Round 54
[b]*Round Fifty Four*[/b]
Annabelle appeared in a dimly lit room. It was small, probably no more than twenty feet in diameter. The floor was tiled black and white and the walls were damp stone. A bulb hung from the ceiling and flickered slightly, barely able to illuminate the small room. A tiny window filtered a small amount of light in from some other place. It felt like some sort of horrible prison.
On either side of Annabelle were two brown tables with nothing on them. She shivered, the room made her feel very uneasy. Her lack of clothes didn't help much, as the room was rather cold. She wore a short fuzzy red dress with white trim around the flowy short skirt. It was some sort of slutty Santa Claus outfit. The top was missing a few buttons and her cleavage was on display. She wore white and red striped tights and tall red heels with bells on them. Around her stomach was a tight black belt. The top covered only her shoulders leaving her thin arms exposed. Annabelle's blonde hair spilled down her shoulders while a festive Santa hat sat on her head.
Annabelle stood with her hand on her wide hip which jutted out slightly. She absentmindedly twirled her blonde locks through her thin, manicured fingers before drawing out a cigarette and lighting it up.
Danielle appeared next to Annabelle and let out a cough as she took in her first breath.
"Could you please not? It's bad for the babies."
Her voice was a mix of concern and bitchiness as Danielle waved her hand in front of her face to break up the smoke. She was almost comically large now. She wore a loose red dress that fell to her ankles and her breasts looked bigger than before. She did not wear a bra and her nipples poked through the dress. She also wore a Santa hat. She held her hands behind her back to support the weight. She still looked prim and proper but her belly was undeniably contrary to that image. Her makeup was stellar and she still carried an authoritative air about her.
"I'm starting to regret giving you my expertise with children at the start of this thing. It's been a bitch to learn it again. But it is what it is, we women have always sacrificed for our children."
Annabelle threw her cigarette to the ground, but not before letting out one long trail of smoke, directly at Danielle. The cloud covered the seething Danielle who stomped to the other side of the room.
"You bitch!" Danielle angrily growled.
Annabelle shot her a wry smile but didn't say anything. It go against the wishes of an authoritarian figure like Danielle. Annabelle felt pride as the stink of smoke filled the small room.
S.A.M. appeared on one of the brown tables. He had a little Santa had on his head. "Contestants will wrap a collection of presents. The first contestant to finish with a satisfactory level of wrapping will be the winner."
Wrapping paper, scissors, bows and tape of all shapes and sizes appeared on one end of each table. The other end was a small pile of children's toys.
Annabelle leisurely walked to one of the tables with her girly sashay, her heels clicked on the tiled floor. Danielle waddled to the other table.
Annabelle grabbed a roll of wrapping paper and cut a large square quickly with the scissors. She grabbed the first item, a tin box of trading cards, and engulfed it with the paper. She hastily taped the ends of the paper with a long strand of tape. When she was finished, she grabbed for the next item, a lego set, and repeated the process. Before long, she had slapped together all ten items. They were wrapped and taped all right. she looked across each one of them; she realized they looked like shit. Multiple long strands of tape were used to keep the ill fitting squares of paper on each gift. She peered over at Danielle who had adopted a much slower approach. She was almost halfway done. Her completed presents looked immaculate, but she was being obviously slowed by her huge belly.
In a panic, Annabelle yelled in her high pitch, "Powerup!"
For a few seconds, nothing seemed to happen. Danielle looked up at Annabelle with confusion before her face began to drain and change to fear. Danielle dropped the item she was working on and looked down. There was a trickle of water falling to the floor and the front of her long red dress had gained a wet spot. Danielle's hand shot to her stomach and she began to pant heavily, her face gaining a pained expression.
Annabelle felt herself freeze and she watched Danielle begin going into labor. But much to her surprise, Danielle took one hand off her stomach and grabbed the items she had dropped onto the table. Her panting continued but the pain turned to determination on her face.
So began the race. Annabelle ripped through the hastily wrapped presents rather slowly as she didn't want to risk breaking her nails. Danielle let out periodic pained moans and quick breaths. She would have to stop once in awhile as a pang of pain would wash over her, but to her credit, once it passed she would soldier on.
As Annabelle began properly taping up the gifts, she could hear Danielle talking to herself, "Don't let that bitch win, it's her fault you're here. Take it away from her. Take it all away."
Yet another chill crawled up Annabelle's spine. She screamed again, "Powerup!"
Instantly, Danielle released a shriek of pain. Her moans turned to screaming and crying as birth was imminent. Her hands were incredibly shaky which slowed her even more but Danielle didn't quit. Her breasts were leaking, wet spots were forming at her nipples. A constant trickle of blood was flowing to the ground as a crying, screaming Danielle continued to wrap presents. Annabelle tried her best but she was so far behind.
As Danielle finished the last gift, she released an exasperated sigh before returning to her quick breathing. She walked back to the wall and slid down it, splaying her legs wide. She closed her eyes and let out a scream as the tears flowed.
Annabelle didn't know whether she should approach or stay away.
Doctor Grungot's nasily voice rang out from the ceiling, "Congratulations Ms. Strauss i'm sure y-"
"Fuck *pant* you *pant* Doctor *pant* get me to the *pant* hospital *pant*" Danielle's voice was shaky and filled with pain.
Doctor Grungot"Now, now Ms. Strauss. We have protocol. I'll let your behavior slide this time, as I can see we have...exigent circumstances here. I'll get you to the hospital as soon as you tell me a valid swap."
Danielle groaned as she looked to Annabelle. She had a flash of hatred in her eyes as she began, "I want her *pant* knowledge of construction *pant* the last thing her *pant* little brain has of its old self *pant*. In exchange i'll *pant* give her my *pant* knowledge and expertise of vaginal sex *pant*and my preference of it *pant* which I won't need anymore *pant* because I don't plan to ever *pained moan* do this shit again! NOW GET ME TO A FUCKING HOSPITAL!"
