Round 22
[b]*Round Twenty Two*[/b]
Andi floated in the void and waited. The extreme anger and sadness he felt from the last challenged had begun to abate as he stared into the blackness. Usually he would wait for a few minutes at the most before being whisked away to his next challenge. He looked around at the swirling darkness that surrounded him. He wasn't falling, wasn't moving towards or away from anything, he was just floating. He figured this was the area his mind went to while he was being loaded into the next area. As the minutes crept by Andi started to feel a tiny pang of fear in his stomach. What if they just left him here? He would float in nothing but swirling darkness forever.
Andi took a minute to contemplate the last few...Hours? Days? Weeks? He had no perception of time since coming here. What was real and what wasn't: he didn't know. He took a deep breath and examined himself. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to just become a woman. It was better than...whatever he was now. His mismatched parts looked downright silly. But once his opponents gave to him and took everything they wanted...what was next? There were one hundred rounds, if Doctor Grungot was to be believed. Liam was right, he would almost certainly eventually trade every female trait he had and take Andi's male traits but then what? He had to prolong his current opponents lest he face off against much higher stakes. He had already gained a few undesirable traits, but they were ones he could live with...if he ever got out of this place. So what, he's lazy and is weak willed; plenty of people have lived full, happy lives like that. Though there was no real promise of an end game, Andi hoped after one hundred rounds he would get to leave with whatever he was given. The more rounds he won the more 'normal' he would end up; so he had to keep trying.
The darkness started to become a bit..fuzzy? Andi looked around and felt something moving in the darkness. He sensed something HUGE moving, as if the shadow itself was a living being. He suddenly felt so tiny compared to the seemingly infinite abyss. He felt the gaze of some primordial force just out of sight as the void started to disappear, the next challenge was about to begin.
As Andi began phasing into the next challenge and the abyss started to collapse around him; he heard a deep rumble that permeated his entire body. A voice sounded in his head and a male spoke. Andi couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he voice was familiar.
"Wake. Up."
Andi appeared in an empty casino. The floor was carpeted with intricate, colorful patterns and the sound of slot machines rang out all around him. The room was dimly lit and red. He was standing at a green card table in a collection of similar looking tables. Where the dealer would normally be standing was a strange looking machine with ten thin arms. The arms were silver and spread evenly apart in a straight, horizontal line. The arms each had a golden claw on the end. They met in a single mail looking slot in a tall standing, rectangular machine. The machine was sleek silver and gold and looked about six feet tall. Andi looked around wildly, but nothing appeared out of the ordinary. Andi took a seat in the padded, black, tall chair in front of him.
Liam appeared to Andi's right. He wore a power lifting tank top and had a big smile on his face. Andi looked at his opponent coldly. He was huge now. Standing at 6"6 and heavily muscled. His thick, styled beard looked alien on his feminine face. His short brown hair was styled back. His skin was smooth and devoid of body hair.
Liam sat in a chair next to Andi and folded his thin, feminine hands together. His high pitched voice was totally out of place with his body shape as he mocked, "Hey, Cupcake!" Liam put his arm around Andi's shoulder as he continued, "I've been busy lately, don't worry, I've been taking good care of my new body these last few weeks!"
Andi just stared down at the table and didn't respond.
"Don't worry, we'll have you looking like a proper girl in no time!"
S.A.M. appeared in his tiny robotic form on the table. "Each contestant will write down five different swaps they desire to make with the other. They will be placed in "The Scrambler" and Mr. Johannson will choose one which will then take place."
In front of each of them appeared five blank playing cards and a pen.
"You have two minutes to write down five swaps. Begin."
Andi picked up the pen and thought about what he wanted to take back. Obviously, he first wrote down body shape; he wanted his muscles back for sure. Andi then jotted down hips, lips, dominance and laziness. Any of these would be great to drop on Liam. This could really turn out to be a good round for Andi! Even though Liam had slightly feminine lips and hips, they were much more manageable than what Andi currently sported. He finished writing and put his cards face up on the table, Liam did the same.
Andi looked over at Liam's cards. Penis, Feet, Neck, Jaw, Body Hair. Nothing surprising there really.
