Round 39

[b]*Round Thirty Nine*[/b]

Anya found herself standing in a dark, dusty library. Tall shelves stretched to the ceiling, filled with all manner of books. She stood in a circular area with blue carpeting and two wooden tables. Bookshelves fanned out in all directions. She looked down one of the rows but did not see where the row ended. She felt somewhat claustrophobic in the space.

Anya looked down and saw she still wore the thin pink crop top and gray leggings. Her long hair still hung loosely past her shoulders. Her tiny feet were still encased in black flats.

Cindi appeared a few feet away. Her medium length brown hair framed her mostly feminine face. Anya looked down at her mountainous cleavage which had previously belonged to Cindi. Cindi now had a flat chest and straight hips. Her ass still stuck out provocatively and her thighs still sported feminine fat but she otherwise had a very masculine figure. She curled her hair behind her ear and adjusted her thick glasses as she looked around the room. She wore a short purple dress that clung to her curve less body. She stood on six inch pink stiletto heels.

When her eyes fixed on Anya, Cindi spoke in her breathy voice, "Hello there, Anderson. I see you have acquired our...assets. We're sorry, I figured Mel wouldn't be able to help herself and accept our punishment. We were just so angry."

Anya answered with a sigh, "Naw it's okay, Sandra, it would'a happened sometime anyway."

Sandra grew a weak smile as she nodded towards Anya.

S.A.M. appeared with a little pair of glasses on his robot face. "Contestants will alphabetize a stack of books based on title. Whoever correctly re-stacks the books in their proper order first will win."

Anya let out a disgusted grunt as she sulked over to one of the wooden tables. Sandra looked around and slowly made her way to the other table. She looked surprised. It would appear she wasn't used to remaining Sandra.

Both tables suddenly filled with a pile of dusty books.


Anya pushed all the books to one side, several fell to the floor with a dull *Thunk*. She picked up the first book, a large red tome which was written in a language she didn't understand. The author's last name began with a 'P'. She put the book to left in the cleared space. The second book, a thin green volume had an author with a last name starting with...'P'. Anya stopped for a second and went back to the first book. 'Pi..." the second was 'Pe'. Okay so...A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I...She put the thin green book on top and went onto the next. 'Pir...' Well shit. Anya had forgotten which book already had an author with 'Pi' so she flipped through the first two books. It took her a little while longer to get it all straight but finally she had the correct order for the first three books. She looked to the pile, there must have been twenty five more books to sort. Sorting wasn't really her thing, you know. She had always considered herself a master of the alphabet but when the authors names were this close all the time it could really make it difficult, you know maybe she should just...

Damnit she was losing focus. She grabbed for the next book which had pictures. She flipped through the book and admired the pretty drawings and the beautiful color portrayed in the pages. The author had gone through meticulous detail to show exactly what he wanted on the page. Anya traced her thick fingers along the illustrations. You know it would really be great if...

It happened again! She looked over at Sandra who had completed at least half the task, the pile of books next to her was growing with each minute.

'Pirk...' she quickly found its home and grabbed the next one. 'Pirkh...' She let ouf a groan, this was pissing her off. She was becoming more and more frustrated with every book. She dropped that one in the pile and took the next. 'Pes...' 'Pic...' 'Pehn...' 'Pirt...' She pushed the pile angrily and the books tumbled to the floor. She folded her arms together and decided she was giving up.

A minute later Sandra jumped up and deposited the last book on top of the tall pile. She could barely reach the top but it was complete. She looked over to Anya with a satisfied grin.

"Well done, Ms. Sandra Lane!" Doctor Grungot's voice echoed through the chamber. "What would you like to give Ms. Johannson here?"

"Cindi and I are ready to wear comfortable shoes again, Doctor."

Anya's feet bagan to tingle. She felt a burning sensation and watched as Sandra kicked off her tall pink heels. She stood on her tiptoes but slowly started to lower herself. She had a happy expression as she continue to stand flatter and flatter. Anya could feel the burning become more and more intense as she pushed her heels off the ground and raised them farther and farther up. It finally ended when she was standing on her tiptoes in her black flats. Any attempt to move her heels down would cause her calves to burn. She now had Sandra's reformed feet.

"Would you like me to adjust your outfit Ms. Johannson?" Doctor Grungot asked playfully.

Anya teetered back and forth on her tip toes. She held the table for support but her toes were growing tired. Either she agreed to heels or fell to the floor. She lasted a few more seconds before muttering in her masculine pitch, "Just put the heels on me."

It was a relief as Anya's black flats were replaced with tall pink stiletto heels. While they weren't exactly comfortable they were much better than balancing on tip toes. The heels looked exactly like Sandra's heels had but they were sized to fit Anya's smaller feet. Anya looked over to Sandra who now sported black flats. She looked so much shorter now. Her 5"0 height was no longer augmented by six inch heels. Anya's 5"4 was now pushed by 6'. She felt more confident, towering over her opponent yet again.

As the scene was collapsing, Sandra was practicing walking around the room with a content smile. She gave a wave to Anya as she disappeared.




AGE: 20

IQ: 89

SEX: Biologically female with XX chromosomes and fully female genitalia.

HAIR: Long, silky, bright blonde hair that goes to the mid back. Styled in a ponytail.

VOICE: Youthful, somewhat shy and quiet.

FACIAL HAIR: None. Smooth and unable to grow hair of any kind.

EYES: Large doe eyed deep-ocean blue, nervous gaze, long eyelashes and dark eyeliner.

FACIAL FEATURES: STRONG MANLY JAW, LARGE EARS, WIDE NOSE, HEAVY BROW, THICK NECK WITH PROMINENT ADAMS APPLE, Thick, red painted, protruding lips in a constant pout, WIDE FOREHEAD, pink blush covering cheeks.

BUILD: Hairless and small feminine torso; thin, hairless arms and legs with little muscle; huge breasts and weak shoulders ; FLAT BUT MUSCULAR ASS; Wide, flared out, feminine birthing hips; tiny tight stomach cinched in sexily.

CHEST: Huge F cup breasts, large and veinous feminine nipples.

EXTREMITIES: LARGE CALLOUSED HANDS WITH painted red nails; Smooth, hairless, delicate, women's size 5 feet with slightly shiny, red painted, longer nails. Reformed feet, requiring a minimum of 5 inch high heels.

GENITALS: Wide, deep, puffy vagina which can accommodate even the most well endowed.


PIERCINGS: Medium sized golden hoops in earlobes and a silver stud just above the belly button. Silver stud clit piercing.

OUTFIT: A tight pink crop top which exposes deep cleavage and bares most of the stomach. A tight gray pair of yoga pants and hug every curve. Six inch pink stiletto heels.

SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Is attracted exclusively to men. Prefers to be submissive in sexual encounters. Specifically attracted to black men. Very high libido.

PERSONALITY: Submissive, self-conscious, follower, un-willing to take chances, Weak-willed, Lazy especially when it comes to household chores, Doesn't mind a mess or living in squalor, INNOVATIVE, Difficulty controlling emotions, very prone to fits of anger, mania or depression. Doesn't care much for the rule of law. Has an extensive criminal history including drug, theft and prostitution charges. Has difficulty trusting others and often displays obsessive jealousy in relationships. Not very smart, has trouble learning.


EXPERTISE: CONSTRUCTION, Nascar driver's car numbers, taking care of small children, celebrity gossip, effective strategies to sell the body for sex, Sucking dick


Bonus Round 8


Round 38