Bonus Round 10
[b]*Round Fifty*[/b]
Anna appeared on a dark street corner. The hustle and bustle of Rome had grinded to a quiet halt. It was dark, the half moon shed a modicum of light down on the city; casting shadows along the walls. Anna shivered, a cool breeze blew across the deserted street. She warily looked up and down the road, waiting for something to happen.
Her outfit was the same except the once solid red top was now white and sheer. Her six inch red heels were now white. Her thick nipples hardened in the breeze and her breasts remained open and proudly jiggled on her chest. Her deep lower lips were visible in the right light due to the new material. Anna took the pink package of camel's out from under her top and lit one. She took a few wistful drags as she contemplated the last few rounds. She looked down at the cigarette clutched between her fingers. The moonlight surrounded her engagement band which still remained on her ring finger. She thought of her betrothed, Anthony, whom she hadn't seen in awhile. Did she...miss him?
While lost in thought, Anna felt a gloved hand on her shoulder as she was spun around, nearly losing her balance. Before her stood a giant man heavily cloaked in all black. Anna was wide eyed and frozen in fear with her mouth agape, the cigarette falling to the floor. The towering figure stared down at her.
"You Johannson?" His voice was a hoarse whisper.
Anna just stared with wide eyes, unable to respond.
"Well answer me, girl, are you Johannson?" His voice had a bit more urgency in it. He waited for a few seconds before adding, "We don't have time for this, come with me."
He grabbed Anna's thin arm with an iron grip and began pulling her down the dark road. His stride was broken with a noticeable limp as he manhandled Anna. The man looked around furiously as they walked, though seemingly nobody was around. After about a minute of pulling, the man stopped in front of a large wooden door. He released Anna's arm which stung horribly. Anna rubbed her throbbing arm and looked up at the man who was fishing through his pocket. She didn't know what to make of him but stayed where she was figuring this must be the activity for the round. The man procured a large metal key and entered it into the door. With a heavy *click* the lock opened and the man swung the door inward. Anna stared at the opening which was pitch blackness.
"Well, go on." The man urged. When Anna didn't move, the man grunted in frustration and put his hand behind her shoulders and, with a powerful shove, forced her through the threshold where she was swallowed by the darkness.
She could feel and hear her breathing quickening as she stood perfectly still. The moonlight from the street outside seemed like sunlight compared to the interior. The dark figure stomped through the doorway and swung the creaking wooden door shut behind him, sealing the room. It closed with a dull *thud*. The pair stood in silence for a minute or so. His deep, slow breaths were opposite of Anna's which were quick and shallow.
Suddenly, Anna heard something at the door. The man held his breath and she did the same. The soft click of tumbler's falling away sounded. The door creaked open and standing with the moonlight at his back was the bulky frame of Anthony.
Anna instantly felt safe and secure, knowing Anthony wouldn't let anything bad happen to her. Anthony entered and closed the door behind him. He clicked a lighter and cast shadows across the walls. Anna watched as he brought the lighter to a torch on the wall. It caught almost immediately and provided significantly more light. The room was very small. A tiny sleeping bag sat in the corner next to a bucket of water and a sturdy looking table. The room had no windows and only one door. The thick wooden door seemed extremely unnecessary for a room of this size.
Anthony turned his gaze to Anna and smiled widely. He wore a white silken toga with purple and gold accents. He looked like powerful royalty or some esteemed foreign dignitary.
His kept his deep voice low as he jokingly whispered, "Damn bitch, you looking good."
Anna ran her hand through her cheap blonde hair and acted demure.
Anthony walked close to her and grabbed her left hand, bringing it up to his lips and kissing it. He looked at the ring with reverence until he gently tugged it off her finger. Anna didn't understand what was happening as Anthony stuffed the ring somewhere in his toga. He looked down at her and analyzed the confused expression.
He reached down and cupped her hanging breasts, one in each hand before whispering, "Don't worry, ho, you'll get yo bling back before long. We have us a mission first. I expect you to be on yo best behavior." He rubbed each boob which filled his large hands well.
Anna listened to him like she was hypnotized, the man handling of her tits was making her feel hot. As he rubbed each breast and occasionally squeezed, she clenched her thin thighs together; her hungry vagina was beginning to moisten. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling as he continued to rub along her pendulous chest. She let out a yelp as he flicked her hard nipple, sending a jolt to her increasingly wet pussy.
