Bonus Round 5 Part 4
Mother And Daughter BBC Gangbang Part 3:
Maddi took a deep, anticipatory breath before moving down the hall. Her wedge heels thudded loudly on the glistening marble floors while her flared hips sensually rocked back and forth. She heard voices echoing in the room ahead. When she emerged in the living room, she noticed the lights and cameras were pointed directly at her. Anthony sat behind the middle camera. His eyes, and they eyes of the entire crew, were squarely on her. In the middle of the room, seated on the couch, was Anna [i]and Danielle[/i].
The girls were surrounded on all sides by young, muscular black men in their underwear. Each man easily dwarfed both girls who sat delicately next to one another. Anna cradled her pregnant belly which protruded against her black nightie. Danielle's lithe form was draped in a red nightie and tights.
They giggled with one another while rubbing their smooth bodies together. Anna tossed her blonde hair behind her shoulders while Danielle curled her brunette hair around her ears.
What was she doing here?
In Maddi's head she saw the script which stated "Mom walks in appalled and angry". She had already committed to playing along so she reluctantly headed towards the couch to fulfill her role.
Maddi put her hands above her flared hips and mom jeans while adopting an outraged expression. She could feel the light wrinkles on her face furrowing to accommodate. Her mature female hands dug into her soft belly beneath a black tank top.
Anna looked up towards Maddi. Her innocent face with sparkling blue doe-eyes was suddenly stricken with fear and surprise.
"M-Mom! What are you doing here?" Anna squeaked.
Danielle added in her youthful alto, "Aunt Maddi, this isn't what it looks like!"
Some of the men turned their lustful attention to Maddi, but most were disinterested in whatever 'story' was going on. They were clearly more interested in getting to the action. Some fished a hand into their underwear and fondled themselves while others were openly stroking their cocks.
Danielle turned her attention to the opposite side of the room and grew her own surprised, fearful expression.
From the corner of her eye Maddi could see a figure appearing in the direction of Danielle's stare. It was Bridgette Polermo, Danielle's [i]ACTUAL[/i] mother. It appeared that 'Mother And Daughter BBC Gangbang part 3' was going to feature two mothers and two daughters. mother and one daughter plus one fake mother and fake daughter. Maddi, of course, was not actually related to Anna. But, as Maddi watched the scene unfold, a nagging thought stuck in her mind. Maybe Bridgette and Danielle weren't actually mother and daughter either... Maybe the Doctor was deceiving Maddi in more ways than she knew. But, ultimately, it didn't really matter and her focus had to remain on the task at hand.
Bridgette wore a black and red outfit that consisted of an extremely lowcut red blouse and a short, black skirt. She also had on tights just like her daughter. Her early 40's body barely showed any signs of aging. Bridgette's long blonde hair was in a tight bun atop her head.
"Mom, I-" Danielle started.
"Don't you 'mom' me, young lady!" Bridgette interrupted in a dominating soprano, "I think both Maddi and I know what's happening here, don't we big sis?"
Maddi's newly aged voice reverberated in a mature alto that followed the script, "We certainly do! It looks like some VERY naughty daughters were about to have a steamy night with a group of sexy young studs! All without moms permission, I might add!"
Bridgette sashayed slowly and sensually towards the couch. She pulled the bun from her hair before swishing her blond locks to and fro.. She removed her black jacket and tossed it aside. Maddi felt a pang of jealousy at the tightness of Bridgette's arms. They were certainly not sagging and fat like Maddi's were. In fact, Maddi felt a strong sense of jealousy at most of Bridgette's body. Bridgette was so well put together...Her silky, shoulder length hair was vibrant and healthy whereas Maddi's was short, somewhat dull and filled with products. Bridgette's face was mature but supple. Her makeup was tastefully applied. On the other hand, Maddi's features were haggard, wrinkled and her makeup was caked on heavily. Bridgette's figure was curvy in all the right places but not too soft or loose. Her sexy outfit fit her like a tantalizing dream. She was a woman still hanging onto the prime of her life and showing off everything she had to offer. Maddi's figure was bloated and jiggly. Her sleeveless black tank top and mom jeans gave off a much different vibe. She looked like a woman who had accepted she was past her prime years and was leaning into giving up. Not to mention Bridgette's mature breasts were firm and pert while Maddi's were beginning to sag and weigh her down. Bridgette may have been in her early/mid forties, but she looked like a woman in her late thirties. Maddi was lucky to look her age- which was now mid/late forties!
