Round 99

[b]*Round Ninety Nine*[/b]

Slut stood on all fours in her pen, again, feeling like her body had significantly changed. Her leathery, spotted arms and legs were even shorter than before and perfectly bovine in every way; ending in hard, circular hooves. Her two sets of breasts fused into one pink colored udder which shifted down her expanded belly. It nestled between her stomach and vagina which was no longer in the right place. Slut's tail whipped back and forth across her small, human cunt that pointed straight back - perfectly situated for a strong bull to mount her. Though it was unlikely a bull penis would fit in without ripping her apart. The ring in her dripping, elongated nose shook as her mouth slowly gnashed on a handful of straw. Her long ears twitched beside the horns that jutted from her hairy, leathery head. In fact, her entire body was leathery and hairy now, except for her pink udder and tiny pink pussy.

Slut's blonde pink pigtails looked completely out of place on her head. Her eyes were still blue and displayed a human intelligence. Her thoughts, however, were becoming cloudy. She experienced a strong urge to let her mind slip into nothingness while she felt a growing contentedness with her current situation . This was where she belonged, she was safe and well taken care of. Why would she need to be anything more than the perfect little cow?

The bell tightly fastened around her neck shook on its own. After the clanking sound finished, the door to Slut's pen opened and Abel stepped in.

Slut was facing away and couldn't see Abel, but felt his hand slap onto her wide ass.

"Not long now for the final changes, little Bessie. You've come a long way since I first met you."

Abel slowly pet Slut's ass. She stood silent, letting her mind slip and simply focusing on the food in her mouth.

"Finish it, little Bessie. If you want to become a full cow just release a nice cow pie onto the dirty floor of your pen. All your troubles will disappear. If you want to become human again, just display some human dignity and don't shit yourself."

Abel slapped her ass really hard and Slut immediately felt a tightness form in her lower region. She felt the biggest dump of her life coming on. Slut tightened her little brown asshole and focused all her energy on maintaining her continence.

Abel stood next to her silently, watching her swishing tail. He reached up a finger and plunged it into Slut's very human pussy.

"This doesn't look right at all, little Bessie. Let me help you."

As Abel spoke, Slut could feel her vagina changing. Slut's femininity warped and turned more animalistic with each stroke of his finger. It became taller, puffier and deeper. Her pussy had been unnaturally situated like a cow's vagina would already, but now it looked like it belonged there. Her bovine vagina was perfectly suited to take a long, virile bull cock if and when one mounted her.

Slut felt her mind slipping again, her focus on keeping herself cow pie free was deteriorating. The constant stimulation from the deranged farmer was not helping! His finger teased the inside of her giant bovine pussy. Slut longed for a thick rod filling her with seed. She released an inhuman moo as her mind faltered and the floodgates opened. Cow shit exploded out of her and dropped into a pile near her rear hooves. Her tail flicked wildly back and forth and the distinct stench of cow dung emenated from her. She not only looked and sounded like a cow, but she smelled like one too!

"Peeyew Bessie! That's a stinky cow-pie! You made a good choice, girl. Now, let's get rid of this silly hair..."

As he spoke, Slut's long blonde-pink pigtails detached and fell to the ground, leaving her horns and ears atop her furry, leathery head. Slut was for all intents and purposes a full cow now. The milking machine scanned her brand and whizzed to life. Suction cups sprang up from the ground and attached to Slut's udders. She released the occasional moo sound as the machine milked her.

Abel stepped in front of Slut's vision and stared into her eyes, "Now, for the final change."

Slut's vision blurred and her already fuzzy mind became even moreso. Thoughts were an impossible memory now. The content feeling she experienced before overtook her. Her vibrant blue eyes darkened, becoming black and souless. When it was complete, only Bessie the Cow remained.

Abel left the pen, whistling a cheerful tune, with a tank full of fresh cow milk. His newest animal, Bessie, mindlessly chewed and stood over a tall, stinking pile of her own making. Her animal cries mixed in with an untold number of other animals filling the barn.