As Anna began moving her hand toward her clit the unknown man whispered harshly, "There is hardly time for this, Anthony, we have to get moving now."
Much to Anna's dismay, Anthony removed his hands and nodded his head in agreement; his smile suddenly vanishing. She gave a slight pout as her feeling of heightened arousal tingled across her body. Her nipples especially tingled, they wanted to be touched.
Anna focused on slowing her breathing as the man spoke, "Put these on."
The man pulled a brown sack from beneath his heavy coat and held it out to Anna. She carefully took it and opened it. She could hardly see inside so she reached in and pulled each item out one at a time. Anthony went to the other side of the room and lit another torch, helping to further illuminate the items. Inside were several golden bands, a golden metal collar with a silver ring on it, a bottle of black liquid and a long leather leash.
Anna looked at the items with another look of confusion. She whispered, "What are these, what's going on?"
The man responded quickly and quietly, "Put on the gold bands while I explain it. Half are anklets and the other go on your arms." The man sorted them into two piles. Anna began sliding the bands into place as he talked, "Tonight you will be infiltrating a This party will be host to many powerful men in this city. One in particular, a former gladiator, is hosting it. This man is incredibly dangerous and he owes the arena a lot of money. He knows everybody in the city which is why I need you and Anthony to go as a foreigner and his...consort."
Anna had finished putting the bands in place, they jingled lightly as she moved her arms and legs. The man opened the golden collar with a silver ring on it. He held it just in front of Anna's neck. It was a four inch golden metal posture collar. Anna hesitated as she warily eyed it.
Anthony put his hands on Anna shoulders as he said, "Don't worry, i'll be in control all night. I promise you it's gon' be okay."
Anna gulped and walked forward into the collar which the man closed around her smooth neck. With a *click* it locked into place. It squeezed her ever so slightly. She could not move her neck very easily and trying to do it too much would cut off her air. It was much more comfortable to keep her head straight up and down. The bondage was making it difficult to continue de-escalating her arousal. For some reason, it felt sexy to her. She had never really been into bondage, but apparently that had changed.
The man continued, "Now, Anna, all you need to do is go with the flow. You're just there to help Anthony get in and keep his cover. He has all the heavy lifting to do. Just stay quiet and play the part." The man picked up the bottle of black ink. "Now, I can't force you to do this, but without a slave tattoo it'll be tougher to sell that you're really what you say you are."
"W-what kind of party is this?" Anna muttered.
Anthony put his hands on Anna's shoulders again as he whispered into her ear, "Look, babe, it'll be a fun little role play for us. Nothing is gonna hurt you. I'll be there the whole time. Just think of it like a sexy adventure."
She felt an immense pressure to agree. "O-okay...uh yeah that's okay."
The man let out an affirmative grunt and the black liquid in the tiny bottle began to disappear. It looked like it was draining but there was nowhere for it to go! Anna felt a sharp stinging, burning pain on her upper back, near the shoulder. It lasted until the last drops of black liquid were gone from the bottle. She attempted to look at the tattoo but couldn't move her neck enough to get a look. Anthony produced a small mirror and positioned it perfectly so Anna could see her new ink just above her right shoulder blade. As she expected, in bold letters was the word 'SERVUS' marking her as a slave. Anna fumbled with her cigarette's before pulling one out and using the torch to light it. She took a deep drag which calmed her instantly.
"Damn, bitch, you smokin' cigs now? That's sexy." Anthony chortled.
Anna flashed a nervous little smile as she continued to smoke. They sat around for a few minutes, allowing Anna to finish. Once she threw the butt to the floor, Anthony walked next to her and attached the black leather leash to the ring on the collar. He locked eyes with Anna for a few seconds, the dancing light from the fire illuminated her giant blue eyes. He walked to the entrance with leash in hand, Anna followed just behind him.
While standing in front of the closed doorway, Anthony pulled Anna into a hug and whispered, "I love you."
Anna pressed her breasts against Anthony as she responded without thinking, "I love you too."
Anthony released her and pulled the door open. As the pair walked into the moonlight, the man muttered, "Make the right choice, Anna." The door shut behind them with a click and they began walking down the road.
Anthony moved at a pretty quick pace but stayed completely silent. The only sound was Anna's jingling golden bands and the click of her heels. She had to take several steps for each of Anthony's powerful strides. Her bosom swayed and jiggled through her sheer white outfit and she struggled to keep up. Once Anna had fallen a bit too far behind, Anthony tugged on the leash, dragging her forward.