All eyes were on Bridgette as she strutted confidently across the floor. She knew everybody was watching her and she shot Maddi a toothy smile. Teeth which, just to add insult to injury, were perfectly white and straight. Maddi ran her tongue across her crooked, yellow smile. Was there anything she had over Bridgette?
Aha! Maddi noticed a flaw! Bridgette had noticeable smoker's lines above her lips. The wrinkles there added a few years to her otherwise deceptively youthful face. Looks like all those years of smoking cigarettes were taking their toll! Maddi breathed a sigh of relief, but couldn't help feeling a bit petty. Every woman had her flaws, it wasn't like-
As Maddi watched, the wrinkles above Bridgette's upper lip smoothed out and disappeared. She gave Maddi a wink and stopped in front of the couch with her hands on her hips. Was it all in Maddi's imagination or had Bridgette really changed in front of her? It was impossible to verify because Bridgette was facing away. The script urged Maddi forward and she moved cautiously in her wedge heels and mom jeans. She was feeling self conscious having to follow Bridgette but nonetheless put on a façade of confidence, trying to mirror her counterpart as best she could.
As she moved, Maddi felt a pulling sensation on her upper lip and a burning in her lungs. Each step she took morphed and altered her body. Year after year of cigarette use and general wear and tear transferred from Bridgette to Maddi. Though Bridgette's back was turned, Maddi could see that she too was changing with each step. Bridgette stood more upright, her hair was even more vibrant and full, her skin was becoming tighter, healthier and younger. Consequently, Maddi was aging and becoming less healthy with each step. The smoker's lines once on Bridgette's lips were now gracing Maddi's already wrinkled face. Her skin took on an unhealthy yellowish tinge and numerous new age spots, aches and wrinkles emerged all across her body. Maddi reached her destination and raised her veiny hand to her smoker's lips to hack out a cough.
As she did so, Maddi noticed a lit cigarette between her fingers. She took a deep drag and felt the smoke rush into her lungs just as she had done tens of thousands of times before. She felt an immediate calm.
Maddi, now standing next to Bridgette, looked up and examined her. Bridgette looked like she was barely in her mid thirties, let alone her forties! What was happening? Maddi's mind raced, but The slight smirk on Bridgette's face told her everything she needed to know.
There was a second of pause before Maddi watched as Bridgette's body started changing once again. She watched Bridgette's cheeks push up and become round and rosy. Any semblance of old age in her face evaporated and softened. Her lips plumped up and her breasts and hips slimmed down and lost mass. Her shoulder length, blonde hair lengthened and flowed down her back before gaining a healthy sheen. Bree's body was infused with energy and fertility. Her eyes were shining and her makeup was sparse. It wasn't as if her natural, vivacious beauty needed much help. Bree bit her plump, red lower lip and rubbed her smooth hands down her tight body. She couldn't have been over thirty now! She let out a tiny gasp and looked down to see wet spots form over her nipples as she lactated into her top.
Maddi coughed once again as the changes to her own body picked back up. Her breasts pulled downward into her black tank top and sagged lower and lower. When they stopped, her heavy tits were weighing down like anchors, only kept above her navel by the top. The fat and skin around her body pulled downward just like her chest. Every square inch of her skin felt like it was jiggling. Deeper and more noticeable age spots and wrinkles spread out around her body while cellulite dotted her thighs and varicose veins climbed up her legs. Maddi's short, processed blonde hair turned gray and prominent crows feet carved themselves next to her eyes. Madeline's vagina widened and loosened with the hair around it becoming gray and much more abundant. The fat on her belly and pubic area fused and formed an obviously post menopausal belly pouch. She now looked like someone that had made it through every stage in the journey of womanhood. Madeline raised the cigarette to her thin lips and took a drag, noticing how knotty and veiny her hands were.
