Round 82
[b]*Round Eighty Two*[/b]
Annabelle appeared in a casino. Lights flickered while mechanical and electronic sounds whizzed and jingled through the room. It was a large space with high ceilings and bright colors. It was completely deserted, giving the room a somewhat eerie feel.
Annabelle sat on a stool at a roulette table. She wore a shimmery, deep red dress. It tightly hugged her curves and showed ample cleavage. The light danced along the long, swishing outfit. Her long blonde hair cascaded down her back reaching her waist. She felt the increased weight of her flowing locks with each movement. Her expanded belly strained against the dress. She saw her belly button was now officially an outtie! It pressed against the dress giving her a distinct pregnant appearance. She traced her long finger nails along her swollen mid-section. She wanted to cross her legs but couldn't logistically do it with her belly so she made her giant ass as comfortable as possible on the stool. She curled a few errant strands of hair behind her tiny ear and looked down between her huge tits, admiring her cleavage. She felt beautiful. Annabelle smiled as she lit up a cigarette.
As she puffed, Ms. Polermo appeared. She looked even older than before. She had deep wrinkles along her face with prominent but not ridiculous lips. Her cheeks and mouth area had visible sores and her skin looked thin and weak. Her hair was brittle, bleach blonde and on her ears hung huge golden hoops. She wore a conservative green pants suit with a creme colored blouse beneath a blazer. She stood on black heels. Her enormous, bolted on tits sat unnaturally inside her blouse. On her left hand she wore a cheap diamond ring. She was a few inches taller than Annabelle.
Her voice was mature and smoky, "Hey, kid, loving your lips, thanks a lot for them! Easier for people to take me seriously now. I'm guessing you got used to speaking with those giant love pillows? Great for your profession, I suppose...Pregnancy suits you too."
Annabelle dragged her sweet cigarette before responding with a chirp, "I ain't heard no complaints."
Ms. Polermo put on a yellowed, cracked smile and walked slowly towards a seated Annabelle. "Only really pressing thing I need to do is get rid of these pesky fake tits. They would really look better on you, dear. It would go a long way completing your cheap prostitute look!"
Annabelle scoffed as she looked down into her memorizing cleavage, "Na, bitch. I ain't giving up my tits fo' shit."
Ms. Polermo gasped, "Language young lady! Why are you speaking like an urban street walker?"
Annabelle looked at her confused, "Uh because I is a 'urban street walker'. The fuck you been?"
Ms. Polermo looked confused for a second but shrugged, licked her lips, and spoke, "Alright, it looks like you're had some significant changes since I saw you last. Just hear me out. Wouldn't it be great for your clients to see you with giant fake tits? They would know you're willing to do anything to your body to look sexy for them."
Annabelle sat and thought about it. Would her johns really like her better with fake breasts?
Ms. Polermo shivered and scratched her face before continuing, "Just picture a john giving your unnatural, gravity defying boobs a quick squeeze just to confirm his suspicion. His suspicion that this slutty, fake whore is desperate enough to undergo surgery for a bigger bust. Not just any old surgery, you would have massive implants, so large it would be obvious to everybody that looked at you!"
Annabelle found herself nodding her head as Mrs. Polermo continued to speak.
"And with those lips? Forget about it! They'll think, for sure, that you are just an object to be manipulated as they saw fit. Wouldn't you like to be treated like an object?"
Annabelle felt herself growing hot, her pussy beginning an arousing itch. It really sounded logical, she DID want to be treated like an object.
"Is that a barcode on your forearm? That means your one of Darius' girls. He loves fake tits, he bought these for me originally, you know." Ms. Polermo pointed at her chest.
Annabelle chirped inquisitively, "Why you ain't want 'em if they so great?"
Ms. Polermo sighed, "Well, Dear, I'd like to find a nice rich man to settle down with and these things attract the wrong sort of company."
Annabelle mulled it over, but she wasn't too sure. She ran her tonue along her giant fake lips. She was tricked into these last time. But the idea of men seeing her fake tits and judging her as a fuck toy the second they saw her...the thought was arousing.
"I don't know." Annabelle remarked, her hand absentmindedly rubbing down her belly and newly outie belly button. She peered around the casino, the sounds and lights distracting her for a few seconds.