"H-hey be gentle, i'm trying to keep up." Anna whispered gently.
"Shut up whore. You're property and don't speak." Anthony's voice sounded different. It was harsh and coarse.
She was slightly taken aback and felt a fearful pit in her stomach. He pulled on her leash a bit harder as they continued into the dark. The rest of the short journey was in silence. Anthony came to a stop across the road from a large marble mansion. It was well lit and there were guards stationed all over the place. Also about were groups of men clad in a similar fashion to Anthony, long silky robes. The chatted among themselves and eyed Anna lustfully as they passed. Anna averted her gaze and remained close to Anthony.
He turned her to face him, she kept her eyes on the ground. He spoke in a shouting, commanding voice, "You don't meet anybody's gaze and do everything you're told. You are a slave whore and will act and be treated as such. Am I clear?"
All the men in the surrounding area had stopped to watch what was happening. Several men smiled and nodded in approval to Anthony's words.
Anna felt so small and meek as she responded, "Yes, master."
As Anthony pulled her leash forward, Anna saw another girl walking next to a man with her head down. The girl was completely nude except for her collar and jingling bands on her arms and legs. She was covered in bruises and cuts. She had the same tattoo as Anna on her shoulder and a blonde wig. Her dark hair was visible beneath the wig which had fallen off slightly. She looked as though she had just been 'disciplined'. She had a thin figure and small breasts. She was not being led on a leash but stayed very close to her master. She looked absolutely terrified.
Another girl walked by, well, crawled by. She was on all fours, covered in dirt and grime. She wore a tattered, soiled, yellow dress and yellow heels. She had a bulkier frame and medium breasts. Her slave tattoo was across her forhead. The man walking next to her, who dragged her along with a leash, was making small talk with other men; laughing and joking. Her hair was short and blonde. It had been smeared in mud. She struggled mightily to remain close to her nonchalant master.
Anna mostly kept her eyes down, but there were multiple examples just like those all over the place. Anthony pulled Anna through the people and towards the mansion.
They approached the huge wooden door flanked by multiple armored guards. As they neared, one of the guardsman stepped forward to meet Anthony. The man wore a hardened, blank expression and approached with an outstretched hand. Anthony took it and the men shook hands.
The guard spoke with confidence, "Good evening, Sir. To whom am I speaking?"
Without skipping a beat Anthony responded, "I am Antonius Paelius of Carthage. I come bearing tidings from my father Coryn Paelius of Carthage. Perhaps you have heard of him?"
The guard recoiled slightly before snapping his fingers. "Men, see to it that this gentleman's needs are taken care of." The man paused before quickly analyzing Anna who stared silently at his feet. "Also see to it that his property is properly checked in."
A group of similarly clad soldiers stepped forward. Anthony relinquished control of Anna's leash to one of them. Anthony stepped towards the door which had been opened, the first guard was smiling widely as he offered to give Anthony a tour.
Before entering the door, Anthony turned and spoke to the guards taking control of Anna. His voice was very commanding, "This slave is a virgin. Her value is tied to that status. I expect it to remain that way. Should I find that status interrupted I will be most displeased. You will find that when I am displeased, people that have wronged me tend to find themselves in uncomfortable situations. Am I clear?"
The man holding Anna's leash hesitated before answering in a shaky voice, "Y-yes sir, crystal clear."
Anthony appeared satisfied and turned around. Anna was hoping he would give her a reassuring glance or smile or something but he just turned and walked through the threshold. As Anna watched the door close, she found herself being pulled towards the side of the estate. There were three guards escorting her. One pulled roughly on the leash, sending Anna into different directions. He laughed while she struggled to stay on her feet. The front most guard stopped and turned to look at the group. He had a collection of deep scars across his face and beady dark eyes. They were still in front of the mansion with activity of all sorts going on around them.
"We gotta fuck this slave. She's got an ugly face but damn if them tits aren't hypnotic. And that little sheer white outfit, I just have to have a piece."
The guard holding her leash spoke next, his voice was gravelly, "Did you even hear what her owner said? That guy wasn't fucking around. I like living thank you very much."
The scarred man responded, "He said don't take her virginity, that's okay I don't need that. She got a mouth and ass don't she? Just haven't had a good place to dump my cum in awhile. He knew that she was gonna get down and dirty by bringing her here. How about you, Matthias, how long has it been for you?"
