Bonus Round 9
[b]*Round Forty Five*[/b]
Anna was standing on a bustling street corner. It was a roman marketplace with hundreds of people in flowing robes and dress walking to and fro. The sun shone brightly while shopkeepers of all description were peddling wares. Children ran across the streets and the noise of commerce rang out all around.
Anna was back in her original outfit. A leather cuirass and skirt with simple leather high heeled sandals. The short toga underneath was rougher on her skin, made of some sort of linen. Her hair was held tightly and she glanced around the scene in wonderment, there was a lot going on. She wanted to just walk the street and get lost in it all.
Liam appeared in his original outfit. His beard tickled the top of a metal chain shirt which was belted with leather above a leather skirt. Under the chain shirt was a short white toga. He stood on flat leather sandals.
The pair stood for a few seconds, watching the hustle and bustle before Anna spoke in her new feminine pitch. She had to yell to be heard over the noise, "Melody, what were you trying to tell me a few rounds back?"
Melody's face darkened slightly as she said as quietly as the noise would allow, "Why do you think Doctor Grungot hasn't been around? He's preparing something big." He paused for a second, choosing his next words carefully, "You'll have a choice to make during round fifty. It won't feel like you have a choice, believe me I know. But you do. Just remember who you are and what's really important to you."
"What kind of choice?" Anna asked quickly.
A little S.A.M. projection appeared on the stone road. His tiny roman helmet was lopsided and he quickly corrected it.
Liam looked down at his clothing excitedly. He watched the scene and looked elated and confident. He crossed his bulging arms and looked down at Anna who shifted uncomfortably.
"Contestants will advertise for the arena. Whoever can convince the most people to enter the doors in five minutes will win."
Anna looked behind her, a large stone gate with a raised portcullis stood proudly. Beyond it she could see the sand pit of the arena.
Anna cupped her hands around her mouth, trying to amplify her voice as she yelled, "Come one, come all; to the wonders of the arena! Gladiators and feats of strength, the likes of which you cannot believe!" She felt great about the pitch! But...barely anybody could hear her. Her weak voice couldn't break through the noise and only a small handful of nearby people reacted to her speech.
"Are there female fighters now?" A nearby grizzled looking man asked.
"Yes sir, I am one of them! Wouldn't you like to see women duking it out in a fight for their very lives?"
The man thought for a second then nodded his head, "Yeah i'm in for that." He tottered into the entrance followed by another man who was seemingly also interested.
Anna felt pretty good, two new customers already!
"Live nude women wrestling for your entertainment!" Liam boomed from the center of the street. Groups of people stopped in their tracks forming a crowd around Liam who continued, "See their voluptuous, naked bodies writhing and grinding against one another in what is sure to be a tantalizing and unforgettable experience!" He paused for dramatic effect before finishing, "For your viewing pleasure, happening live right now at the arena!"
The crowd murmured among themselves before hurrying to the arena gate. Anna watched as a crowd of forty or fifty people shoved their way through the entrance.
Anna had to think fast. There was really only one logical one up to a promise of nude women and that's nude women. Anna began to tear at her leather cuirass, trying to free her restrained breasts. She pulled at the buckle on her shoulder which kept her top tight. The buckle separated and she slipped out of the cuirass, dropping it to the floor. She shimmied the leather skirt down her wide hips and flat ass. Her giant breasts swung around heavily under her toga as she shook her hips back and forth. She ripped the toga off exposing herself completely leaving only her leather high heels. She pulled at the pins keeping her hair restrained and it fell wildly around her.
Anna looked around and immediately drew the stares of everybody that noticed her. It made her feel humiliated and aroused. She could feel a familiar wetness forming between her legs as she jogged close to the entrance of the arena. As she moved, her pendulous boobs wiggled in time with her hoop earrings. Another crowd had gathered displaying open mouth stares either out of shock or lust.
The people people were unsure exactly what was happening so they waited for her to speak. Anna felt their stares and relished being evaluated as a sexual object. She basked in the spotlight momentarily before speaking and ignoring the warmth growing out of her nethers, "Like what you see? Head into the arena for even more! You might even get lucky!"
Anna gave the crowd a wink as she folded her arms under her breasts, pushing them up slightly. She posed provocatively with only leg splayed to the outside. She didn't know where this instinct and expertise at showing off her body came from, but at least it was doing something positive. The crowd reacted like hungry dogs and made a break for the entrance. As the rather large crowd was flowing through the gates a third group of people pushed behind them. They turned their heads to stare at Anna as they passed. Anna followed their trail to where they were coming from. She saw Liam who was the tallest man in the crowd. He was talking to a small group of men. Liam pointed at Anna as he spoke. What was he up to?
Anna watched Liam smile and shake hands with the small group of men who began walking towards her. She became increasingly afraid as the men beelined for her like a pack of wolves about to pounce on defenseless prey. Anna started backing up towards the stone arena wall and moving to cover herself as they stopped within feet of her. The men surrounded her in a half circle and flashed her predatory looks. Her breathing quickened as fear started to take over. She was hyperventilating, desperately trying to cover her female assets with her calloused, manly hands.
A bald headed older man with a large hooked nose spoke. His voice was cold and serpentine, it made Anna's fears deepen. "Your master said we could give you your whore pussy a nice try before we buy. I expect he's trained you well." A toothy smile grew on his wrinkled face and he and his cohorts began tightening the circle.