Bree sat on the couch next to Anna and Danielle who both looked older than they were just seconds prior. Had Bree given them some of her years as well? Of course, they were still practically children compared to Madeline who appeared to be in her early/mid sixties. All three girls looked like they were late twenties.
Bree spoke up, her youthful voice was full of energy, "Yeah mom, what's the big deal? Just because you're old and crusty and your pussy is loose and smelly doesn't mean we can't enjoy our young, horny bodies! And I say that as somebody that spend nine whole months in there!"
The group of girls, men and crew all shared a laugh at Madeline's expense. Madeline felt embarrassed. She shouldn't be wearing this outfit! Her older body needed to be covered and hidden! Madeline wanted to run out of the room and cry but the script urged her onwards.
She wagged her finger at Bree, her new voice was hoarse and low, "How dare you, [i]young lady[/i]! I raised you girls to treat people with more respect than that I-"
Anna interrupted with a sweet, high pitch, "Mom, you barely raised us at all!"
Danielle nodded her head, "Yeah, Mom, you were always bringing a new guy home. The only thing your ever did for any of us was fucking our dads without a condom, and letting them nut inside your pussy!"
Madeline's response was hoarse and astonished, "Th- That's not true, girls! I-I also...I-"
Bree interjected, "You taught us everything you knew about being a slut. I guess you passed on the only skills you were ever good at. It's no wonder why your three youngest daughters ended up sucking and fucking big black cock for a living."
The surrounding men continued to watch silently as the scene unfolded. Their continued masturbation seemed to hint that they were not deterred in the slightest by the topic of conversation or family drama.
Madeline opened her mouth to respond but her words caught in her throat as she peered down at her seated offspring. They were each likely somewhere in their mid twenties. They were all uniquely beautiful and Madeline couldn't help but feel a swell of pride form in her chest. She knew, rationally, that they weren't actually her children, but, nonetheless, she felt pride. Maybe it was because the huge group of men around them believed Madeline was truthfully and legitimately their biological mother that her body was responding as if it were.
Anna, Danielle and Bree's bodies began simultaneously changing right before her eyes. All three looked to lose a year of apparent age. In addition, each of their eyes expanded slightly. It gave them a demure, innocent appearance.
Madeline's vision became blurry. The skin of her eyelids loosened and wrinkled and her eyes shrank a tiny amount. The caked-on makeup around her eyes disappeared leaving her without any which further added to the diminishing appearance of her eyes. On her nose and around her ears appeared an old fashioned pair of glasses complete with bifocals.
Madeline adjusted her new specs whose style fit perfectly with her body...A body which gained even more years.
Madeline shot a glance over to Anthony. His face was dark and he looked concerned, but he stayed where he was and did not seem to acknowledge Madeline's attention. Similarly, Anna's façade broke for a short period and Madeline was sure she was about to go off script, possibly dooming them all.
Before she could do that, however, the girls went through another round. They lost two years of apparent age and Madeline watched as each of their lips became pouty and naturally both redder and fuller. Danielle reached up and tentatively touched her newly engorged lips.
Madeline was prepared as the consequence as the change took its toll. Her wrinkled lips thinned even more and lost the makeup once covering it. Thin and sparse- but very much visible hairs scratched across her upper lip. It was a far cry from a full blown mustache, but any person up close would notice she had a few stray hairs. It further cemented that Madeline was a woman of advanced age and had really given up on some cosmetic personal hygiene. The years trickled in and Madeline felt aches and pains set in; generally in her hips, knees and back. The wrinkles, age spots and visible veins became deeper, more abundant and more obvious.
Madeline started to feel a panic setting in. This was going over the top! Her body was probably somewhere in the mid sixties now! The worst part was - she looked every year of it! When would it end? When would this horrible nightmare finally be done!?
Apparently the answer to the question was "not yet" because the girls once again lost another few years. They were all in their very early twenties or late teens now. Anna was looking much more like herself except with bigger eyes and poutier lips. This time, each girl had her already long locks lengthen and thicken. Their manes became voluminous and silky. Danielle and Bree both ran their fingers through their hair and marveled at the increase in quality. Anna, on the other hand, stayed silent. Her giant blue eyes held fear for and pity as she watched Madeline.