The rear guard looked Anna over for a second before responding with a calm voice, "It's been months for me. I could use a nice lay."
"Exactly!" The scarred man exclaimed, "We'll all get our rocks off then bring her in for processing. I've got a huge wad with her name on it."
Anna felt completely powerless. Being led by a leash in her tiny, frail body almost fully exposed, seen by all as a lowly slave. As the guards continued arguing about whether or not to fuck her, she felt a heat rising from between her legs. Having somebody else control her body was a disturbing new fantasy of hers.
She tuned back into hear the scarred man say, "Alright it's decided. Matthias gets her ass, Tobias gets her boobs and I get her mouth. Matthias, you better stay away from the pink or we'll all be in trouble."
The other men nodded in agreement and they all turned their attention to Anna. Their expressions were those of hungry wolves with Anna as the injured doe.
"Get on your back, girl."
Anna looked around the yard. There were still groups of people filling the small area, enjoying the night. She obeyed the command and lay on the cold stone street. She held her thin legs together and covered her breasts with her arms. She stared up at the dark sky which seemed to swirl.
She heard the men disrobing but continued to stare up. A few seconds of stillness passed before they pounced on her, all at once.
The calm rear guard, Matthias knelt down in front of her closed legs and grabbed her knees with each hand. He slowly opened her legs, exposing her womanhood. The musk of female wetness and arousal emanated from her snatch as he started rubbing her. The stimulation lead to further lubrication. He used his fingers to transfer the natural lube from her vagina to her asshole. Her butt cheeks were fairly flat which gave him easy access. He pushed her legs up and spread her wide as he continued lubing her up. He worked his soaking finger in and out coating her insides. The finger felt so tight, but she quickly found herself opening up and stretching out as he continued. Before long, Matthias scooted himself forward until his exposed five inch penis was pressing on her lubed asshole. Matthias spat on his hand and rubbed it along his uncircumcised cock. He grabbed her legs and slowly pushed his way into her. It was uncomfortable, at first, as he stretched her out. After about a minute of pain, however, Matthias began to pump back and forth. It was an incredibly alien feeling but also a good one as he continued to fill her up. Her pussy gushed, dripping down and further coating his cock which pistoned in and out at an increased pace.
Meanwhile, Tobias mounted Anna and plopped himself right on her stomach. His six inch uncircumcised penis hung just in front of her boobs. He grabbed Anna's exposed breasts with rough fingers and began squeezing them. He worked her nipples before finally bending over and using his tongue to lick them. He took her hardening nips in his mouth, sucking on them harshly and greedily. It was incredibly arousing to Anna as she felt her body heating up. Tobias felt Anna's legs open behind him as he continued using his tongue to lube up Anna's breasts. He spit on his hand and rubbed his cock, coating it with saliva. He placed his penis between Anna's breasts and grabbed onto them, squeezing them together and creating a tunnel for his dick. He began sliding himself in and out, the saliva lubrication helping him along. He developed a rhythm as he pumped in and out. He pinched Anna's thick, pointed nipples as he continued the tit fuck.
Meanwhile, the scarred man was standing above Anna, pumping his giant penis. He held eight inches of uncircumcised meat, easily. As the other two began their work on Anna, he just stood over her and pumped himself. Her body was responding to the other men, but her eyes watched the scarred man. As Anna felt her ass being explored, the scarred man made a move. He put his legs on either side of Anna's head and knelt down, his giant penis was touching her thick lips. She opened her lips and let out a moan as Tobias bit her nipple. The scarred man took the opportunity to push his cock into her open mouth. Anna could smell his dirty cock. It tasted like sweat and stale cum. He tried to push his penis deeper, but the way she was laying made it impossible for her to take it further. He bucked his hips back and forth, only able to fit four or so inches in at a time. Anna reached her hands up and rubbed the part of the shaft that could not make it in. The scarred man released a slight moan as he collected Anna's wild hair into a tangled web and clenched it tightly. His other hand gripped the leash. He stared down at Anna and locked eyes with her, he was in complete control. She swirled her tongue inside the skin surrounding his cock head before continuing to the head itself.
As the men continued their activity, a crowd of spectators had formed to watch the slave get fucked. Some of them decided to start touching themselves. They formed a circle around the guards who focused on their activity.