Slut took a gasping breath as her thoughts and humanity slowly returned. She was inches from the point of no return. She was lying on a hard, cold surface; but her mind was squarely focused on processing the return to sanity. Her emotions were all over the place and she felt the urge to laugh, cry and scream into the floor. If she returned to Abel's barn, Slut knew she would spend the rest of her life as an animal.

With her faculties returning, Slut blinked a few times, took a few more deep breaths, and lifted her head up. She was in a light gray stone rectangle. Slut lay beside the back wall which was approximately ten feet high leading up to a stone ceiling. Twenty feet in front of her was a red button sitting atop a short marble pedestal. Directly in the middle of her and the pedestal was a shimmering wall made of pink glass. Bright, fluorescent light basked the room with a sanitized glow from rows of bulbs on high.

She pushed herself into a sitting position before rising to her feet. Her whole body seemed to shake, completely different now than it was just moments ago. Slut was naked, except for tall black heels, a loose black choker and a thin silver nipple chain. She rested her hands on the small of her back, supporting her newly protruding pregnancy. She sighed, and stared down between her heaving breasts to examine the doctor's newest change. Her belly button pushed outward and she had light stretch marks. She rubbed along it before tracing her delicate hand down her flared, motherly hips. Between her thick thighs was her - thankfully - human vagina. Her lower lips puffed out giving her a distinct pubic mound.

Slut twirled her long, silky pink-blonde pigtails around with one hand while the other was placed on her hip which she jutted outward, striking an unconscious feminine pose. A sugary pink lollipop clacked along her multi colored braces.

"H-hello - can you hear me Annabelle?"

Helena's cool alto pitch clearly sounded from the corner of the room, though Slut couldn't see anything there but smooth gray stone.

"Hewena?" Slut chirped in the direction of the phantom voice.

"Yes, It's- It's me! I can see you on a screen here. I'm in a...classroom, I think. There's a chalkboard and some desks." After a quick pause, Helena added, "I'm glad to see you're okay. It feels like its been months since I saw you last. But...I see you're still at roughly the same stage in your pregnancy. Grungot must be messing with my perception of time again."

Slut felt her cheeks flush, something about a woman watching her naked femininity from afar was oddly arousing. "Actually," Slut released in a breathy sigh, "This is my second pwegnancy..."

"Oh..." Helena paused, her voice faltering slightly, "If that's the case, you must be close to the end."

Slut felt butterflies fluttering in her stomach and a frog in her throat...Round One Hundred - It was finally ending, one way or the other. Slut had no idea what to expect but questions whirled around her mind. What did the Doctor have planned? Would he actually let her go? Would he reverse some of these changes so she could try and live some semblance of a normal life? What about the others? She contemplated it all, losing her thoughts in the swirling pink barrier in front of her.

Helena started again, her normally frigid voice was filled with warmness, strength and resolve, "Whatever happens, Annabelle, I'm behind you 100%. You'll free us all. I know it!"

Slut pleaded to Helena, her tone was fast and anxious, she screamed into the corner "What do I need to do!?" Slut dropped to her knees as tears welled in her eyes. Her breasts, nipple chain and earrings bounced wildly. She slammed her tiny fist weakly onto the stone floor. She sobbed for a few moments. What was being asked of her...a woman of her - diminished ability. She couldn't do ANYTHING. It wasn't fair! None of this was fair!

Helena allowed Slut a few minutes to cry, not really knowing what to say. When Slut spoke again, her voice was merely a breathy whisper, sputtered through tears, "How can I save you if I can't even save mysewf? I-I'm afwaid..."

Slut felt a chill crawl up her spine. She sensed a powerful presence behind her. Her heart rate spiked and her eyes opened wide.

"And you should be, girl."

Slut jumped upright and turned. Standing directly behind her was Mistress Jennifer!

Mistress towered over Slut and stared down at her with intense disdain. She wore a black leather, chain mail bikini. The chain mail was loose and all her intimate parts, complete with a tuft of pubic hair were visible. She wore black leather thigh highs which made her already intimidating stature even moreso. Her makeup was bold and her long red hair hung loosely.

