Bonus Round 4 Part 2


Room 2

Samuel's voice sounded, "A powerful male dom is trying to force you into his service! Resist his orders longer than your opponent. Forcing the male to submit wins the challenge immediately."

This time, more light illuminated around Mardi. She still couldn't make out the size or shape of the room, but at least she could see her hand in front of her face. A tall, middle aged, white man appeared in a perfectly tailored, dark suit. His face was extremely handsome with a chiseled jaw, five o'clock shadow and an intense stare. Of course, Mardi only saw his eyes for a fraction of a second before her gaze shifted to the man's shiny dress shoes. The scent of expensive cologne wafted to Mardi's nostrils.

His voice was smooth, deep, confident and masculine, "Evening."

Mardi clutched at her chest with worry. One simple word from him was already...doing things for her.

She cleared her throat and tried to use as powerful a voice as she could muster, "D-Don't try anything. Just stay where you are!"

He put one hand in his pocket and smiled, "As the lady requests, I'll stay right here. My name is Patrick, what's yours?"

Mardi nervously ran her fingers through her hair, pulling on it gently as she responded, "Danielle..."

"Not it isn't." The man snapped, "That's the name of your opponent. She's already starting to overpower the other version of me, just so you're aware."

"R-Really?" Mardi asked.

He sighed and lit a cigarette that he pulled from his coat. He took a deep drag and slowly nodded his head, "Yeah, it won't be long now. I don't mind standing here for a bit longer. One thing I do mind, however, is liars. Now, [i]tell me your name[/i]."

His last words were more forceful, sounding like a command.

"Mardi." She replied shyly.

Patrick took another deep drag before flicking the nearly full cigarette to the floor, "Mardi, huh? A pretty name for a pretty girl. You know, seeing as how you'll lose pretty quick if you do nothing, wouldn't it make more sense to come over and try to seduce me? Even if it doesn't work, what would you have to lose?"

Mardi contemplated his words, "I don't know..."

"[i]Come over[/i]," He ordered, "I promise I won't bite."

Mardi found herself nodding in agreement. It made sense. If Danielle was already on the path to winning, Mardi would have to force the issue. She moved towards Patrick unconsciously putting even more feminine emphasis on her movement. He had a validating smile across his face which made Mardi smile as well. She liked that he was happy with her. She wanted him to like her. When Mardi got next to him, she realized just how tall Patrick was. He must have been over 6"06 and it made Mardi feel so tiny and powerless. She nervously tugged at her latex coat while her eyes wandered to a noticeably large bulge pressing between his legs. The odor of cologne mixed with smoke was overpowering her senses.

"Even more beautiful up close." He whispered.

Mardi's knees were becoming weak. She felt as if the only thing that mattered to Patrick was her. Her sense of purpose and self were evaporating in his presence and Patrick's approval was increasingly important. His strong, masculine hands folded around her collar. His thumbs rested on her chin and he caressed her jaw. She melted like putty between his fingers. He lifted her head up towards him and he stared down at her. Her face may have shifted up, but her eyes stayed squarely down on his chest. He lowered his neck and pulled Mardi into a deep, sensual kiss. His lips were perfect. His masculine aura penetrated Mardi's femininity and she felt herself becoming limp in his arms as he swung his hand behind her back to prop her up. She bent farther and farther backwards as Patrick pressed his lips down until she was completely within his control, being held up by his power alone. Patrick gently lifted Mardi back to her feet and broke contact with a wet *smack*. She was frozen in place. Her eyes were fluttering and her pussy was becoming slick.

Patrick sprang into action as Mardi's brain was trying to catch up. He began to pull at the string holding her latex coat together. She reached up to assist him, wanting nothing more than to be naked for Patrick and letting him do as he wanted. Her body was begging for male attention and her stomach demanded what it was craving. Patrick made short work of the string and tossed it aside. He tore open Mardi's coat and ripped it off her body. Her tits were completely bare and she was left clad only a pair of black latex panties and heeled boots. Mardi pressed her breasts together and released an aroused sigh. A tiny bead of milk trickled out. Patrick's masculine hands reached out and began fondling Mardi's tits. She pressed her chest forward to give him easier access and moaned quietly while biting her glossy lower lip. While kneading her breasts, Patrick gently tugged and pinched her nipples. As he continued groping her, however, Mardi noticed she was being gently pushed downward and her body was lowering towards the floor. She did nothing to stop Patrick. If going to her knees would make Patrick happy, she would kneel before him with a smile. Mardi dropped the last few inches until her knees were on the cold floor.

"[i]Hold onto my leg, girl[/i]." Patrick ordered.

Mardi pouted. She wanted Patrick to fondle her more, but she obeyed his order immediately. It felt so good to obey. Her gaze was cast down towards his feet. She pressed her naked breasts against his leg while she wrapped her arms around it.

Patrick reached down to her collar and attached something with a *click*. Mardi managed to shift her eyes upwards to see Patrick was now holding a dark leash in his hands. A leash which was now attached to the ring of her posture collar.

He pet the top of Mardi's head as he spoke down to her, "The perfect place for a honry submissive: at my feet, naked, wet and begging for my manhood. Go on, girl, beg me."

Mardi bit her lip and reached her hand up to feel his bulge. Her stomach growled even deeper. She NEEDED his cock!

"I need your cock, Patrick!" She yelled.

Patrick pulled on the leash, lurching Mardi towards him. She fell onto her hands and knees in a prostrated position before him.

He shouted down, "Don't you ever call me that, slave! I am your master!"

"I'm sorry m-master!" Mardi sputtered meekly into the floor.

