Round 1

[b]Round One:[/b]

Martin's eyes flickered open. He looked around the area and saw he was in some kind of wrestling ring.

It was rather small with several multi colored ropes surrounding the central area. Martin stood in the direct center. All around him was complete darkness save for one light illuminating the square. Martin wore a functional blue Gi.

He felt very comfortable in the garment as he had worn one for many years. It seemed to fit him perfectly allowing freedom of movement while keeping the traditional style. He scanned the square yet again, the floor was a smooth canvas like material. It was different than what he was used to.

As Martin continued to scan, a man appeared in front of him.

The guy was huge! He stood a few inches taller than Martin with bulging muscles. His dark skin had a shine to it. His head was bald and he wore a confident smile. The man put hands on his hips and stared. He had no upper body clothing and a red pair of basketball shorts. Like Martin, the mans feet were uncovered.

His voice was deep and strong, "Welcome, white boy. I'm Mr. Johnson. We gon' be gettin' to know each other real good soon."

Martin was not one to shy away from anybody no matter their size. He puffed his chest out and stood directly in front of Mr. Johnson and stared up into his eyes. His Gi made his already confident demeanor even more so.

"I'm Mr. Dawes. I don't want to fucking know you, black boy. Get out of my face."

Mr. Johnson's face soured for a second but he turned it back to amusement, "My my...don't you have some spunk. I like that. It'll be so fun to watch it slowly degrade away."

Mr. Johnson took a step back and lowered his head slightly. Martin placed his thumbs in the brown belt of his Gi, proud of his dominance over this buff guy.

A tiny robot appeared on the far end of the square. It was approximately two feet tall with distinguishable arms and legs. It was mostly a sanitary white color with one "eye" in the middle of a screen on its face.

The robot wore a cute little blue Gi of its own.

Both Mr. Johnson and Martin looked towards the robot who began to speak with an androgynous, somewhat monotone computerized voice, "Welcome, Contestants, to the Extravaganza. I am S.A.M. and I will be your guide. Before a round or contest I will explain the rules and parameters. You may ask questions if you wish. Contestants will engage in a wrestling match. The winner will be decided when either a contestant taps out or passes out. Strikes or any kind are not permitted."

Martin took a few steps back from his opponent and adopted a fighting stance. He didn't know what the fuck was going on, but it would sure feel good to unleash some hurt on this smug asshole. Mr. Johnson did the same thing.

"Begin." S.A.M. called out.

Both men circled one another carefully, neither wanting to engage too quickly. While Martin was sure of himself, he was used to fighting competitors within his weight range. He hadn't fought somebody this big before. Meanwhile, Mr. Johnson's smile faded and he wore an angry frown. Mr. Johnson stopped circling and scratched the back of his head, showing his boredom with the situation. Martin saw his opportunity. Quick as a flash, Martin closed the gap between them and squatted down, grabbing the back of Mr. Johnson's knees. The huge black man barely had a second to react as Martin pushed forward with his head into Mr. Johnson's chest while his hands pulled his knees backward. Martin and Mr. Johnson landed onto the canvas with a crash. Martin was on top of Mr. Johnson who began to struggle. Martin may have been smaller, but his technique was professional. He crawled up and held down Mr. Johnson's biceps with his forearms while he put the entirety of his weight onto Mr. Johson's torso. Mr. Johnson hollered and grunted, struggling against Martin who held fast. Mr. Johnson kicked his legs to no avail. When he was screaming obscenities, Martin took the opportunity to stretch his left leg between Mr. Johnson's legs and apply sharp pressure to the interior of his thigh, or his femoral artery. Mr. Johnson screamed in pain and shot his arms over towards the stinging pain. Martin grabbed the arm and swung Mr. Johnson onto his stomach and proceeded to twist his arm backwards. Martin completed the move but dropping his knee onto Mr. Johnson's shoulder and applying pressure. Whenever Mr. Johnson tried to move, Martin would twist the arm just a little more causing extreme discomfort.

"You give up yet, black boy?" Martin asked smugly.

"Y-you just wait 'til next time, Dawes. I'll fucking kill-" Martin twisted the arm even farther eliciting a pained scream mid sentence. "ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! I fucking give! Fuck dude!"

Martin seemed satisfied and released Mr. Johnson who jumped up to his feet. He had a twinkle of embarrassment in his eyes.

Martin returned his thumbs to the brown belt and smiled, "You'll never beat me in this kind of fight. Not ever."

Mr. Johnson shook his head, "You don't even know what the fuck you in for. You think this is the only time you gon' fight me? We'll see how you feel once you got less muscle mass than a fifteen year old anorexic girl and tits out to here. See you soon, white boy."

With that, the area began to slowly break apart and fade into darkness. The last thing Martin saw was was an angry stare from his new rival. He was left floating in the void.

[b]NAME: [/b]

Martin Lionel Dawes

[b]AGE: [/b]


[b]HEIGHT: [/b]


[b]WEIGHT: [/b]

220 LBS




Incredibly short, dark dots of hair cover an otherwise shaved head.


A deep and gravelly, masculine growl.


Medium/long dark beard and mustache. Thin lips. Low cheekbones and wide, somewhat prominent nose. Small hazel eyes with thick eye brows. Heavy brow and wide, square jaw. Normal sized ears. Wide neck with prominent Adams apple.

[b]GENITALS: [/b]

Large, thick and veiny 9 inch penis with flared, uncircumsised head. Covered in a jungle of dark pubes.

[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]

Bulging biceps and forearms that ripple with veins. Dark hair covered chest and muscled shoulders. Pecks are hard and relatively flat. Nipples are small hard and masculine. Stomach is hard, cut and muscled. Upper body literred with dark hair. Hands are large and masculine with rough nails and callouses.

[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]

Bulging tree-trunk legs which are strong and hairy. Feet are large and masculine with rough nails and callouses. Flat, muscular butt and narrow hips.


Blue Gi with a brown belt.


Dates and has dated exclusively women. Loves drilling a nice wet pussy. Loves making women scream in ecstasy. Likes large tits and big butts (and he cannot lie). Likes seeing women with cum on them (especially if it's his). Enjoys a bit of hair down there and has a preference for long blonde hair up top. Loves cunnilingus and anal. Likes being the boss and having women call him 'Daddy'.


Extremely driven and quick-witted. A total hothead that's decisive and likes living on the edge. Somewhat provacative and foolhardy. Isn't afraid of anybody or anything. Has very fast muscle memory and advanced general motor skills. A talkative extrovert who exudes confidence.


Jiu Jitsu expert. Knows multiple fighting techniques other than Jiu Jitsu. Martial weapons expert. Very knowlegable about the human body inclduing fitness and diet (though he couldn't cook to save his life). Learned french exclusively for the ladies.


Round 2