Mistress slowly reached down and grabbed Slut by the chin. The lollipop in Slut's mouth fell to the floor. Mistress lowered her head until she was speaking directly into Slut's face, her tone was harsh and demanding, "You should be afraid girl. Are you happy to see me again?"

Slut took fast shallow breaths and couldn't muster up the courage to speak. MIstress Jennifer drank in Slut's obvious fear and exhaled hot breath into Slut's face. When she had enough, Mistress shoved Slut backwards. She fell back hard onto her naked ass. Slut didn't move, too intimidated to even attempt it.

"Who - who are you?" Helena stammered.

Mistress glanced at the ceiling before speaking, "I am Mistress Jennifer. Helena, I presume? I'm excited to meet you in person. I've heard you're a strict lesbian, we'll see about that -once I get my hands on you. I'll have a nice meaty rod pumping your pussy and a baby in your belly. A lot like my pretty little princess here, how naughty she's been. Luckily for you, Helena, the Doctor asked me not to touch you today; but your time will come."

When Helena didn't respond, Mistress Jennifer smirked and continued, "Today will be a nice easy day for our little girl. All little Slut has to do is push that red button." Mistress pointed to the button beyond the shimmering pink wall. "But first, Helena and I will play a simple game of hangman. For each incorrect guess, I'll make the journey for Slut a little more challenging. Once Helena has guessed all eight blanks, the barrier will disappear and Slut will have ten minutes to press the button. Also, I reserve the right to allow slut to try early, even if Helena hasn't guessed the blanks."

Slut listened attentively while averting her gaze.

"Stand up girl." Mistress commanded. Slut hurriedly stepped to her feet. "Go on, stretch out, it's such a simple game. It's not even fair for me, honestly. Oh well, let's just get it over with, shall we?"

Slut sighed. If she knew anything about Mistress Jennifer...she would almost certainly not be touching that button.

"Helena, you should see eight blanks on the chalk board. Go ahead and begin guessing."

Helena thought for a few seconds, staring at eight empty blanks on the board, before guessing, "O-okay - I'll start with...'O'"


Mistress snapped her fingers and the room began to shake. The small rectangular space started pushing out farther. The pedastal shifted with it, extending further away from the pink barrier which remained where it was. When it was done, the pedastal was now over one hundred feet away. Slut could still see it clearly directly down the stone hallway which was illuminated by extended rows of bulbs. She would still have no problem getting there in time.

"I'll guess....'A'!"


"Alright...uhm....Slut. 'A' was filled in for the fifth letter. If you have any ideas, don't be afraid to shout it out. I'll try an 'S'."


Mistress snapped her fingers again and Slut felt a very familiar choking feeling. She pulled at the collar around her neck which was now thicker and much, much tighter. It restricted her breathing, but she was used to being like this now.

Helena gasped, "I-I'm sorry! I don't want to do this anymore!"

Mistresses voice was filled with malice as she responded, "If either of you fail to continue i've been authorized to do some very...unpleasant things to both of you...and my mind is rife with unpleasant things."

Slut gulped and managed to croak out, "Don't worwwy Helwena, I'm fine. No matterw what happens, I've been down this rwoad. It's okay."

"Alright, how 'R'?"


After another snap, the long hallway leading to the pedestal began moving! The floor began pulling towards Slut. It moved like a giant treadmill. It wasn't too fast, but it effectively extended the distance of the pedastal yet again. The floor was continuously moving but stopped at the barrier.



Even though Slut knew their efforts would be in vain, she tried resassuring Helena, "It's okay Helwena. Just twy yo-"

"Oh, shut up." Mistress growled as she snapped.

Slut's words were stopped short and she choked as a long penis gag filled her throat. She could feel the object lodged deeply and relaxed her throat reflexively. It certainly wasn't comfortable, but she was an expert now. As usual, the gag was secured around her head with no clasp that she could get at. Trying to spit the gag out or bite it would just cause her more discomfort. So much for a pep talk.

"I don't know, uh, maybe a 'C'?"

"Wrong again."