The changes struck Madeline shortly after. Beyond simply gaining a few more years, bringing her close to the big 70, Madeline's short, gray hair started to become thinner and thinner with each passing second. A tiny bald spot formed near the top of Madeline's head, covered mostly by wiry, brittle, gray hairs. What little remained hardened and solidified, held in place by some sort of old-school hairspray which had been applied. Madeline now smelled exactly like a stereotypical old woman was expected to. She didn't just look and sound the part, now she smelled like it too!
Madeline wanted to get away and stop whatever was happening, but it was far too late to do anything now and she barely got a second of respite before the next wave hit. Where would she run to, anyway? She was trapped, she was a prisoner.
The girls once again shed a few years. They were definitely below twenty now. Madeline was not the best at discerning age any longer, as anybody below fifty looked like a kid, but she would have guessed the girls were...sixteen or seventeen? Danielle and Bree each lost an inch or two in height and all three had their breasts and hips reduce in size. Their faces were naïve and innocent with rounded, rosy cheek, plump lips and slightly upturned noses. Anna and Danielle's heavy makeup became sparse, just like Bree's makeup was.
A pained grunt escaped Madeline's lips as changes occurred. Her body thinned out a little as her bones became brittle with osteoporosis. Her posture took a dive and she started to hunch over. Each second saw her bending farther and father down. It seemed like each and every bone and joint in her body was made of glass and ready to break and fail at a moments notice. She tried forcing herself to stand upright but the pain was just too intense and she fell back into a hunched over position. The anchors on her chest were not helping her as they pulled her down heavily.
An object appeared in Madeline's hands.
She gripped the cane strongly, thankful that her hands were not in a great deal of pain and she could reliably keep herself upright.
Madeline croaked out in a whisper, her voice was wispy and weak, "Girls you look- you look so..."
Madeline's words caught in her throat as the strongest wave of changes swept from Bree to Anna to Danielle in quick succession.
Their bodies shrank and contracted even more. Each girl lost a few inches in height and their feminine curves slipped away. Their clothes also shifted and morphed alongside their bodies.
Bree was the first to finish. She looked like she had lost the most age and her girlish body was now fully covered with a black turtle neck sweater and sparkly skinny jeans. She was just barely over five feet tall and couldn't have been more than thirteen or fourteen. Her dirty blond hair was the longest of the three and she looked the youngest.
Bree stared at Madeline with big green eyes.
Annie was the second to finish. Her bountiful feminine assets shrank and fell away. She clutched at her pregnant belly as it too contracted and disappeared. Annie clawed and pulled at her taut stomach in a panic, but stopped herself and took a deep breath. This was clearly not the first time something like this had happened to her. The black nightie turned to a loose fitting gray sweater and jeans. She was older than Bree, maybe fourteen or fifteen, and 5"2 or 5"3. She took a quick second to examine herself.
Annie let her long blond hair hang down her shoulders as her blue eyes found Madeline.
Finally, Ellie's body was finished. Her red negligee turned black and became a stylish coat and a long, plaid skirt. Ellie was the tallest at around 5"6 and her body was the most developed. She was probably fifteen or sixteen. Tights covered her legs and she crossed them on the couch, turning her attention to Madeline.
Madeline felt the expected buzz of changes across her body. The grip on her cane loosened. Her fingers slimmed and became little more than a layer of paper-thin skin over knotted bones. Her posture worsened and her legs became shaky as most of her remaining muscle ceased to exist. Combined with her brittle bones, Madeline was lucky to be standing at all and only managed to do so leaning heavily on her cane. Her ill fitting jeans and top fused into one before flowing out and becoming a loose pink moo moo. The garment had a floral pattern. Madeline squinted through her old fashioned glasses to see.
At least the dress was rather flattering! Madeline's once proud breasts were completely deflated and unsupported. They dangled freely down her chest, almost to her waist. She was glad they were covered by her new garment because she was embarrassed by her body now. She was naked beneath the dress though her thick carpet of pubic hair felt almost like a pair of panties. Madeline found herself holding a brown purse.
