Bonus Round 13
[b]*Round Sixty Five*[/b]
Annabelle appeared in a beautiful hotel room. It was spacious and upscale. A large, luxurious bed and ornately carved wooden end tables sat on one side of the room while a wide television hung across from it. In fact, it felt more like an apartment than a hotel room. But the logo for the hotel chain could be found at various spots. Annabelle peeked through the open door and saw the room beyond was even better. There was a full kitchen with beautiful granite table tops and cutting edge appliances. A sitting area with comfortable looking couches and huge windows overlooking a city. It was night, so there were lights from cars zooming back and forth on the street below. Annabelle took a minute to watch the scene and lose herself in the big city lights.
She looked down at herself and noticed that she was wearing a classy, dark green dress that zipped up in the back. You could tell its quality by the look and feel. It reached just below her knees. Underneath she wore tights and comfortable panties. Her large chest was covered by a fully supportive bra. Her wrists had gold bracelets while a diamond necklace clasped around her neck. She stood on five inch black heels and her hair hung down her back. It felt silky and high quality for the first time in a long time. Despite her new teeth, she felt sophisticated and elegant.
A few minutes passed and a wave of fatigue washed over Annabelle. But as she walked to the bathroom, expecting nausea, it didn't come. She just felt a bit tired. The bathroom was quite a sight as well. The shower was wide with two heads. Double sinks and hardwood floors. This was truly a place Annabelle felt she could relax. She would live here if she could!
When she returned to the main room, the door to the hallway opened and in stepped Darius. He had a slight smile across his young face. His dark skin contrasted against his powder blue suit. He approached Annabelle and his smile grew wider. He pulled her into a hug and held her for a few seconds before releasing her. Annabelle didn't know how to feel.
"So good to see you, Bella. You're looking mighty fine!" His voice was medium pitch, but smooth as butter.
Annabelle rean her fingers through her hair and squeaked back, "Uhm, thanks?"
"I think it's time we talked about our agreement."
"What agreement?" Annabelle quickly shot back.
Darius' expression darkened a bit as he responded, "The one where you do whatever I say or I tell Anthony, your loving husband, how you fuck other men on the side."
Annabelle sighed and shook her head. "I was tricked into that; and he loves me, he'll understand."
Darius chuckled, "Won't look like an accident when I show him the dopey little face you made when I was pounding you. You wanted that." He paused for a second to let it sink in, "And as for forgiveness: i've known Anthony a long time. That man don't forgive, he get even. You think you have it bad now? Just wait til' he puts his mind to punishing you. You gonna wish you were doing what I asked."
Annabelle pulled out a cigarette and lit it up. She took a long drag and blew out a thick cloud. "So what do you want from me?"
"I'm bringing a friend, of sorts, into the room tonight. You will 'entertain' him for an hour. He's a little shy, so I expect you to push him along if he stalls out."
"You want me to prostitute myself out to a 'friend' of yours?" Annabelle raised her thick brow as she eyed Darius through a smoke cloud.
"Na, na, na don't look at it like that. Look at it like you're just having a fun night with a nice guy. If you make him happy, I'll delete that picture of you leaking cum onto the dance floor."
"What about the other picture?" Annabelle inquired with a skeptical squeak.
"You'll have to earn that one back another time, but this is step one. What do you say?"
She thought for a second then answered with a weak nod.
Darius' grin grew wider, "Good choice, I'll go find my lucky friend."
Darius turned and exited the room at a brisk pace. Annabelle turned back to the window, eyeing the lights as she finished her cigarette, it was sweet in her mouth.
When the door opened again, Annabelle turned to see a pudgy white man in his mid to late forties in the doorway. He shuffled into the room, keeping his eyes towards the floor. His hairline was receding and growing gray. He had slight wrinkles in his face and wore a dark suit. He looked incredibly nervous and constantly rubbed his hands together.
He spoke with a slight stutter, "H-hello...I'm Charlie..."
His eyes were still fixated at the floor. He stood about twenty feet from Annabelle who responded with a smile, "Hi, Charlie, I'm Annabelle."
He grew a nervous smile and laughed quietly, "I don't have much experience with...pretty young ladies..."