Then, as quickly as he appeared, Patrick was gone. The leash attached to Mardi's collar hung down to the floor. She grunted in frustration. She couldn't help it! Her natural tendency was to be subservient! Mardi searched in vain for her discarded clothing. She also couldn't find a way to get the leash off the ring. She stood and felt the weight of her heavy, unsupported tits. A small bead of milk dripped down. Mardi let the leash hang and found it swept along the floor. She would have to deal with it for now.

A door appeared in the distance and she reluctantly stepped through.


Common Area Two

Mardi entered the starting area and saw Danielle was bracing herself against the wall. Her latex hood had a sheen of sweat dripping down through the mouth and eye holes. Danielle fanned her hand in front of her face. It looked like she was overheating and her breaths were coming in fast and labored. Even from a distance Mardi could see Danielle's legs shaking.

Danielle sputtered into the wall between gasps, "Thank fuck you lost when you did! I was *this close* to opening my legs to that suave motherfucker! He had my dress hiked up and everything! But...even with vibrating plugs in my ass and pussy I couldn't out-horny you, huh? Oh yeah, these fucking things vibrate whenever they feel like it."

"I couldn't help it." Mardi murmured, "He was too strong."

Danielle pushed herself away from the wall and turned her attention onto Mardi. She immediately burst into laughter when she noticed Mardi's new leash and nakedness. But, her laughter turned quickly to soft moans as a vibrating sound poured from between her legs.

"Damn these *ugh* things..." Danielle muttered in a breathy whisper, "And this *ah* fucking mask!" She shouted while pulling at her hood with frustration.

After a few seconds, the vibrating stopped and Danielle's haggard breathing was the only sound filling the room.

Mardi held one arm over her breasts demurely while the other was on her hips. At least she didn't have to deal with those awful plugs.

Samuel appeared in the room and spoke, "Ms. Strauss is the winner of room two. You may make two changes to Ms. Dawes."

Mardi felt her stomach drop. Surely Danielle would make her wear the plugs! She would never be able to win while uncontrollably aroused!

Danielle held onto the wall to anchor her shaky legs as she grunted, "You probably think I'm going to put these torture devices inside of you. Well, I'm not. That would make it too easy. I don't want you to even begin to have the thought in your head that I only beat you because you had a pair of dildos in your ass and cunt. I want you to [i]know[/i] that you're *that* much lesser than I am; that you have *that* little self control; and that you will *never* be a dom."

Danielle let her words hang in the room for a few moments before continuing, "I think a wardrobe change is in order for our collared slave here. Let's make those panties crotchless so her pussy looks as available and open as it truly is. And those boots need an upgrade. I just don't feel like they're as hindering as they could be!"

Mardi watched between her breasts as the solid, latex panties changed before her eyes splitting in the middle and gaining a dainty, lace frill. Her perfect pussy lips prominently poked out and she felt extremely vulnerable and unprotected.

Meanwhile, the heel of Mardi's boots pushed up and up. Her feet followed suit until she was standing almost completely on her tip toes! A small padlock secured around a strap atop the boot, locking them in place. Mardi felt trapped and unable to move freely in the ballet heels. Her steps would now have to be slow, unstable and uncomfortable.

Mardi had one hand covering her top, and the other cupped her bottom. Somehow, the stiff posture collar, the leash, the ballet heels and the sparse material of her crotchless panties were making her feel more exposed than if she were simply naked.

Danielle grinned at Mardi's discomfort and Mardi felt compelled to turn away, trying to hide herself from Danielle's prying eyes.

"Nice tramp stamp, slut!" Danielle shouted.

Mardi felt tears welling up in her eyes, no matter how she stood or what she covered, she couldn't hide herself.

Samuel spoke, momentarily distracting Mardi from her embarrassment, "Ms. Dawes. As you were the loser of the last room, you have the option to choose one of two things. The other will go to your opponent. You may either wear a ring gag or take the contents of a mystery box."

Mardi sighed and twisted the leash in her hands. She certainly didn't feel ahead anymore. Well, the mystery box hadn't failed her yet.

"Mystery box, I guess."

Danielle released an audible wince as her mouth was filled with a ring gag. It secured around her head and she immediately started to drool down her latex hood. She uselessly tugged at the tight strap.

Mardi's legs instantly began shaking violently and she cried out, agonizing and waiting for something awful to befall her. Were her poor legs going to burst into flame? Would they turn to jelly or multiply or morph into hairy, spidery appendages? Her imagination flowed with a stream of fear and pessimism.

The uncontrollable shaking suddenly stopped. Mardi looked down. Her legs lengthened by one inch.

Despite all the negativity, she couldn't help but burst into relieved laughter. At least the trusty mystery box was reliable! It was also nice having Danielle shut the hell up for once. While it was only a gain of one inch, the fact that it was all in her legs made Mardi's proportions slightly more feminine. It could have been so much worse! She could be a hooded, gagged, plugged up skanky bitch like Danielle!

"Not so talkative now, are you?" Mardi scoffed.

Danielle simply crossed her arms and waited, not wishing to give Mardi the satisfaction. However, a familiar buzzing sound gave both of them all the satisfaction in the world.

Mardi carefully approached her door, taking short, dainty steps. It was much different walking on her tip toes! Her leash dragged along the floor and her breasts softly jiggled. Danielle, meanwhile, released quiet, gasping moans through her ring gag. She practically crawled to her door, only regaining total control of her body once the buzzing ceased.

When the door shut behind her, Mardi waited in the pitch black, hoping to finally win one.


Bonus Round 4 Part 3


Bonus Round 4 Part 1