Matthias released a grunt as he slid in and out of her tight asshole at a fast pace. Anna's initial feelings of pain and discomfort had completely melted away and were replaced with the satisfaction of being filled. Her legs were quivering and her hungry pussy tingled, it wanted to be filled too. It absolutely gushed with sticky female come.
Tobias's saliva lube had started to dry but he continued rubbing her tit flesh across his cock just the same. He had closed his eyes and bit his lip, his orgasm was nearing. His breath quickened as he bucked his hips even faster.
The scarred man grunted as Anna pumped her head as far as the posture collar would allow. He pulled on the leash, lifting Anna's head off the ground while rubbing her hair across the floor, coating it in mud. She worked his dick with her mouth and hands and knew his orgasm was approaching.
Almost all at once, the three men let out a cry as they pumped their seed into or onto Anna. Matthias unloaded into her ass before pulling himself out. Tobias sprayed giant ropes of spunk just below her neck and on her chest and breasts. The scarred man held his cock in her mouth as he began ejaculating. Anna almost suffocated on cock as he pulled it out and unloaded a few ropes on her face. She swallowed the salty discharge and breathed heavily as he slipped his cock out. The men stood up and left Anna dripping on the ground. Her asshole had begun leaking, forming a small puddle on the ground. Anna became frustrated as the men stood up, if they were going to nut on her at least let her finish too! Each guard dropped a rose onto her as they stood. It was incredibly confusing to Anna.
She looked around at the circle of men continuing to touch themselves. They had hungry looks in their eyes. The guards were smiling and talked quietly to one another while they dressed. The scarred man looked at the circle and announced, "Everything expect her vagina is fair game. Virgin lads, you understand, her master is expecting to sell that."
That was all the invitation the noble men needed to start the process again.
For the next thirty minutes Anna was fucked every which way. Degraded, humiliated and used. She was just a meat sleeve to these men. Her quivering pussy longed to be filled but it was not. No matter how much the men abused her asshole or tweaked her nipples, she just couldn't get off. She was almost delirious with her level of arousal, begging somebody to enter her pussy and give her an orgasm. Once the men were finished she had taken almost ten cum shots in total. Her chest, stomach and face were coated in semen. Her sheer outfit was soiled and dirty. Her filthy hair had taken a load and glistened with cum. Her throbbing asshole was gaping and leaking a puddle. Her breaths were still coming in haggard. She wanted to cry she was so horny. Each man that came in or on her dropped a rose onto her before they departed.
"Get up, Anna." Anna looked up and saw a familiar face.
"P-please fuck my pussy. Please!" Anna begged.
The huge, bearded man reached down and collected the roses into a bundle before lifting a sticky Anna to her feet. Her body felt sore and abused but she didn't care about that right now.
"I'm sure you'll get your wish soon, Anna. You have to come with me first." His voice was deep and, again, familiar.
He handed Anna the flowers and pulled her by the leash towards the mansion door. She followed him in a delirious state, leaving drops of semen down the road as she followed. Her filthy, matted cheap blonde hair stuck to her while her sticky breasts swayed through the holes in her sheer white outfit. The area was completely deserted. No guards, no slaves, no nobles. It was eerily quiet.
The man wore a black suit and had to be around 6"6. He pushed open the thick wooden door and inside appeared to be a church of some kind. There was seating on either side of the aisle though they were empty. In front of the seats was a widely smiling Doctor Grungot wearing a white robe and an excited looking Anthony who wore a black suit. To the left of Doctor Grungot was even more familiar faces. Helena, Danielle, Avery and Cindi were in a line wearing pink dresses. Cinid looked excited as Anna walked in. Danielle, who had a huge baby bump, looked shocked and appalled at Anna's appearance. Avery had a similar reaction to Danielle while Helena just laughed hysterically. To Doctor Grungot's right stood Liam, Stan and a tiny S.A.M. who had on a little black suit. Stan had no expression, while Liam looked sedated.
Doctor Grungot pointed to the ceiling and 'Here comes the bride' began to play. Anna clutched her bundle of flowers and looked down at her sheer white outfit. The familiar looking man grabbed Anna's leash and began pulling her down the aisle. Anna knew something was wrong with her as she followed on shaky legs. Her incredible arousal had not gone away, she was losing her mind. Her vision shifted to a smiling Anthony whose dark skin shone in the light. He looked like a sexy angel and Anna almost ran to him as she continued down the aisle.