The machine's arms came to life and snaked down to the table. Each arm grabbed a card and held it in its claw. Andi tried to watch and remember where dominance was. He was trying to pick that card in particular. It would be fantastic to see Liam as a submissive coward. The claws returned back to their starting position, a horizontal line, and started to slowly flip and flop places. It was easy for Andi to maintain his focus on the card labelled dominance. However, the scrambling soon sped up considerably and Andi was having a hard time keeping up. Ten arms danced around each other and soon Andi had lost the card completely. The arms eventually came to a stop and went back to their starting positions. But which arm was which?
"Please make your selection Mr. Johannson."
Andi sighed and shrugged his shoulders, he had a 50/50 chance. He pointed to the far left car which turned to reveal itself as: Feet. Andi and Liam looked down under as the tingle started. Liam quickly kicked off his white high top shoes to reveal his feet. They were much smaller and more delicate than Andi was expecting. The nails were clean and slightly longer than Andi would normally keep his. They glistened slightly. Liam's feet did not have any overtly protruding bones or veins. Andi watched as Liam's feet started to expand. The grew a bit of dark hair and thick veins became more and more visible as they elongated. The nails lost a bit of sheen and became calloused and rough; these feet had clearly never given a proper pedicure. When they finished expanding, Liam reached under the table and rubed his thin fingers along his new feet. These size thirteen monsters fit his body much better. He looked at his tiny shoe which would barely hold half of his foot now.
"Women's US size 5. Pretty damn small. Perfect for a girly-girl like you!"
Andi could see his shoes had changed to compensate for the change. They looked so tiny now. Whereas before his feet looked far too big for his body shape, these actually looked a bit too small. His shiny black shoes glistened in the light. With their slight heel and tiny contents they looked like female shoes.
"Congratulations, Mr. Johannson, you are the proud owner of sexy feminine feet!" Doctor Grungot paused for a second before continuing, "You see, when Mr. Gentry here was a young girl, his parents made him do ballet. Quite a bit of ballet, actaully, which meant his feet were often wrapped tight while he was growing! His feet stayed tiny thanks to that. Though, I'm sure smaller than average women's foot size won't be a big issue for you Mr. Johannson, in fact, i'm sure you'll come to enjoy it!"
Liam stood and started practicing walking excitedly as the casino started to collapse around Andi who just sat at the table in silence.
HEIGHT: 5"10
AGE: 20
HAIR: Just shy of shoulder length, straight and brown in a loose style.
VOICE: Youthful, somewhat shy and quiet.
FACIAL HAIR: None. Smooth and unable to grow hair of any kind.
EYES: Large doe eyed deep-ocean blue, nervous gaze, SHORT EYELASHES
BUILD: Thin, wirey feminine frame; thin arms and legs; flat, boney chest and weak shoulders COVERED IN THICK BLACK HAIR; FLAT BUT MUSCULAR ASS; Wide, flared out, feminine birthing hips; tiny tight stomach.
CHEST: FLAT, MUSCLED PECS COVERED IN THICK BLACK HAIR; Large and veinous feiminine nipples.
EXTREMITIES: LARGE CALLOUSED HANDS WITH SHORT, DIRTY NAILS; Smooth, hariless, delicate, women's size 5 feet with slightly shiny, longer nails.
OUTFIT: BLACK AND BLUE SKIN TIGHT SUIT. Short sleeves that leave the arms completely exposed. Short Shorts that leave the entire lower leg and parts of the thighs exposed. A medium 'V' in the neck area exposes part of the chest and a triangle on the stomach expose skin beneath. TIGHT IN THE CROTCH AREA SHOWING MANLY BULGE. Shiny solid BLACK ATHLETIC SHOES with a slightly raised heel.
SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Is not attracted to either sex, feels no sexual attraction. Prefers to be submissive in sexual encounters.
PERSONALITY: Submissive, self-conscious, follower, un-willing to take chances, Weak-willed, Lazy especially when it comes to household chores, Doesn't mind a mess or living in squalor, INNOVATIVE, Difficulty controlling emotions, very prone to fits of anger, mania or depression.