When Mistress snapped Slut could see a figure appear in the distance. There was a burly looking man standing next to the button, guarding it. Apparently the area near the button wasn't moving.

Mistress mused, clearly having fun, "Spike there is specially trained to restrain and punish naughty little girls like you. I haven't allowed him to cum in a few weeks too so he'll be very excited to punish you - if he gets his hands on you, that is. Watch out, he's a disgusting pervert too."



"Awesome! We'll have you hitting that button in no time. That guard looks pretty slow anyway. Just try sprinting past him before he can catch you...Alright it looks like this _ _ Z _ A _ _ _ " Helena took a few seconds to think, "Let's try 'P'"


After a snap, the treadmill in front of Slut became shiny and wet. It was covered in some sort of slippery substance.



Another wrong choice and another snap. Slut gasped as her leather collar became black metal. Two metal rods extended outwards and her arms were forced up. The rods connected with her hands and bands of metal cinched around her wrists. Her hair fell down and pooled on a metal yoke locked tightly on her.

Slut tried pulling her hands through the manacles but the device was rigid and strong and her attempts were weak.

"No! I don't care what you do to me, I won't participate in this anymore!" Helena yelled.

Mistress sighed, "I didn't want to have to do this..." She then looked up and snapped her fingers.

Silence save for the hum of the treadmill. Slut glanced over to Mistress Jennifer. What had she done?

Helena's voice broke the silence, her tone was brash, "Ah, my favorite little breeder. What I wouldn't give to taste that succulent little minge. I see you've ruined your tight, young body again by fucking a man. Tsk."

"Welcome back, Helena. Please continue guessing so we can properly punish this young lady."

"It would be my pleasure, literally. 'X, Y, B'"

"No, no and no."

Mistress contemplated for a few seconds before clapping her hands together.

A black leather sheath wrapped tightly around Slut's upper legs. It forced them together and compressed them. The fat of her borad thighs puffed out beneath the fabric that dug in deeply, restricting movement to mostly her lower legs. The corridor shook again. This time, a pillar of solid rock jutted from one side of the hallway. It connected to the other side and hung ominously over the slippery treadmill. An obstacle that would have to be negotiated. Finally, Slut moaned in pain as her elbows were forced in and back. Her jiggling breasts pushed outward and a tight leather band wrapped around her elbows behind her back. Combined with the yoke, her upper body was even more restricted. She couldn't move her arms at all. The only thing she could do was pivot the yoke by twisting her entire upper body. Her only chance at this point was to get a running start and hit the guard with the yoke. If she could get a good hit on him, maybe she could pull off the victory. Of course, with the slippery floor and obstacle in the hallway it would be a lot trickier than that. She needed Helena to get the word soon.



"Seriously? First letter? Damn..." Helena bemoaned.

Q _ Z _ A _ _ _

"How about an 'H'."

"No 'H'."

A second sheath of dark leather wrapped around Slut's lower legs. She nearly fell over. The top portion kept her upper thighs together while the lower portion kept her calves together. She could hardly move her legs but could hop fairly effectively. Though each time she did her breast shook like crazy. Slut eyed the hallway...hopping could work...

"'D', 'E', 'F'."

"All no."

Again, Mistress though for a second before clapping her hands. Slut's tall heels disappeared and she immediately fell to the ground. She made sure to fall backwards to avoid falling on her protruding belly. She inch-wormed back up to the wall and sat against it. Well that was pretty much it, she probably couldn't crawl fast enough to beat the treadmill, let alone get past the guard. Slut shifted her mouth on the encompassing cock stuffed down her throat, waiting for this to be over. Her shoulders had long since given out and her arms were numb from being forced into an unnatural position. Slut looked toward the button and saw a burly man standing next to the first.

"That's Andre, he's even more perverted than Spike."

As Slut sat and looked out through the glass and over her tits, she watched as they began to sag slightly. A sharp pain shot through her nipples and she moaned through the gag. Clamps cinched on over her piercings. Attached to the clamps were small weights.