When she was close to reaching him, she was halted by the familiar man who stopped and spoke to her over the sound of the song. His voice was deep, "Is this what you want, Anna?"
Anna nodded her head and pulled the leash out of his hand in frustration. She strutted up to Anthony and handed him the leash. He took it with a grin. The man seemed to disappear from view.
"A-are you going to fuck me?" Anna asked shakily.
"Yes, my little slut. Soon, just give it a few minutes."
Doctor Grungot began to speak but Anna was not listening. She was focused solely on keeping her head together. She grinded her thin legs and bit her lip as Grungot continued.
"I do." Anthony's voice rang out.
Anna's senses returned to her briefly as Doctor Grungot faced her and stared her down. He asked in his nasily voice, "And do you, Anna Johannson, take Anthony to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
Anna stared at Doctor Grungot. The room felt like it had closed in on her as her mind processed what was being asked. Doctor Grungot's stare was intense so she looked to Anthony who also cast her an intimidating stare. As she stood, contemplating the question, a tsunami of arousal crashed into her and she nearly fell over. She released a little screech. She needed to be filled NOW.
"Yes, yes goddamnit now stick that cock in me!"
"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."
Anthony pulled the leash lurching Annabelle forward and into his face. He gave her a disgusted look and a peck on the cheek. He pulled Annabelle's ring from his pocket and stuck it on her finger. As soon as the ring was attached, Annabelle felt her arousal lessening. After a few seconds she felt almost back to normal. She felt sore, sticky and dirty.
"Damn, ho, you a nasty lil' skank." Anthony laughed as he looked her over. "But now you my lil' skank."
"Noooooo!" Liam let out a long scream.
Liam swayed side to side and breathed heavily as the sound echoed through the room.
"No! No! No!" His red face was twisted into a confused haze.
Doctor Grungot shot Liam a disaproving look as he muttered, "Sleep, Mr. Gentry."
Liam's head fell back and he fell asleep standing up.
Doctor Grungot spoke again, "Well, Mrs. Johnson, I'm excited to say your friends here all have wedding gifts for you! We'll start on my right."
Cindi spoke in her breathy high pitch, "I'm so happy for you, Annabelle! I think I know just the gift for you two. I'll give you my big ol' shelf ass. I know Anthony likes a big caboose and it'll look so good on you!"
Annabelle felt a tingle in her rear as it slowly started to inflate. She put her dainty hands on it as it ballooned bigger and bigger. It was borderline ridiculous when it finally stopped. It was an absolute shelf. It stuck out provocatively and complimented her wide hips very well. Anthony reached over and gave her meaty rear a smack, it jiggled for a few seconds, dripping a glob of semen as it did.
Cindi's ass deflated in response. Her flat curves and ass looked manly. She had thick thighs but her lack of feminine curves went a long way to make her plain and downright ugly.
"Thank you Cin, you was always generous." Anthony said.
Avery spoke in her sophisticated voice, "I am so happy to finally meet you in person, Dear. I am happy to see you have such a loving husband. I'm sure he'll take care of you well. With that being said, I don't think it's necessary for you to have a drivers license anymore, do you? I'll take your experience and knowledge of driving and give you my dependence on others for transportation and fear of driving myself. That'll be a great way to bond, don't you think?"
Annabelle's head tingled for a second. She lost all her knowledge about driving a vehicle. the idea of getting behind the wheel was frightening. It would be much better to just let Anthony take care of all that.
"Thank you, Avery, and yes, he will take care of me." Annabelle blurted without thinking.
Danielle held her hands behind her back as she struggled to hold her stomach up. She started with a confident tone, "I'm having twins, you know. You probably think i'm going to give you this baby bump. I would have a few months ago but now...being a mother wouldn't be so bad." She paused for a second and smiled down at her big belly, "But I sure as hell don't want any more. I'm giving you my abnormally high fertility in the hopes that you, too, can have a bundle of joy before long."
Annabelle let out a little gasp as her lower stomach burned. She figured her ovaries were being overclocked with fertility hormones. When it stopped Annabelle didn't feel all that different.
"Thanks, Danielle, we hopin' to get pregnant on the honeymoon." Anthony proudly said. Annabelle shot him a nervous smile.
Helena spoke next and stated plainly, "I think you would look sexier with some nice nipple studs."
Annabelle felt a sting as her nipples became hard and were swiftly pierced. She looked down at her sticky, swinging breasts which now had silver bar studs in them.
