Round 47
[b]*Round Forty Seven*[/b]
Anna appeared again near the long hallway leading to the portcullis into the arena. The room was dark and dimly lit. Tables littered with weapons and shields filled the small, stone room.
She itched her heavy chest which was encased in a tattered, faded, rough dark blue tunic. Parts of her skin were exposed through the holes including one of her thick pink nipples. The tunic went down to just above her knees. Her arms were totally exposed. Her high heeled shoes were ill fitting and uncomfortable. They no longer wrapped up her leg and flopped and shifted as she walked. She also wore neither a bra nor panties.
Her long blond hair had come undone and spilled over her shoulder and down her back. She tried to pull her hair into a manageable bun or the like but had nothing to hold it up and no knowledge of wrapping it properly. She resigned to just let it hang.
She peered around the room before a loud hum started to rise from the portcullis. The sound rose and rose become a constant, dull boom. She didn't know how many thousands were filling the seats of the arena but they were sure making a lot of noise. She felt suddenly anxious, what would she have to do? In front of all those people. But they weren't people, they were just computer simulated...she hoped they were. It didn't make it feel any less real Anna though as she picked up a vicious looking axe from a nearby table. She let is go as S.A.M. appeared in the middle of the room.
"Contestants will fight each other for the amusement of the crowd. The weapons will not actually hurt or kill contestants but they will feel pain and be affected as if they had been hurt. The effects are temporary and will be removed once the match is over. Whoever entertains the crowd more will win. The loser will be receiving a change courtesy of Ms. Mode. Please choose your weapons and make your way to the corresponding portcullis."
Anna drew a sharp intake of breath. Surely this wasn't for real? She had so many disadvantages against Liam that it wasn't even close to fair. Maybe she wasn't facing against Liam? That must be it. It was likely that Danielle or Cindi would be her opponent. Or maybe Helena herself? What would be the best weapons against them? Every opponent would have longer range than Anna because she was just so dang small. But against somebody like Cindi, Anna just had to out range them a bit. She grabbed a short spear off the wall. Well, it would have been considered 'short' to most people but it still was over Anna's head. The shaft was a bit too thick for her small hands but it was the best she could find. She looked to the shields and decided on a thin, square, metal one that would - hopefully - be able to block a blow from a female opponent if she used a less heavy weapon. It was also light enough that Anna's thin arms could support it. She finished by strapping a short sword tightly around her waist, giving her hourglass figure a bit of an opportunity to show off.
She walked slowly through the hallway, listening to the dull roar of the crowd grow louder as she neared the portcullis. She felt butterflies in her stomach as nerves began to take over. Her body shook slightly, making her movements feel a little unsteady. The rough material of the tunic scraped against her soft skin, causing itching and irritation. She wobbled on her ill fitting heels that weren't attached to her feet properly. Her unsupported, fat breasts heaved and jiggled as she walked throwing off her balance further and her hair kept falling into her eyes. She let her arm holding the shield fall to the side as it was already getting tired holding the shield up. She dropped the spear twice while walking because she couldn't fit her hand all the way around the shaft. This was going to be a tough win here.
She made her way to the portcullis where Stan was waiting. He looked her up and down, furrowed his nose and released a chuckle.
"Little scrapta wants to be a gladiator?" He asked with a coy smile.
Anna looked at him sideways before responding, "Um...what?"
"Oh, I see you're not familiar with Latin. You look like a woman who sells sex for money or 'scrapta' as they're known around these parts."
Anna looked down at herself before looking up again, confused.
"I wouldn't want to bore you with the history, miss." He added cordially.
"No, please, I want to hear it." Anna asked, desperately trying to stall as long as she could.
Stan looked pleased as he said in his androgynous voice, "Well, okay. In ancient Rome, which this simulation is based off, there were several key factors that would differentiate the average woman from a scrapta. Scrapta were required to either dye their hair blonde or wear a blonde wig. And judging by those dark roots, it's clear that you have dyed yours. Additionally, scrapta would often wear high heeled shoes. To show that they were 'available'." Stan paused for a few seconds and examined her again, "Most had a tattoo that would say "servus" meaning slave as most scrapta were slaves as well. Can't say I see one on your face or shoulder as was the common custom. Maybe you aren't one after all...but that would beg the question as to why you smell like somebody just purchased a romp with you."
Anna grabbed her tunic and took a quick sniff. She could smell the faintest scent of semen pervading her. The musky odor grew stronger as she noticed it. She was very confused as she looked for signs of fluid.
Stan reached down and grabbed Anna's shoulders and turned her around. "Ah yep, there it is, looks like you got screwed from behind and somebody pulled out, unloading all over your back. Because who would want to impregnante a scrapta? How shameful."