Slut stared down at them, wishing more than anything that she could take them off. Her normally pink nipples were red and tingling. Each movement shifted the weights and shot another thread of anguish through her body. Slut fell onto her knees and leaned forward, the weights and her tits rested on the ground giving her some respite. She stared into the ground trying to catch her breath when a pair of black boots entered her sight.

"Hm. That's right, girl. Get nice and low, right where you should be."

Slut just kept her head lowered, on her knees at the feet of a smirking Mistress Jennifer.



Mistress snapped her fingers and Slut suddenly flew back and slammed into the wall. The weighs attached to her nipples flopped dangerously. Slut screamed around the gag as her long pigtails came undone and flowed upwards. A metal circle appeared above Slut's head. Her long pink-blond locks snaked around the ring and tied around it securely. She couldn't move her head at all without pulling her hair. The weights pulled her tits down onto her bulging pregnant belly. There was virtually no part of her body that could move and wasn't in pain. Hot tears flowed down her cheeks, running her amateurly made up face. She couldn't even wipe the tears from her bleary eyes.

Helena laughed, "That's what you get, you little whore. Let's make it worse shall we? 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M'!

"My, my, Helena, you aren't very good at guessing are you?"

Mistress approached Slut whose watery eyes grew wide and her numb, stinging body trembled in fear.

Mistress Jennifer knelt down and pressed her face directly into Sluts. She ran her tongue up and down Slut's hot, tear covered face; literally drinking in her pain.

Mistress clapped her hands again giving Slut another wave of fear as she screamed into the gag yet again. But the heat from Slut's face began to pale in comparison as a rising inferno burst from her pussy. Arousal mounted faster than anything Slut had ever felt, she bucked her hips, despite all the painful backlash it caused. Her skin began feeling hot and her cunt dripped like a waterfall. The stench of female arousal was so thick, she moaned and moaned; frustrated beyond all understanding. She was having trouble getting enough oxygen through her nose as her breathing rate had increased so much. Mistress Jennifer stayed close and thoroughly enjoyed the sight.

Before Slut knew what was happening, the guards she had viewed from far away appeared next to her! What she couldn't see from the distance was that these two men were absolute hunks! They wore nothing but fur loin cloths. They had hard, rippling muscles. Spike was stockier and white while Andre was tall and black. Slut writhed on the floor, pleaded with her eyes for them to rut her like an animal. Her pleading and arousal weren't lost on Spike and Andre, but they didn't dare take advantage while Mistress was still playing. Mistress reached down and ran her finger along Slut's gushing slit. She pulled her glistening hand to her mouth and pressed it inside.

Mistresses words dripped with arousal, "My, such a hungry little whore. Do you want your naughty hole to be filled with a nice fat cock? Or two, maybe?"

Slut screamed "Yes" through her gag but obviously couldn't articulate it properly. As she screamed, a metal leash attached to her collar. It was held by Spike. He gripped it tightly and Slut could see lust filling his eyes. A second metal leash attached to her nipple chain and was held by Andre. He tugged on the leash causing renewed waves of pain to shoot up Slut's spine. But she didn't care about that now, she NEEDED their cocks. Obviously, with her current predicament she was unlikely to win the contest now.

Mistress smiled and asked sweetly, "Blink twice if you want to end this game and have these nice young men use you as the cumrag you are."

Slut hurriedly blinked twice through her dripping tears.

"You heard the girl, she wants you to cum all over her. I know you boys have been saving up, so let her have it! Oh, by the way. The word was Q ! Z & A ; 7 ]. I never said it was a real word or contained letters!"

Andre and Spike stepped forward as Mistress retreated back while laughing derisively. Both men displaced their loin clothes and revealed their very erect cocks. They stood directly over Slut and rubbed themselves furiously with one hand while holding their respective leashes in the other. Slut grunted and shook, she wanted them INSIDE HER, this wouldn't held her get off!