The bag clashed horribly with her dress. Madeline's outfit and general looks screamed to the world that she cared very little about her appearance. It displayed that she had clearly given up and accepted her age. She slowly and methodically shuffled inside the purse. She had an address book, various assorted makeup products, a pack of tissues, laminated pictures featuring children of various ages, and a wallet. She fished out an ID card. Staring back at Madeline was the warm smile of an old woman with thinning gray hair, a crooked yellow smile and more wrinkles and age spots than any one person should possess. It was HER! She was looking at herself!
Madeline stared through squinted, blurry eyes and felt panic begin setting in once again. The card listed her name as 'Madeline Evangeline Kleiner' and her Date of birth made her...78 years old! She was listed at 4"11, her weight was 120, and her sex was, obviously, female. The card further indicated that it was meant for identification purposes only. It said her driving privileges had been revoked! Madeline sighed, Guess 'Mother And Daughter Gangbang Part 3' was about to feature a grandmother and three grand daughters...
Madeline carefully returned her card and wallet to her purse with tears welling up in her eyes. This was so wrong- this was so much worse than anything she could have imagined! EVERYTHING felt awful!
Bree cleared her throat and spoke up, her voice was high pitched and immature, "Grandma, what are you doing here? You were supposed to go with my dad to the doctor's office!"
Annie looked to be on the verge of tears as her breathy voice sputtered, "Y-yeah, Grandma you had an appointment at the mem-"
Annie stopped mid sentence. Her blue eyes grew wide and she turned her head towards Anthony. She nervously pulled at her long blonde hair.
His deep voice was surprisingly soft but firm, "Say it. You have to say it."
Annie shook her head slowly before her attention turned back to Madeline. She shook her head once again.
Anthony sighed, "You know it's gon' happen anyway. All you doin' is pissin' her off even more."
Annie took a moment to contemplate before resigning herself, as she always had. She was no longer foolish enough to fight, especially not when her only ally was broken and useless.
A single tear rolled down her cheek as she finished her line, "An appointment at the memory clinic."
Madeline's head began to feel fuzzy. She'd been so inundated with conflicting memories that her brain struggled to discern fact from fiction; but all that faded into the background. Pieces of her personality and vast swathes of her memories fractured, never to be put back together. It didn't matter what reality was anymore. It didn't matter what was real and what wasn't. Madeline glanced around the room. This was...this was her house? Maybe? She saw three familiar young girls staring at her from the couch and a group of confused black men in their underwear. None of the men were touching themselves anymore.
Madeline's voice was weak and frail, she directed her attention to her daughter sitting nearby with big blue eyes and long blond hair, "Do you know where we are, Avery? Where is your father at? Is he home from work?
Annie shook her head and continued to cry as she responded, "I'm Annie, Grandma. Avery is my mother and Grandpa has been gone for a decade. Remember?"
Even Bree and Ellie felt pity for Madeline who was methodically losing her attachment to reality and losing the ability to take care of herself. She stared at the girls, and the men, and the crew in utter confusion. It was a scary world for the seventy-eight year old widowed mother of six on the losing end of dementia.
Madeline responded, "That's a very nasty thing to say about your father, Avery. He'll be home soon and you'll have to explain yourself!"
Through the nearby hallway a tall red headed woman in a risque metal outfit emerged. A hateful, triumphant grin stretched across her face. The girls on the couch recoiled and huddled close to one another as the woman stomped across the floor. Kitten opened her mouth to greet the unknown stranger but was cut short as the woman wasted no time kicking the cane from her hand. It flew across the room and Kitten crashed to the floor with a pained grunt. Her whole body shook and her floral dress flipped up, showing her sagging, yellowed, hairy, cellulite riddled, wrinkled, varicose veined, liver spotted, fat legs.
The red head stared down at her elderly victim with a smirk.
Her voice was dominating and overflowed with aggression, "Finally getting what you deserve you treacherous little cunt! Nobody gives me an STD without severe consequences. How does it feel to be turned into THIS?" She took a second to watch Kitten struggle in pain and confusion before continuing, "Speaking of cunt, how about we let everybody take a look!"
Jennifer pushed her heeled foot up Kitten's dress and slid it the rest of the way up her legs. Kitten futilely pushed back but her arms were pathetically weak and stood no chance. Once the dress was bunched around Kitten's waist, Mistress Jennifer twisted her foot and forced Kitten's legs to open, presenting her genitals to everybody around the couch.