"Ow." Annabelle remarked.
Doctor Grungot turned to look at Liam who awoke with a start. He looked around the room in confusion before blinking a few times and resting his eyes on Annabelle.
His eyes looked clouded and he seemed distant as he spoke, "I-i'm tired of taking hormone blockers and supplements. We'll swap those."
Annabelle felt itchy all over as her bodies hormonal goals were re-written. She didn't feel any different but the low amount of testosterone her ovaries were creating decreased even further while her estrogen levels increased.
Doctor Grungot looked at Stan who just shrugged and said in his androgynous voice, "Just happy to be here boss."
Doctor Grungot rolled his eyes and spoke to Annabelle, "Well, Mrs. Johnson, i'm so happy to see your happily ever after forming before our eyes! But we're only at the halfway point! Isn't that exciting?"
Annabelle pulled a cigarette out and lit it, taking a huge drag as the scene began to collapse. She didn't bother looking up, just happy for this round to be over. She examined the glistening ring on her left hand as she was plunged into darkness.
NAME: Annabelle Lauren Johnson
AGE: 20
IQ: 89
SEX / PHYSIOLOGY: Biologically female with XX chromosomes and fully female genitalia. Body produces above average levels of female hormones. Unusually fertile.
HAIR: Long, cheap looking flax blonde dye job with dark roots showing through. Hangs loosely on the shoulders and down the back.
VOICE: High pitched, shy and soft.
FACIAL HAIR: None. Smooth and unable to grow hair of any kind.
EYES: Large doe eyed deep-ocean blue, nervous gaze, long eyelashes and dark eyeliner.
FACIAL FEATURES: Rounded jaw with thin chin, high rounded cheekbones, LARGE EARS, WIDE NOSE, HEAVY BROW, Thin smooth neck, Thick, red painted, protruding lips in a constant pout, WIDE FOREHEAD, pink blush covering cheeks.
BUILD: Hairless and small feminine torso; thin, hairless arms and legs with little muscle; huge breasts and weak shoulders ; Fat jiggling ass that sticks our provacitively; Wide, flared out, feminine birthing hips; tiny tight stomach cinched in sexily.
CHEST: Huge F cup breasts, large and veinous feminine nipples.
EXTREMITIES: Thin, delicate, soft hands with red painted nails; Smooth, hairless, delicate, women's size 5 feet with slightly shiny, red painted, longer nails. Reformed feet, requiring a minimum of 5 inch high heels.
GENITALS: Wide, deep, hairless, puffy vagina which can accomadate even the most well endowed.
TATTOOS: Black spade with a "Q" on the inside tattoed just above the vagina. Flowery black tramp stamp in a pseudo arrow pointing towards her ass with the word SLUT in bold letters just above it. The word SLAVE is tattooed in black on the back of her right shoulder.
PIERCINGS: Medium sized golden hoops in earlobes and a silver stud just above the belly button. Silver stud clit piercing. Silver nipple studs which keep the nipples constantly erect.
OUTFIT: A silken, white, sheer, backless top which hugs the body tightly going down to just above mid thigh. The top is connected to a white ribbon wrapped around the neck. Two holes are cut into the top allowing the breasts to pop free. No underwear or support of any kind. White six inch heels that fit well. Streaks and globs of semen cling to nearly every part of the outfit. A cheap diamond engagement ring on the left ring finger. A four inch golden posture collar with a silver ring and leather leash attached to the neck. Jingling golven bands on the wrists and ankles.
SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Is attracted exclusively to men. Prefers to be submissive in sexual encounters. Specifically attracted to black men. Very high libido. Enjoys having cum on and in her body and being humiliated sexually. Likes being locked in light bondage.
PERSONALITY: Submissive, self-conscious, follower, un-willing to take chances, Weak-willed, Lazy especially when it comes to household chores, Doesn't mind a mess or living in squalor, Difficulty controlling emotions, very prone to fits of anger, mania or depression. Doesn't care much for the rule of law. Has an extensive criminal history including drug, theft and prostitution charges. Has difficulty trusting others and often displays obsessive jealousy in relationships. Not very smart, has trouble learning. Doesn't know how to drive and is afraid to get behind the wheel.
EXPERTISE: CONSTRUCTION, Nascar driver's car numbers, taking care of small children, celebrity gossip, effective strategies to sell the body for sex, Sucking dick