Ms. Polermo hesitated before adding, "Well- well- think about this: I'll throw in a powerup and my surgically removed gag reflex. I'm sure you're used to taking a male appendage in your throat by now, but I offer you slut's ultimate tool. Now, no matter how deep they go, you'll be able to take it all! Just be sure to sneak a breath past the ol' flesh pipe once in awhile!"
That was all the convincing Annabelle needed, "I'll do it!" She squeaked.
Immediately, Annabelle felt a sucking feeling in her chest. She looked down her dress and saw her tits were receding! The flesh began to sag as the fat diminished. She felt a knot of panic forming in her stomach as her once proud chest drooped farther and farther. The massive amount of skin pooled in her dress top. It felt increasingly bizarre as the fat was seemingly sucked away. When it was finished, she looked down her loosely hanging dress which were filled with boob flesh only seconds prior. For a few moments, nothing happened. Annabelle looked over to Ms. Polermo whose chest had also receded to floppy, empty sacs.
Right on cue, the opposite feeling began. Annabelle watched as her chest began to expand again! She eyed Ms. Polermo and saw she was inflating similarly. But as the fat continued building, something was different. A cold sensation spread through her breasts. Instead of growing in an organic direction, she watched as they began pushing straight forward. Annabelle looked up at Ms. Polermo who had pulled her blouse down to reveal her chest which was growing nicely. She had just the right amount of sag where you could tell they were all natural. On the other hand, Annabelle's boobs were looking faker and faker by the second. She had her thick, veiny nipples but the flesh behind it jutted forward, defying gravity. They expanded again, puffing out and becoming too symmetrical and too circular. When they finally finished, Annabelle stood and looked down with her mouth totally agape. She pulled at her dress and dropped it to the floor. Her breasts looked completely fake! She hefted one up. She could even see a surgical scar underneath!
She shook her chest, they moved a bit, but not at all naturally with barely any jiggle. She gave one a squeeze. It felt somewhat hard, but still sent pleasurable shivers down her spine. There was no mistaking it, these were surgically enhanced. Annabelle watched as Ms. Polermo shook her chest. Her huge breasts swayed and jiggled exactly as they should. She let out a giggle and wore a big smile. She had natural breasts and lips while Annabelle's lips were bloated and filled with collagen while her tits were bolted on.
Annabelle recovered her dress which didn't fit the same. As she finished putting it into place, she felt a slight tingle in her throat. She cleared it a few times and the tingle was gone.
Ms. Polermo's mature smoky voice was infused with an excited vigor as she mocked, "Wow, you look like a walking plastic surgery advertisement! No way anybody would believe those things are real. We can't all be naturally stacked like me."
Annabelle felt an anger welling up in her, "Shutup, you old skank! to me again!"
Ms. Polermo laughed, "Oh hush, Child. I never lied to you."
"You got what ya wanted, now ain't you got a retirement home you gotta head back to?"
Ms. Polermo's smile turned to a frown, "Don't you have a pole to dance on or a street corner to advertise yourself on? Nobody would have taken you seriously before but now? You're only good for sex now, Honey." She pushed her exposed tits together, "At least I didn't try using surgery to make myself look easy."
As the scene began to collapse, Ms. Polermo replaced her outfit and shivered. She pulled at her face a few times. Something was very off about her behavior. Annabelle made a mental note not to trust anything Ms. Polermo said, no matter how great it sounded. Though, admittedly, she forgot her mental note almost as quickly as she tried to remember it. She focused for the final few seconds on the sound of the blinking slot machines around her.
[b]NAME:[/b] Annabelle
[b]HEIGHT:[/b] 5"0
[b]WEIGHT:[/b] 131 LBS
[b]AGE:[/b] 21
[b]IQ:[/b] 72. Basic arithmatic and reading are somewhat difficult.
[b]POWERUPS:[/b] 2
[b]SEX / PHYSIOLOGY:[/b] Biologically female with XX chromosomes and fully female genitalia. Body produces above average levels of female hormones. Unusually fertile. Strong pheromones attracting men and giving her a sweet scent.
[b]PREGNANCY:[/b] Second trimester. Twenty Four weeks along. Large baby bump. Carrying twin girls. Belly button is an outtie.
[b]HAIR:[/b] Long, cheap, brittle and faded looking flax blonde dye job with dark roots showing through. Messy and hanging loosely down the back. Goes almost down to the waist.