The reactions were wide ranging but mostly consisted of people turning away or covering their eyes. The group also voiced their displeasure with a collective groan. The girls held their heads down in pity, shame and embarrassment. Annie wrapped her arms around her chest and sobbed. Anthony sat in the background, covering his eyes with his hands and shaking his head.
Jennifer drew a triumphant breath and drank in the emotion around her. She left the helpless Kitten bare and open for a few long seconds. When she was satisfied, Jennifer looked down at Kitten who hardly seemed aware of what was happening.
"Such a disgusting vagina you have, Kitten!" Jennifer pinched her nose and furrowed her brow, "Looks like somebody wet themselves! You senile old whore! Did you forget how to use the potty?"
An adult diaper formed around Kitten's hips. Yet another bodily function was ripped from her head and Kitten became incontinent. She squirmed as her bladder and bowels were released. She had no control anymore. Jennifer silently chuckled, allowing the group to hear the obvious sounds of defecation.
Anthony's deep voice sounded softly from across the room, "Man...this shit is fucked up even for you, Jen."
Annie choked out through her tears, "You're a [i]freaking[/i] monster. You're an evil, evil person."
Jennifer moved her legs away from Kitten who simply looked around in confusion.
Jennifer stared over at Anthony with fiery eyes, "I expected it from her but I'm disappointed in you Anthony."
Anthony sat back in his chair and folded his arms, "It's fucked up, Jen. That's all I'm sayin'."
Jennifer flicked her red hair behind her ears and raised her voice, "Anybody else want to go off script?"
She pushed her stiletto heel into Kitten's leg eliciting a raspy scream and a recoiling squirm.
Jennifer pushed even harder, causing a more pained, desperate scream as she shouted, "Well!? Speak now motherfuckers or forever hold your peace! Who wants to join granny Kleiner here, shitting themselves on the floor!? Huh!?"
After a few seconds of pained screams and silence from the crowd, Jennifer removed her heel. A stunned stillness pervaded the group. The only sound came from Kitten who whimpered on the ground.
Jennifer was preparing to speak when Annie's voice broke the silence, "[i]Screw[/i] you, Jennifer! I can deal with a lot of [i]crap[/i], but this is too [i]darn[/i] [i]messed[/i] up!"
Jennifer nodded her head and flashed a toothy grin, "It's settled then. I'll be making some changes to my script, after all. Anthony, since you were so bold as to offer your opinion, I'll be putting you in a starring role! Congratulations! You'll be providing pleasure to our senile friend here [i]as she is[/i]!"
Anthony stood and pulled his shorts down, revealing a monster bulge in his boxer shorts. His face was stricken with fear and disgust but his legs carried him forward against his will.
Jennifer turned to speak at Annie who had red crying eyes. Annie stared up hatefully, a strong fire burned within them, "You, my underage dear, will use that tight, juvenile body of yours to make every man in the room cum. And, believe me, your virginal little pussy will stay painfully tight and bloody for every. single. one. Bree and Ellie, you two are off the hook. Go ahead and let your sister have room to do her work!"
Ellie and Bree gave Annie a reassuring touch before standing and shuffling away. It was all they could offer her. Annie was breathing heavily as her heart began racing. She glanced over her shoulder to the group of twenty or so men and gulped. She nervously twisted and scrunched the ends of her long gray sleeves. She was terrified.
Anthony stood at Kitten's feet and removed his underwear, his flaccid member hung between his legs. Kitten's wrinkled face looked up and her confused eyes found Anthony through the glasses. The group of men shuffled around to the front of the couch and removed their underwear. Annie was surrounded and trapped by a sea of black penises.
Anthony got onto his knees and reached for Kitten's diaper. Annie pushed back against the couch as the wall of masculinity inched closer and closer.
Anthony took an anxious breath before grasping the edges of the diaper and slowly tugging at it. Annie blubbered and renewed tears rolled down her cherubic face as she gingerly opened her mouth to accept the first cock.
They had no other choice.