Annabelle moved and sat on the long couch, crossing her legs. Charlie fidgeted slightly when she moved. Annabelle rubbed the seat next to her, "Want to sit next to me, Charlie?"
Charlie hesitated and tried several times to meet her gaze but was unable. His hand continued to rub together. He moved towards the couch slowly and sat where Annabelle was rubbing. She smiled warmly at him, something about his nervousness was charming. It wasn't sexy, but it was charming.
Annabelle placed her hand on Charlie's leg which was quivering slightly. She slowly rubbed up and down, "So, Charlie, do you want to talk or get to the action?"
Charlie immediately responded, "L-let's just talk. I'd like to talk."
"Okay, what would you like to talk about?"
Charlie slowly started talking about himself. He explained what he did, where he lived where he grew up. Annabelle found herself bored but pretending to be interested. His stuttering and nervous glances made it difficult to take him seriously. After a few minutes, Charlie started to open up a bit as he grew more comfortable with his Annabelle. His body language grew less nervous and he was making eye contact more. His expression was excited and happy as he talked about his contact with Darius, his co-workers and his favorite television shows. Charlie's body language wasn't the only one to change, though. Annabelle found herself laughing not because she had to but because she genuinely started enjoying Charlie's company. Once you get passed his nervous, pathetic exterior, there was a great guy. Before Annabelle's eyes, Charlie became a fun conversationalist as his information became more and more personal. He talked about his sexual history, his dreams and ambitions. He described his feeling about his life and where he wanted to go and what he wanted to do.
After a bit more time, Charlie started asking Annabelle questions about herself. How she had gotten here, how she knew Darius. She found herself crafting believable lies to explain everything about herself. She was a working single mother who was just trying to get by. She met Darius and found him to be nice enough. Darius offered cash to 'entertain' clients and she would do anything for her kids. Charlie smiled warmly as he listened, his body language and follow-up questions showed he truly heard her. It was nice to be listened to, Annabelle felt like it had been ages since somebody sympathized with her, even if it wasn't a real story. He rained compliments onto her. He commented on her pretty eyes, dress, hair and even her smile. It gave Annabelle a warm, happy feeling. Throughout the conversation, the pair kept the same distance apart, neither moved towards the other. It made Annabelle feel at-ease, Charlie clearly wasn't interested in just sex.
Towards the end of their talk, while the pair were laughing at an observation made by Charlie, he asked her with confidence, "So, Annabelle, how much of your story is true? Be honest with me."
Annabelle looked into his kind, honest eyes and responded with a hollow tone, "None of it. I'm sorry, I just can't tell you the truth."
Charlie moved and knelt down in front of her, meeting her at eye level. He stared into her big, baby blues, "Please, Annabelle. I want to know the real you."
She hesitated but sighed as she responded, "Okay, but I don't know the exact details myself."
She proceeded to explain everything to Charlie. She told him about the game show, what she remembered about the rounds and her past. How she never knew which thoughts and memories were real or not. She lit up a cigarette as she explained the other contestants, her pregnancy and everything in between. For the duration, Charlie listened intently. He didn't ask a single question as the words continued to flow. It was therapeutic to her, bouncing her situation against somebody who listened. When she finished, Annabelle looked at a staring Charlie.
His eyebrows were raised as he skeptically asked, "So none of this is real. This is all a computer program by some crazy doctor?"
"Well...yeah kind of."
Charlie stood up and stepped towards the door. Annabelle stood and watched him as he stopped. His wide body and wrinkled face turned back towards her.
"So you're telling me that my whole life and everything I told you about just now isn't real and didn't happen? You're telling me this world revolves around you?" His voice was raising slightly.
"P-please calm down, Charlie, I didn't mean to upset you. You asked me and I-"
"And what?" Charlie interrupted, "I thought you were a normal, beautiful young woman; and we were getting along great! But, it turns out you're a goddamn loon!"
Tears began welling up in Annabelle's eyes as she began walking towards Charlie, "I'm sorry, Charlie, I didn't mean to up-"
"Darius, that asshole, he owes me my money back! After all the money I've given him, he promises me a good time and sets me up with some crack-pot mental patient!"
It wasn't the fact that Charlie was probably just another NPC, but Annabelle felt like her only ally was turning away from her, the only person that listened or seemed to care. "Please don't say that! I'm sorry!"