"I-I'm not a prostitute.." Anna muttered.
The men laughed as their bald headed leader retorted sarcastically, "Oh sure, you're not a whore. Just a woman who removes her clothes in the town square and advertises herself sexually. Just normal women stuff."
The other men cried out in mocking laughter as they continued to slowly close the circle. Anna squeezed her eyes shut as tears flowed down her face. She waited for something to happen but nothing did. Seconds that felt like days ticked by. The noise around her had stopped. She slowly opened her eyes and only she and Liam were left on the street. Her body was quivering as she broke down into a deep sob. She slid down the wall and fell to her knees, hugging her thin arms around her inflated chest.
In the sky was displayed the final score: ANNA - 37 ; LIAM - 75
Liam stomped up to a tiny, sobbing, hyperventilating, naked woman slumped against a wall. He rolled his eyes as he said, "They wouldn't have done anything anyway." The sobbing continued as he added, "Besides, you would have liked it."
Anna didn't initially respond. How could she? They both knew he was right, as fucked up as it was. A large part of her wishes S.A.M. had given them ten minutes instead of five.
Anna wiped away her tears as she choked out, "Go fuck yourself, Liam. If Anthony knew what you just tried to do..."
"Anthony ain't here. Why do you think Grungot isn't speaking to us? They have no power in this program. We're in the wild fucking west. And besides, what would Anthony think of you sucking people off to complete challenges now? There were other ways to complete the portcullis challenge besides blowing Stan. But there you were getting your face plastered with spunk - and loving it, I might add." Liam looked down at Anna's naked body, "At least people are starting to see you as the whore you are."
Anna desperately waited for the comforting void to envelope her and take her away. Liam stomped his way to Anna and grabbed her left wrist, partially pulling her up by it in the process. She released a gasp as he pulled her arm. He examined her thick mannish hand and spoke, "But lo' a woman's hand this is not. Let's fix that."
Anna looked up into the sun as her hands began to tingle. She held her right hand close to her face and watched as her fingers thinned considerably. The callous from years of construction and weightlifting turned soft and smooth. These hands had clearly not seen any manual labor. Overall, her hands grew significantly shorter and her fingers were thinner. She found her index fingers had lengthened relative to her other fingers while her ring fingers had shortened making them more like a common female hands. She slowly turned her new hands in front of her face, examining them carefully. They were delicate and slender. Nobody would ever mistake these dainty hands as those of a man.
Once the tingling had subsided, Liam released Anna. He turned and started walking away. The scene began to collapse.
"You'll pay for this Liam." Anna said plainly.
The street was turning to darkness as bit by bit it disappeared. Liam stopped walking but didn't turn his hulking back as he responded quietly. "I already have."
Anna was fully plunged into darkness.
AGE: 20
IQ: 89
SEX: Biologically female with XX chromosomes and fully female genitalia.
HAIR: Long, cheap looking flax blonde dye job with dark roots showing through. Pulled into a tight bun.
VOICE: High pitched, shy and soft.
FACIAL HAIR: None. Smooth and unable to grow hair of any kind.
EYES: Large doe eyed deep-ocean blue, nervous gaze, long eyelashes and dark eyeliner.
FACIAL FEATURES: STRONG MANLY JAW, LARGE EARS, WIDE NOSE, HEAVY BROW, Thin smooth neck, Thick, red painted, protruding lips in a constant pout, WIDE FOREHEAD, pink blush covering cheeks.
BUILD: Hairless and small feminine torso; thin, hairless arms and legs with little muscle; huge breasts and weak shoulders ; FLAT BUT MUSCULAR ASS; Wide, flared out, feminine birthing hips; tiny tight stomach cinched in sexily.
CHEST: Huge F cup breasts, large and veinous feminine nipples.
EXTREMITIES: Thin, delicate, soft hands with red painted nails; Smooth, hairless, delicate, women's size 5 feet with slightly shiny, red painted, longer nails. Reformed feet, requiring a minimum of 5 inch high heels.
GENITALS: Wide, deep, puffy vagina which can accomadate even the most well endowed.
TATTOOS: Black spade with a "Q" on the inside tattoed just above the vagina.
PIERCINGS: Medium sized golden hoops in earlobes and a silver stud just above the belly button. Silver stud clit piercing.
OUTFIT: A flowy white, cotton tunic which goes down to mid thigh overlayed with a dark leather cuirass ending at the shoulder and a leather skirt cut into strips ending at the knee. Brown sandal style 5 inch heels.
SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Is attracted exclusively to men. Prefers to be submissive in sexual encounters. Specifically attracted to black men. Very high libido. Enjoys having cum on and in her body and being humiliated sexually.
PERSONALITY: Submissive, self-conscious, follower, un-willing to take chances, Weak-willed, Lazy especially when it comes to household chores, Doesn't mind a mess or living in squalor, INNOVATIVE, Difficulty controlling emotions, very prone to fits of anger, mania or depression. Doesn't care much for the rule of law. Has an extensive criminal history including drug, theft and prostitution charges. Has difficulty trusting others and often displays obsessive jealousy in relationships. Not very smart, has trouble learning.
EXPERTISE: CONSTRUCTION, Nascar driver's car numbers, taking care of small children, celebrity gossip, effective strategies to sell the body for sex, Sucking dick