Annabelle felt a drowsy, dull feeling as decades of hard work in construction melted away. A cornerstone, a strong pillar of her identity crumbled and fell. It It was like an empty, numb void where years of her life were being swallowed up, like a vacuum. She tried to remember anything, tools, techniques, protocols anything! But it became harder and harder to recall complex, then simple facts as the void consumed more and more. Soon, all that remained was nothingness and ignorance. She wouldn't know the difference between a crescent wrench and a drill bit. But that wasn't it. Something else had changed. This was different than before. The last vestige of her old brain had been erased.
But the empty space didn't remain empty for long. It was slowly filled by new memories. Annabelle's brain was taking Danielle's sexual experiences and warping them to fit Annabelle's perverted body and brain. These new experiences gushed into her head. Wave after wave of images, feelings, new skills and personality traits built and built. She remembered being sexually active from a young age. Developing earlier than the other girls. She smoked her first cigarette at 11 gave her first blowjob at 13 and had full on sex at 15. She didn't really understanding the possible consequences of her actions and didn't really care; always fighting authority. She was absolutely terrible in school. She was one of the dumbest girls and didn't try to get better, she was just so lazy. She had a reputation of being a slut, and a dirty one at that, all throughout middle and early high school. She seduced teachers, administrators, students, coaches, parents and everything in between. She eventually dropped out at 16. She remembered needing money for cigarettes. She remembered trying to steal jewelry from a department store and getting caught. The embarrassment of being cuffed and put into a police car. She remembered the desperate feeling of deciding on prostitution. The fucking and sucking of man after man; turning tricks to get by. She remembered being in another police car after offering sex to an undercover cop. Being in court, in front of the judge, who called her a prostitute. Everybody in the court looked at her and...Memory's of looking down and seeing her vagina being pumped full of cock; of opening her legs and spreading her quivering lips, ready to accept a thick rod. Years of enticing men to shag her and loving the feeling of dick inside of her. Not just loving but NEEDING dick inside of her.
The pillars of personality in her brain had been broken and created anew. There was nothing left of Anderson Larry Johannson. There was only Annabelle Lauren Johnson.
Annabelle rubbed her long nails up her body and inhaled deeply. She felt naughty, she felt sexy, she felt slutty. But most importantly,
she felt good.
Danielle cackled as the scene began to dissipate. Her pained screams echoed in the void as a smoking Annabelle was left floating.
NAME: Annabelle Lauren Johnson
AGE: 20
IQ: 83
SEX / PHYSIOLOGY: Biologically female with XX chromosomes and fully female genitalia. Body produces above average levels of female hormones. Unusually fertile.
HAIR: Long, cheap looking flax blonde dye job with dark roots showing through. Hanging loosely down the back.
VOICE: High pitched, shy and soft.
FACIAL HAIR: None. Smooth and unable to grow hair of any kind.
EYES: Large doe eyed deep-ocean blue, nervous gaze, long eyelashes and dark eyeliner.
FACIAL FEATURES: Rounded jaw with thin chin, high rounded cheekbones, LARGE EARS, WIDE NOSE, HEAVY BROW, Thin smooth neck, Thick, red painted, protruding lips in a constant pout, WIDE FOREHEAD, pink blush covering cheeks.
BUILD: Hairless and small feminine torso; thin, hairless arms and legs with little muscle; huge breasts and weak shoulders ; Fat jiggling ass that sticks our provacitively; Wide, flared out, feminine birthing hips; tiny tight stomach cinched in sexily.
CHEST: Huge F cup breasts, large and veinous feminine nipples.
EXTREMITIES: Thin, delicate, soft hands with long french tipped nails extending about an inch past the finger; Smooth, hairless, delicate, women's size 5 feet with slightly shiny, red painted, longer nails. Reformed feet, requiring a minimum of 5 inch high heels.
GENITALS: Wide, deep, hairless, puffy vagina which can accomadate even the most well endowed.
TATTOOS: Black spade with a "Q" on the inside tattoed just above the vagina. Flowery black tramp stamp in a pseudo arrow pointing towards her ass with the word SLUT in bold letters just above it. The word SLAVE is tattooed in black on the back of her right shoulder.
PIERCINGS: Medium sized golden hoops in earlobes and a silver stud just above the belly button. Silver stud clit piercing. Silver nipple studs which keep the nipples constantly erect.
OUTFIT:A slutty red Santa costume complete with flowy short skirt and tight top with missing buttons. Red and white striped stockings and tall, red, belled heels and a santa hat.
SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Is attracted exclusively to men. Prefers to be submissive in sexual encounters. Specifically attracted to black men. Very high libido. Enjoys having cum on and in her body and being humiliated sexually. Likes being locked in light bondage. Prefers vaginal sex.
PERSONALITY: Submissive, self-conscious, follower, un-willing to take chances, Weak-willed, Lazy especially when it comes to household chores, Doesn't mind a mess or living in squalor, Difficulty controlling emotions, very prone to fits of anger, mania or depression. Doesn't care much for the rule of law. Has an extensive criminal history including drug, theft and prostitution charges. Has difficulty trusting others and often displays obsessive jealousy in relationships. Not very smart, has trouble learning. Doesn't know how to drive and is afraid to get behind the wheel. Acts naturally girly including standing, sitting, walking, and holding things. Loves having long nails, is very protective of them. Loves sex and is overtly promiscuous with almost every man encountered.
FAVORITE COLOR: Pastel pink.
EXPERTISE: Vaginal sex, Nascar driver's car numbers, taking care of small children, celebrity gossip, effective strategies to sell the body for sex, Sucking dick