[b]VOICE:[/b] Super high-pitched, seductive and breathy. Very simple vocabulary. "Ghetto" accent. No gag reflex whatsoever.
[b]FACIAL HAIR:[/b] None. Smooth and unable to grow hair of any kind.
[b]EYES:[/b] Large doe eyed deep-ocean blue, nervous gaze, long, fake eyelashes and thick dark eyeliner. Smokey, dark blue eye shadow causing the eyes to look constantly half lidded.
[b]FACIAL FEATURES:[/b] Rounded jaw with thin chin; high rounded cheekbones; small feminine ears; delicate, slightly upturned nose; weak, non-imposing brow; thin, highly angled eyebrows; thin smooth neck; incredibly thick, shiny, bee-stung lips that can hardly close; smooth, weak, flat forehead; layered pink blush covering cheeks and accenting their feminine shape; average looking, yellow stained smile, slightly crooked with a gap between the two front teeth; permanent makeup.
[b]BUILD:[/b] Hairless and small feminine torso; thin, hairless arms and legs with virtually no muscle; huge breasts and cartoonishly weak shoulders ; Fat jiggling ass that sticks our provocatively; Wide, flared out, feminine birthing hips; tiny tight stomach cinched in sexily; thick milky thighs that rub together with each step.
[b]CHEST:[/b] Huge Fake looking H cup breasts. Unnaturally gravity defying and circular. Thick and veinous, pierced, dark pink feminine nipples. Over-active mammary glands. Visible surgical scars.
[b]EXTREMITIES:[/b] Thin, delicate, soft hands with long pink, sparkly nails extending over an inch past the finger; Smooth, hairless, delicate, women's size 5 feet with slightly shiny, clear-pink painted, longer nails. Reformed feet, requiring a minimum of 5 inch high heels.
[b]GENITALS:[/b] Wide, deep, hairless, puffy, used vagina which can accommodate even the most well endowed.
[b]TATTOOS:[/b] Black spade with a "Q" on the inside tattooed just above the vagina. Flowery black tramp stamp in a pseudo arrow pointing towards her ass with the word SLUT in bold letters just above it. The word SLAVE is tattooed in black on the back of her right shoulder. A barcode tattooed on her wrist.
[b]PIERCINGS:[/b] Medium sized golden hoops in earlobes and a silver stud just above the belly button. Silver stud clit piercing. Silver nipple studs which keep the nipples constantly erect. Barbell stud in tongue.
[b]OUTFIT:[/b] Flowy red dress which goes down to the knee. Two dark spots in the breast area. No bra or panties. Red heels with a black bow.
[b]SEXUAL PREFERENCE:[/b] Is attracted exclusively to men. Will only be submissive in sexual encounters. Specifically attracted to black men. Very high libido. Enjoys having cum on and in her body and being humiliated sexually and verbally. Likes being locked in light bondage. Loves vaginal and anal sex. Prefers big penises and doesn't get much sexually out of anything less than six or seven inches. Enjoys exhibitionism and public sex. A bit of a masochist, likes being spanked.
[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Submissive, follower, un-willing to take chances, Weak-willed, Lazy especially when it comes to household chores, prefers living in squalor, Is annoyed easily. Often considered 'Bitchy'. Doesn't care much for the rule of law. Has an extensive criminal history including drug, theft and prostitution charges. Has difficulty trusting others and often displays obsessive jealousy in relationships. Not very smart, has trouble learning. Doesn't know how to drive and is afraid to get behind the wheel. Acts like a stereotypical girly-girl including standing, sitting, walking, speaking, writing and holding things. Loves having long nails, is very protective of them. Addicted to sex and is overtly promiscuous with almost every man encountered especially if she hasn't done it in awhile. Has no issue with cheating on somebody in a relationship as long as she doesn't get caught. Is often selfless and will sacrifice herself for others.
[b]ADDICTIONS:[/b] Smoking and sex
[b]FAVORITE COLOR:[/b] bright pink.
[b]FINANCIAL SITUATION:[/b] Has a negative bank balance and heavy debt. Terrible credit with no prospects or knowledge of the financial world. Can't control spending habits and impulse buys things she can't afford. Difficulty with basic arithmatic.
[b]EXPERTISE:[/b] Vaginal sex, Nascar driver's car numbers, taking care of small children, celebrity gossip, effective strategies to sell the body for sex, Sucking dick, seducing, dirty talk