Annabelle reached for Charlie as he walked towards the entrance. She grabbed his arm and he pushed her hand away angrily. "Don't touch me! And to think I opened up to you. Are you heading back to the floating shadow place now? You going to float for awhile, you crazy bitch?"
Annabelle just sobbed as Charlie turned again towards the door and slammed it shut, leaving Annabelle alone in the lonely hotel room to cry her eyes out. She had never felt so abandoned.
It didn't take long for Darius to burst through the door with an angry scowl on his face. He stomped towards Annabelle whose sobs of sadness turned to fear as she stumbled back towards the window. She pressed her back against the glass and whimpered as Darius aggressively got into her face. He was much bigger in size and mass.
His breathing was fast as he growled into her face, "What the fuck happened!?"
He squeezed Annabelle's upper arm very hard. She winced in pain as hot tears rolled down her cheeks. She averted her gaze and managed to sputter out, "I-I tried to b-be nice to him..."
Darius angrily mocked her voice with a false high pitch, "I tried to be nice to him." He grabbed her other upper arm and squeezed it hard. He shook her a few times. She was completely overpowered and afraid to fight back. Her head and shoulders shot back and forth. The back of her head collided with the glass releasing a loud *THUD*.
Annabelle cried out in pain as Darius turned her and threw her to the ground. Annabelle landed in a heap and curled into a ball. She wished, desperately, that he was finished. Her head was pounding in pain and her upper arms tingled.
He stood over a quivering Annabelle and shouted, "How could you lose one of my best customers!?" He paused for a second and turned, kicking the wooden leg of the nearby coffee table. The leg collapsed and broke with a splitting sound. "Now look what you made me do! You're such a dumb bitch! You owe me big time now! I obviously overestimated the amount to spend on your clients. I let you live in luxury! Oh, don't worry, that privilege is gonna end!"
Darius crouched down over Annabelle who pulled herself in a bit tighter, still sobbing. He wrapped his hand around her chin, holding her face tight. He forcibly turned her sobbing face towards his. "I think a change is in order. You need to look the part if you're going to act it! And there's no better way to look like a whore than to have makeup like a whore!"
Annabelle's face curled in fear as Darius sneered. "Let's start with your pretty eyes. Pretty alright. Pretty average. I know just the thing to make them much more bold!"
Annabelle felt a tingle as thick black eyeliner surrounded her eyes. A smoky, dark blue eye shadow covered her eyelids and false lashed applied themselves and cemented into place.
"Oh, but we aren't done! Look at those dick suckers. They would look a lot better with some more layers!"
Annabelle's lips tingled as a bright red, liquid lipstick applied itself. It gave her lips a constant 'wet' look, like she's always ready to slide something right in. It also made the lips appear slightly larger.
"These round cheeks need a splash of color, don't you think?"
Her cheeks tingled as an extra layer of pinkish blush was applied.
"And this hair, not befitting a cheap whore like yourself! Let's cheapen it, just like before."
Annabelle's hair faded and curled a bit. It lost its natural shine and silkiness, becoming brittle and fake. Dark roots crept in and her hair, once again, took on a cheap, low quality look.
Darius smiled and ripped Annabelle off the ground, dragging her to the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror. Staring back was a hysterical looking woman with a whorish amount of makeup on. Her lashes were incredibly long and thick, her eyes were bloodshot from crying. Her eyes still had a doe-like innocence. The blue eye shadow made her eyes look constantly half-lidded, as if she was giving somebody a sexy look all the time. Her lips looked wet and thick. They were slightly agape and looked ready to be filled. Her cheeks had an extra splash of color that accented her feminine facial lines and overall made her look girly. Her face looked impossibly feminine, besides her large ears and thick brow. Her cheap hair completed the look. The woman in the mirror looked like a common whore. Not just a common whore, a desperate common whore. Her arms had bruises where she had been manhandled.
Darius looked at her in the mirror. He growled and grabbed the back of her neck which made her stiffen, "Now look in the mirror and tell me you're my whore."
Annabelle looked at herself in the mirror. She looked at the whore in the mirror. "I-I'm your whore."
Darius screamed into Annabelle's ear, causing her to jump, "Don't you ever forget it!"
