit harder. She shook her hips enticingly and grunted with each smack.
Cindi looked over her shoulder and gave Marty a half-drunk smile.
"I'm ready." She cooed.
Marty plunged his index finger into her gushing vagina. It was practically dripping.
"You don't say." Marty scoffed, eliciting a giggle from Cindi.
He unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans while Cindi continued shaking her wide hips, spreading the thick scent of feminine arousal. He got into a high kneeling position, his thick, hard cock just inches away from her soft, slick folds. He slapped his hands onto her hips, anchoring himself and pressed forward, his cock-head slipping in with little resistance.
"Maddie, are you fucking kidding me?" An angry Doctor Grungot boomed from the ceiling. The whole room seemed to shake, "I come ten minutes late and you can't keep your genitals away from somebody else? I expected this from Cindi, but you? I guess some people never change, huh?"
Marty sat back onto his butt confused while Cindi scooted against the wall of the bar, throwing her head back and shaking it with disappointment.
The Doctor continued, his voice calming down somewhat, "I see you have no self control, Mr. Dawes. In fact, you've had sex with our female contestants more often than not! That must be why you've been losing so much, no focus on the winning the competition! So much...wanton distraction. Let's see if we can't assist you with that predicament. So long as you have a penis, you'll be confined in a chastity cage."
Marty yelped as he felt a sudden and intense pain in his groin. He pulled at his penis which suddenly had a padlocked metal cage around it! A thick metal band surround the base of his balls which connected to the cage surrounding his entire shaft.
Any arousal he felt in the situation evaporated almost immediately and he became soft due to the pain. Even flaccid, he barely had any room to maneuver. He attempted to pull the cage off, to rip the lock, to fit his balls through the silver band but it was to no avail. He was trapped.
Marty examined his new punishment. Seeing his pride and joy contained in a cage was unnerving. But, seeing this feet in tall heels just past it made the picture even worse. He was starting to look like some sort of...sissy or something.
Marty flashed a gaze to Cindi who pulled her legs closely in a a hug. She met his eyes with fear and genuine concern.
"I'm s-sorry..." Marty sputtered.
The scene collapsed.
[b]NAME: [/b]
Marty Lyonelle Dawes
[b]AGE: [/b]
[b]HEIGHT: [/b]
[b]WEIGHT: [/b]
165 LBS
Rather short, black, shaggy hair.
A deep and gravelly, masculine growl.
Smooth, hairless face. Normal, if not slightly puffy lips. Low cheekbones and wide, somewhat prominent nose. Large, soft green eyes. Heavy brow and wide, square jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide neck with prominent Adams apple. Ability to grow facial hair is that of a normal woman.
[b]GENITALS: [/b]
Large, thick and veiny 9 inch penis with flared, uncircumsised head. Covered in well maintained, dark pubic hair. Encased in a small, metal chastity cage.
[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]
Average to below average biceps and forearms. Sparse hair covering the chest and slightly below average shoulders. Pecks are flat with little muscle. Nipples are small hard and masculine. Stomach is hard, cut and muscled. Upper body has some sparse hair. Hands are large, smooth and masculine with rough nails.
[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]
Bulging tree-trunk legs which are strong and slightly hairy, feet are large, smooth, masculine, without callous, reformed and requiring high heels at all times. Flat, muscular butt and narrow hips.
Five inch black closed toe heels. Polo shirt.
Dates and has dated exclusively women. Loves drilling a nice wet pussy. Loves making women scream in ecstasy. Likes large tits and big butts (and he cannot lie). Likes seeing women with cum on them (especially if it's his). Enjoys a bit of hair down there and has a preference for long blonde hair up top. Loves cunnilingus and anal. Likes being the boss and having women call him 'Daddy'.
Somewhat driven and quick-witted. A bit of a hothead that's slow with his decision making. Somewhat provacative and foolhardy. Not overtly afraid of anybody or anything. Has very fast muscle memory and advanced general motor skills. A somewhat talkative introvert lacking a bit in confidence.
Jiu Jitsu expert. Knows multiple fighting techniques other than Jiu Jitsu. Martial weapons expert. Very knowlegable about the human body inclduing fitness and diet (though he couldn't cook to save his life). Learned french exclusively for the ladies. Expert at walking in high heels.