It took only a few second before both men exploded. Slut had taken a lot of big loads in her time, but this was something else. Spike and Andre's cum shots were like a stream. A hot, sticky, salty stream. Spike focused mostly on Slut's face. Her mouth, cheeks, eyes, forehead, nearly every crevice of her youthful face was plastered. Her hair which was still tied was also filled with semen. Andre, on the other hand, unloaded his wad onto Slut's breasts and stomach. A sticky waterfall drenched her tingling tits and pooled atop her pregnant stomach. She could hardly move her upper body as she took each and every cumshot, however her hips still desperately bucked. She tried rubbing her thighs together but nothing sated her. When the men were finished, they each squeezed their final drops onto Slut who could barely breath.

As her slaves stepped away, Mistress Jennifer took one final look at Slut. Her semen soaked pink-blond hair was tied tightly to a metal ring on the wall. Her arms were locked tightly in a yoke that connected to a tight metal collar cinched around her neck. Her semen coated face was complete with a deep penis gag stuffed down her throat. She was barely able to breath through her nose. What was visible beneath the globs of white was the remains of amateur, whorish makeup that ran across her face, combining with tears that streaked down as well. Her giant, jiggling tits were connected by a chain and her red, stinging nipples were pinched tightly by clamps with weights on the end. The weights pulled her tits down and made each movement difficult. A waterfall of cum dripped down these fun bags to her soaked belly which showed the girl was heavily pregnant. Her assets were pushed out further due to her elbows forcibly pulled back and tied tightly behind her. Her deep pussy was barely visible above a tight sheath of leather keeping her thighs together. The leather dug into her thighs which were obviously filled with a high amount of feminine fat. A lower sheath kept the lower part of her legs together as well. A puddle of highly powerful feminine juices emanated beneath the girl. Her sweetly feminine arousal mixed with the semen giving her the distinct stench of sex. Despite all that, the girl was fidgeting with arousal, desperate to have cock meat shoved in her greedy little hole. Overall, the girl before Mistress Jennifer was helpless, chained and humiliated in every way imaginable.

"Thank you for your assistance today, Helena. Though my promise still stands." Mistress Jennifer's voice was cold and authoritative. "As for you, Little Whore, I'll be taking your last powerup. Wouldn't want that to ruin the Doctor's plans for you next round."

Slut remained on the floor, writhing in pain and arousal, struggling to breath and unable to see through the cum. As the scene disolved, Slut listened to the droning sound of the treadmill somewhere in the distance.

[b]NAME:[/b] Slut

[b]HEIGHT:[/b] 4"11

[b]WEIGHT:[/b] 120 LBS

[b]AGE:[/b] 18

[b]IQ:[/b] 72. Basic arithmatic and reading are somewhat difficult.

[b]POWERUPS:[/b] 0

[b]SEX / PHYSIOLOGY:[/b] Biologically female with XX chromosomes and fully female genitalia. Body produces above average levels of female hormones. Unusually fertile. Strong pheromones attracting men and giving her a sweet scent. Hormone altered bartholin and saliva glands that increase oral and vaginal enjoyment for all sexual partners. Intact hymen that grows back after every sexual encounter.

[b]PREGNANCY / CHILDREN:[/b] Thirty seven weeks pregnant. Huge pregnant belly that hinders almost all physical activity with light stretch marks. Outie belly button. One prior child, Luscious Slut.

[b]HAIR:[/b] Long, silky and healthy. Naturally curled golden blond with pink highlights. Frayed and scraggly, filled with semen.

[b]VOICE:[/b] Super high-pitched, seductive and breathy. Very simple vocabulary. Speaks in 'baby talk'. No gag reflex whatsoever.

[b]FACIAL HAIR:[/b] None. Smooth and unable to grow hair of any kind.

[b]EYES:[/b] Large doe eyed deep-ocean blue, nervous gaze, long, fake eyelashes and thick dark eyeliner. Smokey, dark blue eye shadow causing the eyes to look constantly half lidded. Nearly welded shut with Spike's cum.

[b]FACIAL FEATURES:[/b] Rounded jaw with thin chin; high rounded cheekbones; small feminine ears; delicate, slightly upturned nose; weak, non-imposing brow; thin, highly angled eyebrows; thin smooth neck; incredibly thick, shiny, bee-stung lips that can hardly close; smooth, weak, flat forehead; layered pink blush covering cheeks and accenting their feminine shape; Mostly straight, white teeth with multi colered braces covering them; permanent makeup. Face coated in cum.