Jennifer stood to the side cackling as events unfolded. Anybody that crossed her would pay [b]DEARLY[/b]! This was the ultimate solution to the old contestant, the new contestant and the most difficult to control contestant stepping out of line. Three treacherous birds with one swift stone! Their suffering was well deserved and would serve as a lesson going forward. Nobody could stand against her, she was all powerful!
Madeline watched as a man in a lab coat entered the room from the far hallway. He had on thick glasses and his hair was thinning, His face was emotionless and he exuded a strange presence. She ignored the young man pulling at her clothing and focused on the lab coat. He must have been a scientist or a doctor or...something. Madeline knew the man from somewhere...he looked so familiar...
She watched as the man in the lab coat approached the bad woman. The bad woman reacted to his presence and they started to argue. Madeline couldn't hear them very well, but the man was not happy about something. He pointed to the couch girl then to Madeline while shouting. The pulling on Madeline's clothes stopped and the big black man seemed to give up. Madeline shifted her body, feeling an uncomfortable wetness around her hips. She was laying on the ground but would have preferred to stand. To that end, she absentmindedly looked around for her lost cane. The shouting continued, but Madeline didn't pay it any mind; she was focused more on the pain in her leg. Why did that one specific spot on her leg hurt so much? The room began to shake and the bad woman pleaded and screamed. Madeline rubbed at the soreness in her leg and continued to scan the room for her cane. Where was that darn...cane...? The pretty couch girl was huddled into a ball and protected her head as pieces of the room ripped apart and flew through the air. The large group of men scattered with their floppy genitals shaking all around. Madeline figured they were probably embarrassed, losing their clothes and showing their most intimate parts to everybody, the poor dears! She clutched at her purse and her dress rippled from an unknown wind. She held on tight when the voice of the lab coated man seemed to fill the whole room which was becoming more unstable by the second. The bad woman screamed once more and everything seemed to dissolve into blackness.
Madeline was left floating in darkness, clutching her brown purse and wondering where her cane had gotten to.
[b]NAME: [/b]
Madeline Evangeline Kleiner
Kitten, Titty, Betty
[b]AGE: [/b]
[b]HEIGHT: [/b]
Just a hair under 5"00. Though her hunched back puts her closer to 4"8.
[b]WEIGHT: [/b]
120 LBS
XX chromosomes. Body produces scant traces of female hormones due to being post menopause.
Short, wiry gray hair which i thinning an contains an obvious bald spot.
Weak and frail old lady voice.
Suffering from advanced stage dementia. Can no longer maintain continence.
Heavily wrinkled face complete with crows feet and smoker's lines. Skin is paper thin and loose. Age spots everywhere with a hairy upper lip. Long dangling earlobes and perpetually fat bags under small, cloudy eyes. Yellowed, crooked teeth. Neck does not contain an Adams apple but does contain skin tags and wrinkles.
[b]GENITALS: [/b]
Wide, discolored, stinky and extremely loose vagina with prominent lips and a thick carpet of gray pubic hair.
[b]UPPER BODY:[/b]
Weak upper body with virtually no muscle and bones weakened to the extreme by osteoporosis. Arms contain large amount of loose fat which sag and jiggle with the smallest amount of movement aka "bingo wings". Heavy, floppy breasts that sag down below the navel. Nipples are dark, wide and ultimately useless. Hairy underarms and a long, horizontal C-section scar across the chest. Hands and wrists are wrinkled and knotted with prominent bones. Belly has fused with the pubic area to form a single belly pouch that doesn't appear to have a beginning or end. Age spots, random flaps of fat and wrinkles abound. Nails are discolored and dirty.
[b]LOWER BODY:[/b]
Hairy, fat legs crawling with varicose veins and wrinkles. Feet are small and nails are yellow and dirty. Heavy, fat hips and ass that are riddled with cellulite. Hip bone shows signs of having been broken and expanded due to multiple births.
Pink floral moo moo style dress with no shoes and an adult diaper.
Holes in ears for earrings.
Heterosexual widow, mother of 6 with scores of grandchildren. Has not been intimate with a man in many, many years.
Wispy and confused, but still very kind. Few other personality traits remain.
Usually knows where her cane is. Very little supplemental knowledge.