He released Annabelle's neck and stormed out of the bathroom. He slammed the door shut and the scene began to collapse. Annabelle's ear was ringing for a few seconds. She took one last look at herself in the mirror. She pulled out a cigarette and puffed it. At least the makeup didn't run. It was crazy how the cigarette and gap in her teeth added to the 'desperate whore' look. She wiped her tears away and welcomed the void.
NAME: Annabelle Lauren Johnson
AGE: 20
IQ: 83
SEX / PHYSIOLOGY: Biologically female with XX chromosomes and fully female genitalia. Body produces above average levels of female hormones. Unusually fertile.
PREGNANCY: First trimester. Seven weeks along.
HAIR: Long, cheap, brittle and faded looking flax blonde dye job with dark roots showing through. Hanging loosely down the back.
VOICE: Super high-pitched, seductive and breathy. Simple vocabulary.
FACIAL HAIR: None. Smooth and unable to grow hair of any kind.
EYES: Large doe eyed deep-ocean blue, nervous gaze, long, fake eyelashes and thick dark eyeliner. Smokey, dark blue eye shadow causing the eyes to look constantly half lidded.
FACIAL FEATURES: Rounded jaw with thin chin, high rounded cheekbones, LARGE EARS, delicate, slightly upturned nose, HEAVY BROW, Thin smooth neck, Thick, wet, red painted, protruding lips in a constant pout, WIDE FOREHEAD, layered pink blush covering cheeks and accenting their feminine shape. Average looking, yellow stained smile, slightly crooked with a gap between the two front teeth. Makeup is permanent.
BUILD: Hairless and small feminine torso; thin, hairless arms and legs with little muscle; huge breasts and weak shoulders ; Fat jiggling ass that sticks our provocatively; Wide, flared out, feminine birthing hips; tiny tight stomach cinched in sexily. Thin milky thighs
CHEST: Huge G cup breasts. Thick and veinous, dark pink feminine nipples. Over-active mammary glands.
EXTREMITIES: Thin, delicate, soft hands with long french tipped nails extending about an inch past the finger; Smooth, hairless, delicate, women's size 5 feet with slightly shiny, red painted, longer nails. Reformed feet, requiring a minimum of 5 inch high heels.
GENITALS: Wide, deep, hairless, puffy, used vagina which can accommodate even the most well endowed.
TATTOOS: Black spade with a "Q" on the inside tattooed just above the vagina. Flowery black tramp stamp in a pseudo arrow pointing towards her ass with the word SLUT in bold letters just above it. The word SLAVE is tattooed in black on the back of her right shoulder.
PIERCINGS: Medium sized golden hoops in earlobes and a silver stud just above the belly button. Silver stud clit piercing. Silver nipple studs which keep the nipples constantly erect.
OUTFIT: High quality, green dress down to the knees. Dark tights and comfortable white panties. Supportive white bra and five inch shiny black heels. Diamond necklace and golden bracelets.
SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Is attracted exclusively to men. Prefers to be submissive in sexual encounters. Specifically attracted to black men. Very high libido. Enjoys having cum on and in her body and being humiliated sexually. Likes being locked in light bondage. Prefers vaginal sex. Prefers big penises and doesn't get much sexually out of anything less than six or seven inches.
PERSONALITY: Submissive, self-conscious, follower, un-willing to take chances, Weak-willed, Lazy especially when it comes to household chores, Doesn't mind a mess or living in squalor, Difficulty controlling emotions, very prone to fits of anger, mania or depression. Is annoyed easily. Often considered 'Bitchy'. Doesn't care much for the rule of law. Has an extensive criminal history including drug, theft and prostitution charges. Has difficulty trusting others and often displays obsessive jealousy in relationships. Not very smart, has trouble learning. Doesn't know how to drive and is afraid to get behind the wheel. Acts naturally girly including standing, sitting, walking, and holding things. Loves having long nails, is very protective of them. Loves sex and is overtly promiscuous with almost every man encountered. Has no issue with cheating on somebody in a relationship as long as she doesn't get caught.
FAVORITE COLOR: Pastel pink.
EXPERTISE: Vaginal sex, Nascar driver's car numbers, taking care of small children, celebrity gossip, effective strategies to sell the body for sex, Sucking dick