He turned her back around and Anna instantly felt herself growing hot. She was about to traipse onto the sand in front of thousands, looking suspiciously like a roman whore with semen stains on the back of her low quality tunic. The feelings of nervousness and fear turned to perverse excitement. She elected to let the cum remain on her tunic, not really concerned about being clean.
She turned towards the portcullis and muttered to Stan, "I'm ready."
Stan turned and pulled a nearby lever, the portcullis began to raise.
"Good luck scrapta," his voice sounded genuine; he paused before adding, "you'll definitely need it. I shall cheer for you."
Anna felt a tiny rush: being called the Latin equivalent of prostitute was a turn on. She shifted her attention to the cheering of the crowd.
She walked out into the stinging sunlight, scanning for her opponent. The crowd boomed as she entered. She accidentally dropped her spear and picked it up quickly, much to the amusement of the crowd who laughed heartily.
In the center of the arena was Helena. She wore a dark black toga with gold accents. She stood on gold sandals and held a black parasol, blocking the sunlight. Her arms were exposed, showing off her inked sleeves.
She nodded to Anna and twirled the parasol around. Her smokey voice began, "Anna, darling. You look...different than I remember."
Anna was taken aback and didn't know what do say so she just looked to the sand and shifted uncomfortably.
Anna heard another portcullis opening and turned to look at...Liam walking from his tunnel. He wore shining silver chainmail with golden pauldrons, greaves, sabatons and forearm guards. His leather skirt had polished gold plates covering it. The armor looked incredibly expensive but easy to maneuver in. He held a silver shield with a golden lion on the front and a long spear with a silver head and dark wood shaft. The crowd cheered excitedly as he jogged onto the sand, his movements were effortless and quick.
Liam stood proudly next to Anna, his barrel chest puffed out and his thick muscles had a heroic glow. He flashed a smile down at Anna who flipped her hair a few times, trying to get it out of her face without dropping her weapons. Liam's jaw looked stronger and more defined behind his long beard.
"Hey there sunshine. Couldn't believe they were having us do this. I'll tell you what, put down your weapons, bend over and spread those cheeks and i'll make it quick." He let out a hearty chuckle as he finished speaking.
Anna just shook her head. No matter the odds, no matter how many disadvantages she had...this asshole had to go down. She felt more determined than ever but played it cool.
"N-no Liam I won't do that..."
"Looks like it'll be the painful way then!" Liam mused, obviously not taking Anna very seriously as he tossed his spear back and forth from hand to hand. "Oh, and you look like a gently used whore, just so you know."
Again, Anna felt a pleasurable little twitch from being called a degrading name. It was over quickly as she forced herself to focus on the task at hand. One of her only advantages was his overconfidence. If she could just use that...
S.A.M. appeared quickly.
The crowd let out a roar as the combatants faced each other with raised shields. They slowly circled one another. Anna stepped awkwardly as she contended with her ill-fitting heels. Liam slowly poked his long spear out and placed it onto Anna's outstretched shield. Anna raised her shield and hid behind it. Liam let the spear rest atop the metal for a few seconds. With a sneer, he then began pushing down on the spear slowly and easily forcing the shield toward the ground. Anna's arm began going down with it. She was exerting as much effort as she could muster to hold it up. Her thin arms shook and her face was red and sputtering as she fought against the strain. After a few seconds, however, the strength just wasn't in her. Liam ramped up the pressure just a little bit causing Anna's already fatigued muscles to give in. She dropped the metal shield to the ground. It fell with a dull *thunk*. Her arm burned with fatigue it clearly wasn't used to.
The audience appeared to enjoy the show as the cheering came in earnest. Liam retracted his spear and basked in the applause, looking around and shaking his weapon which elicited even more noise. Anna quickly lunged forward and poked her spear at Liam's head while he was distracted. He reacted at the last second and raised his shield, the spear glanced off the to the left side, but not before cutting into Liam's neck. Anna could feel the spear enter his flesh. A river of crimson splashed out. She pulled back her spear as Liam screamed in pain. The crowd let out a collective gasp as Liam continued, his pained cries turning quickly to an angry growl.
"You goddamn bitch!" He shouted in agony. The blood flowed from the wound, dripping onto his armor and the sand.