[b]BUILD:[/b] Hairless and small feminine torso; thin, hairless arms and legs with virtually no muscle; huge breasts and cartoonishly weak shoulders ; Fat jiggling ass that sticks our provocatively; Wide, flared out, feminine birthing hips made slightly larger by birthing two children; Extremely tight, small stomach with six surgically removed ribs making it even smaller; thick milky thighs that rub together with each step. Skin is sexy sun-kissed bronze all the way around.

[b]CHEST:[/b] Huge Fake looking H cup breasts. Unnaturally gravity defying and circular. Thick and veinous, pierced, dark pink feminine nipples. Over-active mammary glands. Visible surgical scars.

[b]EXTREMITIES:[/b] Thin, delicate, soft hands with long pink, silvery sparkle nails extending over an inch past the finger; Smooth, hairless, delicate, women's size 5 feet with slightly shiny, clear-pink painted, longer nails with shiny little gems on the big toe. Reformed feet, requiring a minimum of 6 inch high heels.

[b]GENITALS:[/b] Wide, deep, hairless, puffy, used vagina which can accommodate even the most well endowed. Intact hymen that grows back after every sexual encounter. Gushing with feminine juices.

[b]TATTOOS:[/b] Black tribal tattoo in the shape of a womb just above her pubic area. Black tribal heart and star design on the lower back. A broken mirror with "13" beside it on her wrist. A barcode tattoo on her neck.

[b]PIERCINGS:[/b] Diamond studded gold ring and stud pierced clit. Large golden hoops hanging from ears with "BABY" in bold pink studded letters. Silver barbell studs in nipples, keeping them constantly erect. Thin chain connecting nipple piercings together.

[b]OUTFIT:[/b] Thick black slave collar tightly cinched around the neck. Metal yoke restraining the hands.

[b]SEXUAL PREFERENCE:[/b] Is attracted exclusively to men. Will only be submissive in sexual encounters. Specifically attracted to black men. Very high libido. Enjoys having cum on and in her body and clothing. Loves being humiliated sexually and verbally. Likes being locked in light bondage. Loves vaginal and anal sex. Prefers big penises and doesn't get much sexually out of anything less than six or seven inches. Enjoys exhibitionism and public sex. A bit of a masochist, likes being spanked.

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Submissive, follower, un-willing to take chances, Weak-willed, Lazy especially when it comes to household chores, prefers living in squalor, Is annoyed easily. Often considered 'Bitchy'. Doesn't care much for the rule of law. Has an extensive criminal history including drug, theft and prostitution charges. Has difficulty trusting others and often displays obsessive jealousy in relationships. Not very smart, has trouble learning. Doesn't know how to drive and is afraid to get behind the wheel. Acts like a stereotypical girly-girl including standing, sitting, walking, speaking, writing and holding things. Loves having long nails, is very protective of them. Addicted to sex and is overtly promiscuous with almost every man encountered especially if she hasn't done it in awhile. Has no issue with cheating on somebody in a relationship as long as she doesn't get caught. Incapable of wearing underwear, feels compelled to let others know, generally by showing them. Refuses to wear any clothing not considered slutty or sexy.

[b]ADDICTIONS:[/b] Nicotine and sex

[b]FAVORITE COLOR:[/b] bright pink.

[b]FINANCIAL / LIFE SITUATION:[/b] Has a negative bank balance and heavy debt. Terrible credit with no prospects or knowledge of the financial world. Difficulty with basic arithmatic. Owned completely and in every way by Anthony and Mona Johnson. Legally unable to make any of her own decisions and considered property by all legal and governmental systems. Cannot own or buy anything without pre approval by Anthony or Mona. Extremely unlucky.

[b]EXPERTISE:[/b] Vaginal sex, Nascar driver's car numbers, taking care of small children, celebrity gossip, effective strategies to sell the body for sex, Sucking dick, seducing, dirty talk


Bonus Round 20


Round 98