Liam quickly began advancing towards Anna with his shield raised. She started staggering back, dropping her spear in the process. Liam stepped over her fallen shield and spear as he continued pressing towards her. Anna pulled at the gladius across her waist. She tugged and tugged as the distance she was trying to create with Liam was closing. Finally she pulled the sword free, it gleamed in the light. She turned quickly and, despite every instinct in her body screaming 'no!', charged at Liam who was obviously not expecting her. She got in close, past his shield and delivered a quick cut to Liam's exposed knee. She felt the blade cut him deeply and she dashed in the opposite direction. Liam's cry of agony was renewed as his knee buckled and he fell to the ground. He turned to keep his eye on a fleeing Anna who felt the odds turning in her favor. As Liam struggled back to his feet, Anna retrieved her spear and shield, feeling that they were much lighter than she remembered. She sheathed her red streaked gladius before turning to face her opponent who was standing and watching her warily. His left leg was shaky with streaks of blood flowing down it. The wound on his neck was also continuing to cover his left side. Gone was the confidence in his face, only pain and...fear? There was fear behind those eyes. Anna held back a triumphant smile as she started to walk towards Liam with her shield raised. He responded by raising his shield and adopting a very defensive stance. Anna looked quickly as saw that even Helena was excited, watching Anna pulling the upset.
The crowd began going absolutely crazy when Anna advanced. They started to chant,
Anna stopped advancing and lowered her shield slightly.
Every person in the arena was screaming along. She felt her heartbeat quicken along with her breathing.
Anna was quickly losing focus as she found herself lost in the title given to her by the crowd. This is how they knew everybody saw her. Her dyed blonde hair fell into her face, she teetered on tall heels, the smell of stale semen rose from her. Her huge, fat breasts heaved on her chest. As far as the crowd knew she was a prostitute...a scrapta...
She closed her eyes and felt the waves of arousal build as the chanting continued. Their voices reverberated in her bones. It was an intoxicating feeling.
She heard a quick footstep and felt a moment of intense pain in her neck before opening her eyes in the void. A feeling of embarrassment and disappointment filled her as she felt a burning sensation in her lower back. She craned her neck to look at her back. She could see some new ink on her lower back but couldn't make out exactly what it was. She rubbed her smooth neck which had no damage or wound as far as she could tell. She resisted the urge to touch her moistening pussy as she thought about her gladiatorial title and the crowd had bestowed upon her.
She soon calmed down and was left with her thoughts, floating in the void.
AGE: 20
IQ: 89
SEX: Biologically female with XX chromosomes and fully female genitalia.
HAIR: Long, cheap looking flax blonde dye job with dark roots showing through. Hang loosely on the shoulders and down the back.
VOICE: High pitched, shy and soft.
FACIAL HAIR: None. Smooth and unable to grow hair of any kind.
EYES: Large doe eyed deep-ocean blue, nervous gaze, long eyelashes and dark eyeliner.
FACIAL FEATURES: Rounded jaw with thin chin, high rounded cheekbones, LARGE EARS, WIDE NOSE, HEAVY BROW, Thin smooth neck, Thick, red painted, protruding lips in a constant pout, WIDE FOREHEAD, pink blush covering cheeks.
BUILD: Hairless and small feminine torso; thin, hairless arms and legs with little muscle; huge breasts and weak shoulders ; FLAT BUT MUSCULAR ASS; Wide, flared out, feminine birthing hips; tiny tight stomach cinched in sexily.
CHEST: Huge F cup breasts, large and veinous feminine nipples.
EXTREMITIES: Thin, delicate, soft hands with red painted nails; Smooth, hairless, delicate, women's size 5 feet with slightly shiny, red painted, longer nails. Reformed feet, requiring a minimum of 5 inch high heels.
GENITALS: Wide, deep, hairless, puffy vagina which can accomadate even the most well endowed.
TATTOOS: Black spade with a "Q" on the inside tattoed just above the vagina. ??? on her lower back.
PIERCINGS: Medium sized golden hoops in earlobes and a silver stud just above the belly button. Silver stud clit piercing.
OUTFIT: A rough, tattered dark blue tunic which goes down to the knees. Parts of the skin are exposed beneath holes in the top. No underwear or support of any kind. Ill-fitted 5 inch heeled sandals.
SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Is attracted exclusively to men. Prefers to be submissive in sexual encounters. Specifically attracted to black men. Very high libido. Enjoys having cum on and in her body and being humiliated sexually.
PERSONALITY: Submissive, self-conscious, follower, un-willing to take chances, Weak-willed, Lazy especially when it comes to household chores, Doesn't mind a mess or living in squalor, INNOVATIVE, Difficulty controlling emotions, very prone to fits of anger, mania or depression. Doesn't care much for the rule of law. Has an extensive criminal history including drug, theft and prostitution charges. Has difficulty trusting others and often displays obsessive jealousy in relationships. Not very smart, has trouble learning.
EXPERTISE: CONSTRUCTION, Nascar driver's car numbers, taking care of small children, celebrity gossip, effective strategies to sell the body for sex, Sucking dick